

单词 judge
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Hon.〕the Hon. Judge Smith presiding 尊敬的史密斯首席法官韦氏高阶〔JUDGE〕someone's ability to judge people or things 某人对人或事物的评判能力朗文写作活用〔admeasure〕the ally of the judge in the business of admeasuring the sentence法官在判刑事务中的助手21世纪英汉〔appoint〕to appoint a judge to the bench任命审判员为处理某事的法官21世纪英汉〔arbiter〕an arbiter of fashion.See Synonyms at judge 时尚主宰者 参见 judge美国传统〔argufy〕argufy a judge 以刺刺不休的争辩说服法官英汉大词典〔associate〕an associate judge 陪审法官英汉大词典〔bent〕a bent judge 贪渎的法官文馨英汉〔bewigged〕a bewigged judge 戴假发的法官英汉大词典〔chamber〕chambers A room in which a judge may consult privately with attorneys or hear cases not taken into court. chambers 内庭:法官与检察官私下讨论或听取不必在法庭上审讯的案件的房间美国传统〔charity〕judge other people with charity 宽厚度人英汉大词典〔circuit〕a circuit judge 巡回法官剑桥高阶〔create〕create sb. a judge 任命某人为法官英汉大词典〔entreat〕to entreat the judge for mercy乞求法官宽恕21世纪英汉〔false〕judge sb. false 错误地判断某人英汉大词典〔fiendish〕judge with a fiendish precision 非常精确地判断英汉大词典〔harsh〕a harsh judge (punishment) 严厉的法官 (惩罚) 英汉大词典〔impeach〕impeach a judge 检举法官韦氏高阶〔incorrupt〕an incorrupt judge 廉正的法官英汉大词典〔inflexible〕an inflexible judge 刚正不阿的法官韦氏高阶〔intervention〕intervention by a senior judge 高级法官的调停牛津搭配〔ironbound〕judge from ironbound standards 按苛刻的标准来判断英汉大词典〔judge〕judge a case.裁决案件美国传统〔judge〕judge a contest 担任比赛的评委韦氏高阶〔judge〕judge an essay contest.担任作文比赛的评判美国传统〔judge〕judge heights; judging character.估计高度;判断性格美国传统〔judge〕judge sb. on his performance 根据工作表现评价某人英汉大词典〔judge〕judge the roses at a flower show 评判花展上的玫瑰英汉大词典〔judge〕a judge at a sporting event.体育比赛的裁判员。牛津同义词〔judge〕a British high-court judge 英国高等法院法官剑桥高阶〔judge〕a High Court judge 高等法院的法官牛津高阶〔judge〕a good judge of wines.葡萄酒鉴赏家。牛津同义词〔judge〕to judge a case 审理案件牛津高阶〔judge〕to judge a work of art.评价艺术品。牛津同义词〔judge〕to judge between two combatants在两个竞技者间裁决胜负21世纪英汉〔judge〕to judge sb guilty/not guilty 判某人有罪╱无罪牛津高阶〔knowing〕a knowing judge of human nature 洞察人性的人者英汉大词典〔noted〕a judge noted for her fairness and intelligence 以公正不阿、才智过人而出名的女法官韦氏高阶〔notorious〕a judge notorious for his cruelty and corruption 一位因残忍和腐败而臭名远扬的法官朗文当代〔partially〕judge partially 不公平地裁判文馨英汉〔perceptive〕a perceptive judge of character.长于鉴别他人性格的人。牛津同义词〔poor〕a poor judge of character 不擅看人的人牛津高阶〔preside〕the presiding judge 首席法官牛津高阶〔probate〕a probate judge 遗嘱检验法官英汉大词典〔regalia〕a judge having on full regalia 全副齐整打扮的法官英汉大词典〔regal〕a judge with a shrewd regal face 面容睿智又威严的法官英汉大词典〔remorseless〕a remorseless judge 无情的法官剑桥高阶〔reprimand〕reprimanded by the judge 受到法官的训斥牛津搭配〔robe〕be robed in the black of a judge 穿着法官的黑袍 英汉大词典〔sage〕a sage judge 贤明的法官文馨英汉〔severe〕a severe judge 严厉的法官英汉大词典〔spatial〕the development of a child's spatial awareness(= the ability to judge the positions and sizes of objects) 孩子空间意识的形成牛津高阶〔stuffy〕a stuffy old judge 一本正经的老法官韦氏高阶〔toga〕the toga of a judge 法官袍英汉大词典〔unbiased〕an unbiased judge 公正的法官牛津高阶〔unfair〕an unfair judge 不公正的法官 英汉大词典〔unprejudiced〕the unprejudiced view of the judge 法官不偏不倚的观点英汉大词典〔venal〕a venal judge 贪赃枉法的法官文馨英汉〔wise〕a wise judge 明断的法官英汉大词典〔writ〕get a writ from the judge to release the man wrongly held in jail 收到法官释放错押犯的命令英汉大词典




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