

单词 in the van
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PUT〕No rebel group has claimed responsibility for planting the explosives in the van. 没有一个叛乱组织声称为在小型货车内放置炸弹负责。朗文写作活用〔gps〕The drivers all have GPS in the van.这些司机的厢式货车里都装有全球定位系统。牛津高阶〔satnav〕The drivers all have satnav in the van.司机都在货车里安装了卫星导航。牛津高阶〔uninjured〕The man's wife, a passenger in the van, was uninjured in the accident.那个人的妻子当时在面包车里,但没有在事故中受伤。柯林斯高阶〔uninjured〕The man's wife, a passenger in the van, was uninjured in the accident.那人的妻子也是面包车里的乘客, 没有在事故中受伤。外研社新世纪〔van〕The US is in the van of the quest to establish contact with other planets.美国在探索与外层空间生物建立联系方面处于领先地位。剑桥高阶If more people turn up to go on the trip I can take a few in the van.如果还有人要去旅行,我可以用面包车带几个。剑桥国际The United States is in the van of industrial nations. 美国处于工业国的领先地位。译典通The United States is in the van of the quest to establish contact with beings from the beyond.美国在与外星人建立接触的探索方面处于领先位置。剑桥国际When they are on tour, the musicians tend to kip in the van.这些乐师巡回演出时往往睡在大篷车里。剑桥国际




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