

单词 itinerant
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔caird〕An itinerant tinker.游匠:流动服务的补锅匠美国传统〔catch-as-catch-can〕He was leading a catch-as-catch-can life, working as an itinerant handyman.他靠当流动临时工凑合着过活。英汉大词典〔eyre〕A circuit court held by itinerant royal justices in medieval England.巡回法庭:中世纪英国由巡回的皇家法官主持的巡回法庭美国传统〔freemason〕A member of a guild of skilled itinerant masons during the Middle Ages.石匠协会成员:中世纪由技术熟练的巡回石匠组成的行会的成员美国传统〔gandy dancer〕An itinerant laborer.季节流动工美国传统〔gleeman〕A medieval itinerant singer; a minstrel.吟游诗人:中世纪的流浪歌手;吟游诗人美国传统〔itinerary〕Traveling from place to place; itinerant.巡回的,巡游的:从一地旅游到另一个地方;巡回的美国传统〔klezmer〕A traditionally itinerant Jewish folk musician of eastern Europe performing in a small band, as at weddings.犹太乐师:在东欧的小型乐团中演奏(如在婚礼上)的习惯于巡回演出的犹太民间乐师美国传统〔klezmer〕The Jewish folk music played by small, traditionally itinerant bands.犹太民间韵音乐:由小型的习惯于巡回演出的乐团演奏的犹太民间音乐美国传统〔migrant〕An itinerant worker who travels from one area to another in search of work.流动工人:不断从一地迁移到另一地寻找工作的流动工人美国传统〔peripatetic〕One who walks from place to place; an itinerant.巡行者,漫步者:从一处到另一处步行;巡行者美国传统〔preacher〕His father was an itinerant Methodist preacher.他的父亲是一个卫理公会的巡回传教士。牛津搭配〔stroller〕An itinerant actor or performer.巡回演出者或演员美国传统The farms relied heavily on itinerants during the harvest period.这些农场在收获季节大量依靠流动散工干活。剑桥国际You can read the book as history, as politics or simply as the amusing tales of an itinerant journalist.你可以把这本书当作历史、当作政治或仅仅当作一名巡回记者的有趣故事来读。剑桥国际




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