

单词 at the opening
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕Taped testimony will be heard in full at the opening of the trial. 审判开始时将聆听证词录音的全部内容。朗文写作活用〔anthem〕The European anthem was played at the opening and closing ceremonies.欧洲颂歌在开幕礼和闭幕礼上演奏。牛津高阶〔fimbria〕A fringelike part or structure, as at the opening of the fallopian tubes.穗缘,伞毛:一种穗状部分或结构,如在输卵管入口处美国传统〔guest〕The president will be principal guest at the opening ceremony.校长将会是开幕式的主宾。外研社新世纪〔interloper〕Security did not prevent an interloper from getting onto the stage at the opening ceremony.开幕式上保安没有阻止一名闯入者登上舞台。剑桥高阶〔introit〕A hymn or psalm sung when the ministers enter at the opening of a service, especially in the Anglican Church.圣餐礼开始时唱的赞美诗:牧师开始宗教仪式时,特别是在英国圣公会教堂中唱的圣歌或赞美诗美国传统〔invocation〕A prayer or other formula used in invoking, as at the opening of a religious service.祷文:乞灵时所用的祈祷文或其它程式,如在宗教活动开始时所用的祷文等美国传统〔officiate〕The mayor officiated at the opening of the new public library.市长主持了新公共图书馆的开馆仪式。韦氏高阶〔opening〕He appears briefly at the opening of the film.他在电影的开头部分露了个面。麦克米伦高阶〔promenade〕A march of all the guests at the opening of a ball.列队前进:在舞会开始时所有宾客的行进美国传统〔rattle on〕Our headmaster rattled on for at least two hours at the opening ceremony.我们的校长在开学典礼上唠唠叨叨地讲了至少两个小时。21世纪英汉At the opening ceremony of the festival, a libation will be poured/made to the ancient gods.在节日仪式开始时,将用酒来祭奠古代的神灵。剑桥国际The president's speech came at the opening session of the two-day NATO summit in Rome.总统在罗马召开的为期两天的北大西洋公约组织峰会开幕式上演讲。剑桥国际The security did not prevent an interloper getting on to the stage at the opening ceremony and making a speech in support of the local farmers.保安没有阻止一名闯入者登上开幕式的演讲台并发表支持当地农民的演讲。剑桥国际There was a full house at the opening night of the play. 该剧首次上演的那个晚上,剧场客满。译典通




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