

单词 labour movement
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assail〕The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists.劳工运动遭到女权主义者的猛烈抨击,指责其存在性别歧视,并要求作出改善。柯林斯高阶〔assail〕The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists.劳工运动遭到女权主义者猛烈抨击, 被指性别歧视, 并被要求作出改善。外研社新世纪〔colossus〕He became a colossus of the labour movement.他成为了劳工运动中举足轻重的人物。柯林斯高阶〔comrade〕I know my opinion is shared by many of my comrades in the Labour movement.我知道许多参加工人运动的同志都和我有相同的观点。剑桥高阶〔disintegrable〕They disintegrated the labour movement.他们瓦解了工人运动。21世纪英汉〔disintegrate〕The labour movement disintegrated in the depression.劳工运动在经济萧条中瓦解。英汉大词典〔emasculate〕The application of martial law emasculated the labour movement.戒严令的实施使工人运动不能有力开展。英汉大词典〔labour movement〕The state Old Age Pension was introduced in 1908, a direct response to the rising political influence of the labour movement. 政府养老金在1908年建立,是工会运动影响力不断上升的直接结果。剑桥高阶〔reunite〕During 1979-1980 he also worked to reunite the Labour movement.在1979-1980年间他还为工党运动的重新团结而工作。英汉大词典〔tenuous〕The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.联合和平协会和这个有组织的劳工运动只有微弱的联系。朗文当代I know my opinion is shared by many of my comrades in the Labour movement.我知道许多劳工运动的同志们都和我有着相同的意见。剑桥国际




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