

单词 anal
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anal〕Don't be so anal.不要这么吹毛求疵。朗文当代〔anal〕He can be pretty anal about keeping his office neat.他过于注重保持办公室的整洁。韦氏高阶〔anal〕He's a little anal and is always arranging and rearranging his collection.他有一点过于爱干净, 总是对自己的东西收拾再收拾。外研社新世纪〔anal〕The tissue of the anal canal and rectum is quite delicate.肛管和直肠部位的组织都很容易受到损伤。外研社新世纪〔fissure〕He was operated on for bleeding piles and an anal fissure.他因为痔疮出血和肛裂而进行了手术。外研社新世纪〔hemorrhoid〕An itching or painful mass of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue.痔:肿胀的肛门组织中发痒或疼痛的扩张血管团块美国传统〔inguinal〕Inflammation of the inguinal nodes can be often linked to cancers in the genital tract or anal canal.腹股沟淋巴结发炎通常可以与生殖器道和肛管癌症联系起来。剑桥高阶〔outercourse〕Sexual stimulation or activity between partners without anal or vaginal penetration.体外性交:伴侣间无插入肛门或阴道的性刺激或性活动美国传统〔proctodeum〕An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage.原肛肛道:胚胎消化道表面的凹陷,发育成直肠的一部分美国传统〔rectum〕The terminal portion of the large intestine, extending from the sigmoid flexure to the anal canal.直肠:大肠的最后那一部分,从乙状结肠曲开始到肛门结束美国传统〔sodomy〕Anal copulation of one male with another.鸡奸:一个男性对另一男性的肛交美国传统〔sodomy〕Anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex.鸡奸:对异性的肛交或者口交美国传统〔ventral fin〕A fin, such as a pelvic fin or an anal fin, that is found on the ventral side of a fish.腹鳍;臀鳍:位于鱼的腹侧的鳍,如腹鳍或臀鳍美国传统




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