

单词 injected
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRUG〕A drug that is injected reaches the brain faster than if it is smoked or sniffed. 注射毒品比吸食或以鼻吸入的方式要更迅速地使药效到达大脑。朗文写作活用〔Mantoux test〕A tuberculin test in which a small amount of tuberculin is injected under the skin.曼托试验:将少量结核菌素注入皮下的结核菌素试验美国传统〔anaesthetic〕A local anaesthetic is injected in an area over your lower spine.局部麻醉时,麻醉剂注射进后腰部。牛津搭配〔bite〕When an infected mosquito bites a human, spores are injected into the blood.感染病毒的蚊子叮咬人之后,孢子便被注入血液中。柯林斯高阶〔bloodstream〕The drug is injected directly into the bloodstream.这种药物是直接注射到血液中的。朗文当代〔bloodstream〕The drug works more quickly if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.该药品如果直接注射进血流里,见效会更快。剑桥高阶〔bloodstream〕They injected the drug directly into her bloodstream.他们把麻醉剂直接注射到她的血液里。牛津高阶〔caution〕He injected a note/word of caution in his talk.他在谈话中措辞非常谨慎。韦氏高阶〔dye〕The researchers injected a fluorescent dye into an area of a rat's brain.研究员将一种荧光染料注射到老鼠大脑的一个区域中。牛津搭配〔earthy〕He injected some earthy common sense into the debate.他给辩论注入了某种朴素的常识。外研社新世纪〔enema〕The fluid so injected.灌肠剂:用于灌肠的液体美国传统〔facet〕Injured or painful facet joints can be injected with steroids.受伤或疼痛的关节面可采用注入类固醇的方法。剑桥高阶〔hypodermic〕Injected beneath the skin.皮下注射的美国传统〔injectable〕A drug or medicine that can be injected.可注射的药:一种能被注射的毒品或药品美国传统〔injectable〕That can be injected. Used of a drug.可注射的:可以被注射的。用于药品美国传统〔injectant〕A substance injected, as into the skin.注入物:注入物,如注入皮肤之物美国传统〔injection〕Something that is injected, especially a dose of liquid medicine injected into the body.注射剂:被注入的东西,如被注入体内的一剂药剂美国传统〔inject〕A large amount of money will have to be injected into the company if it is to survive.如果要挽救这家公司就必须注入大量资金。剑桥高阶〔inject〕Adrenaline was injected into the muscle.往肌肉里注射了肾上腺素。牛津高阶〔inject〕Chemicals are injected into the fruit to reduce decay.水果注入了化学药品以防腐坏。牛津高阶〔inject〕He has injected £5.6 billion into the health service.他已经为公共医疗卫生服务投入了 56 亿英镑。柯林斯高阶〔inject〕He has injected £5.6 billion into the project.他在这个项目上已经注入了56亿英镑。外研社新世纪〔inject〕His comments injected a note of humour into the proceedings.他的发言给整个活动增添了一丝幽默的气氛。牛津高阶〔inject〕His intervention injected a note of caution.他的介入增添了一丝谨慎的意味。麦克米伦高阶〔inject〕His son was injected with strong drugs.他儿子被注射了强效药物。外研社新世纪〔inject〕His son was injected with strong drugs.他儿子被注射了烈性麻醉药。柯林斯高阶〔inject〕Several wealthy investors have injected money into the project.几个富有的投资者已经给这项工程注入了资金。韦氏高阶〔inject〕She had collapsed after being injected with the anaesthetic.她在被注射了麻醉剂之后倒下。麦克米伦高阶〔inject〕She was injected against tetanus.她打过预防破伤风的针。英汉大词典〔inject〕The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.药物被直接注射入脊椎末端。朗文当代〔inject〕The fruit is injected with chemicals to reduce decay.水果注入了化学药品以防腐坏。牛津高阶〔inject〕The medicine is injected directly into the muscle.这种药品用于肌肉注射。韦氏高阶〔inject〕The patients were injected with the vaccine.病人们接种了这种疫苗。韦氏高阶〔inject〕When she and I were talking, he injected a remark into the conversation.在她和我谈话的时候,他插嘴讲了一句话。英汉大词典〔intradermal test〕A test for hypersensitivity or allergy in which a small amount of the suspected allergen is injected into the skin.皮下试验:通过在皮肤里注射少量有疑点的变应原以测定过敏性或变应性的试验美国传统〔local anesthesia〕Anesthesia characterized by the loss of sensation only in the area of the body where an anesthetic drug is applied or injected.局部麻痹:仅在施用或注射麻醉剂的身体部位失去知觉的麻醉术美国传统〔local anesthetic〕An anesthetic that induces loss of sensation only on and around the point where it is applied or injected.局部麻醉剂:只能使运用或注射部位或其四周丧失知觉的麻醉剂美国传统〔main line〕Slang A principal and easily accessible vein, usually in the arm or leg, into which a drug can be injected.【俚语】 主静脉:主要的并很容易能触摸到的静脉,常见于手臂或大腿上,可以向里面注射毒品美国传统〔note〕His remarks injected a note of levity into the proceedings.他的话给整个活动增添了一丝轻率的意味。牛津搭配〔seizure〕The patient had a seizure after being injected with the wrong drug.病人在注射了错误的药物后曾突然发病。麦克米伦高阶〔spinal〕An anesthetic injected into the spinal cord to induce partial or complete anesthesia.脊髓麻醉:注入脊髓以引起局部或全身麻醉的麻醉剂美国传统〔sporoplasm〕An infective mass of protoplasm within a spore that is injected into a host cell by various parasitic microorganisms.孢子原生质:一种传染性的孢子内原生质,该孢子通过寄生微生物可被注入囊状细胞中美国传统〔tetanus〕He was injected against tetanus.他打了破伤风预防针。英汉大词典〔tracer〕They injected her with a radioactive tracer and tracked it via X-rays.他们给她注射了一剂放射性示踪剂,然后通过X光跟踪它。韦氏高阶〔under〕The doctor injected something into my arm and I immediately felt myself going under (=becoming unconscious) .医生往我手臂里注射了一种东西,我便立即失去了知觉。朗文当代〔vitality〕The process of restructuring has injected some much-needed vitality into the company.重组为公司注入了一些急需的生命力。朗文当代At 15 months a child is injected with a vaccine against mumps and rubella. 15 个月大的小孩接受疫苗注射,预防腮腺炎和风疹。剑桥国际During the operation, specialized cell clusters are injected into the patient's hepatic vein, leading to the liver.手术中,特别细胞群被注入了病人的肝静脉,它们能进入肝脏之中。剑桥国际His foot was gangrenous, so an army doctor injected him with morphine and sawed off his leg below the knee to save his life.他的脚生坏疽,所以军医给他注射吗啡,锯掉了他膝部以下的腿以拯救他的生命。剑桥国际Some drugs have to be injected directly into patients’veins.有些药品必须直接注射到病人的静脉中。剑桥国际The army doctor injected the man with morphine and amputated his foot.军队医生给这士兵注射了吗啡并截掉了一只脚。剑桥国际The doctor injected the drug into my arm. 医生把药注入我手臂。译典通The drug can be taken orally, but it works more quickly if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.该药品可以口服,但如果注射进血液里作用更快。剑桥国际There lived a great people -- a black people -- who injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization. 曾经有个民族,一群黑人,他们为文化的血脉注入了新的意义与尊严。译典通




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