

单词 labored
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETAIL〕Although he spent three years writing these songs, the album does not sound fussy or labored. 尽管他花了三年写这些歌,但是这张专辑听起来并没有过分雕琢或不自然的味道。朗文写作活用〔DIG〕Before World War I more than a million workers labored in the coal mines of Great Britain. 第一次世界大战前有一百多万工人在英国的煤矿工作。朗文写作活用〔decompensation〕Failure of the heart to maintain adequate blood circulation, marked by labored breathing, engorged blood vessels, and edema.心脏代偿失调:指心脏无力维持足够的血液循环,特征是呼吸缓慢而困难,血管充血和水肿美国传统〔labored〕The movie's dialogue seems very labored.那部影片的对话显得很不自然。韦氏高阶〔labored〕The patient's symptoms included a rapid pulse and labored breathing.病人的症状包括心跳过速和呼吸困难。韦氏高阶〔labor〕He labored for several years as a miner.他当了几年的矿工。韦氏高阶〔labor〕She has labored in vain to convince them to accept her proposal.她努力说服他们接受她的提议,最终是白费力气。韦氏高阶〔labor〕The truck labored up the hill.那辆货车吃力地爬上小山。韦氏高阶〔labor〕We should honor those who labored so long to make the truth known.我们应该敬重那些不懈努力揭露真相的人们。韦氏高阶〔labor〕Workers labored in the vineyard.工人在葡萄园里劳作。韦氏高阶〔labour〕Ray had little talent but labored to acquire the skills of a writer.雷伊没有什么天赋,但是他努力掌握一名作家应具备的技能。朗文当代〔painfully〕He labored painfully over his work.他艰难地干着自己的工作。韦氏高阶〔pant〕A short, labored breath; a gasp.喘气,喘息:短促而费力的呼吸;大口喘气美国传统〔short-winded〕Breathing with quick, labored breaths.气急的:呼吸急促而费力的美国传统〔speed〕Postal workers labored overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail.邮电工人加班加点以加速圣诞期间信件的发送。美国传统He labored in the mines for 30 years. 他在矿场里辛勤工作了三十年。译典通She labored on far into the night. 她一直做到深夜。译典通She labored ten years on that book. 那本书她足足写了十年。译典通The car labored up the steep hill. 车子吃力地向陡峭的山上开去。译典通The editor labored over the manuscript till early morning. 编辑辛辛苦苦修改稿件直到清晨。译典通The old man labored along, groaning in pain. 老人艰难地向前走,痛得呻吟不已。译典通The train labored up the hill. 火车艰难地向山坡上行驶。译典通They labored day and night in wretchedness. 他们在痛苦中夜以继日地劳累。译典通They labored on towards safety. 他们费力地走向安全地带。译典通They labored under the disadvantage of not having enough money. 他们苦于得不到足够的资金。译典通




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