

单词 legislative body
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔General Court〕A legislative body having judicial powers in colonial New England.地方议会:在新英格兰殖民地的立法机构,有审判权美国传统〔alderman〕Abbr. Ald.A member of the municipal legislative body in a town or city in many jurisdictions.缩写 Ald.市政委员会委员:许多管理区中城市或城镇的市政立法组织成员美国传统〔alderwoman〕A woman who is a member of the municipal legislative body in a town or city in many jurisdictions.市政委员会女委员:许多管辖区内城市或城镇的市政立法组织女性成员美国传统〔bill〕A draft of a proposed law presented for approval to a legislative body.法令:递交立法机构批准的法律草案美国传统〔caucus〕A closed meeting of party members within a legislative body to decide on questions of policy or leadership.秘密会议:立法机构的党派成员决定政策或领导权的不公开会议美国传统〔clerk〕A person who keeps the records and performs the regular business of a court or legislative body.书记员:保管档案记录及从事法庭或立法机关日常事务的人美国传统〔committee of the whole〕The whole membership of a legislative body sitting as a committee to consider the details of a proposal.全体委员会:立法体的全体会员资格,作为考虑提议的细节的委员会而设置美国传统〔congress〕The national legislative body of a nation, especially a republic.立法机关:一个国家的立法机构,尤指共和国美国传统〔congress〕The national legislative body of the United States, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.国会:美国的立法机构,包括参议院和众议院美国传统〔contempt〕Open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body.藐视:对法庭或立法机构的权威有公然不敬或故意违抗行为美国传统〔deputy〕A representative in a legislative body in certain countries.代表:某些国家的立法机构中的代表美国传统〔filibuster〕To use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body.阻挠:在立法机构中采用阻碍策略美国传统〔general assembly〕A legislative body, especially a U.S. state legislature.立法机构:一种立法组织,尤指美国一州之立法机关美国传统〔journal〕An official record of daily proceedings, as of a legislative body.议事录:关于(如立法机构的)日常议程的正式记录美国传统〔junta〕A council or small legislative body in a government, especially in Central or South America.政务审议会:尤指中南美洲国家的政府议会或小型立法机关美国传统〔legislative〕The legislative body of a government; a legislature.立法机关:政府中的立法机构;立法机关美国传统〔legislator〕One that creates or enacts laws, especially a member of a legislative body.立法者,立法机关成员:创建或制定法律的人,尤指立法机关的成员美国传统〔lobby〕A public room next to the assembly chamber of a legislative body.休息室:立法机构集会大厅边上的公共活动室美国传统〔mace〕A ceremonial staff borne or displayed as the symbol of authority of a legislative body.权杖:一种典礼仪式上用的棍棒,佩带或展示出来作为立法机构权力的象征美国传统〔malapportioned〕Characterized by an inappropriate or unfair proportional distribution of representatives to a legislative body.分配不公的:尤指某个立法机构中的代表分配不均或不公平的美国传统〔memorial〕A written statement of facts or a petition presented to a legislative body or an executive.请愿书,抗议书:呈给法律部门或行政部门的书面事实申明或请愿书美国传统〔minority leader〕The head of the minority party in a legislative body.少数党领袖:立法机构中少数党的领袖美国传统〔obstruction〕The act of causing a delay or an attempt to cause a delay in the conduct of business, especially in a legislative body.妨碍议事:在处理事务中造成延缓的行为或意图,尤指在立法机构美国传统〔one-time〕The legislative body had voted to oust the country's onetime rulers.立法机构通过投票将该国的前度领导人赶下了台。柯林斯高阶〔procedure〕A set of established forms or methods for conducting the affairs of a business, legislative body, or court of law.程序:一套处理商业事务、立法事务或法庭团体的既定模式或方式美国传统〔representation〕The right or privilege of being represented by delegates having a voice in a legislative body.代表权:由在立法机构具发言权的代表所代表的权力或特权美国传统〔return〕To elect or reelect, as to a legislative body.选举:选出或再选出,如对立法机构美国传统〔seat〕Membership in an organization, such as a legislative body or stock exchange, that is obtained by appointment, election, or purchase.会员资格:一个组织如立法团体或证券交易所的会员资格,这种资格是通过任命、选举或购买而获得的美国传统〔special session〕A session of a court or legislative body held in addition to the regular sessions.特别会议:法庭、立法机构在常规会议(开庭)以外举行的会议美国传统〔steering committee〕A committee that sets agendas and schedules of business, as for a legislative body or another assemblage.指导委员会:为立法机构或其它大会订立议程和事务日程的委员会美国传统〔séance〕A meeting, session, or sitting, as of a learned or legislative body.集会:学者或立法团体的会议、聚会或开会美国传统〔whipper-in〕The whip in a legislative body.政党的组织秘书:立法机构中有权执行党纪及孰促本党成员出席会议的组织秘书美国传统Congress is a legislative body. 国会是立法机构。译典通




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