

单词 latched onto
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔latch onto sb〕She latched onto me as soon as she arrived, and I had to spend the rest of the evening talking to her.她一来就缠住我,我只好晚上一直陪着她聊天。剑桥高阶〔latch onto sth〕Unfortunately the press have already latched onto the story.遗憾的是报纸已经盯上这件事了。剑桥高阶〔latch onto〕In the dancing party,a young girl latched onto the millionaire.在舞会上,一个姑娘主动和那个百万富翁攀谈起来。21世纪英汉〔latch onto〕Kanchelskis latched onto a superb through ball, before blasting a shot past Southall.坎切尔斯基接到一个绝好的直传球,抓住机会飞起一脚射门,球从索夏尔身边飞过。柯林斯高阶〔latch onto〕Rob had latched onto me. He followed me around, sat beside me at lunch, and usually ended up working with me.罗布缠上了我,我去哪儿他都跟着,吃午饭时就坐我身边,最后还往往和我一起工作。柯林斯高阶〔latch onto〕The child latched onto his mother,unwilling to let her go.孩子抓住妈妈不放,不愿意让她走。21世纪英汉〔latch onto〕The collector knew that he had latched onto a rare antique.收藏家知道他得到了一件稀世古董。21世纪英汉〔latch onto〕The press latched onto the marketing strategy.媒体开始对营销策略感兴趣。外研社新世纪〔latch on〕He latched onto her arm and wouldn't let go.他揪着她的胳膊不放。韦氏高阶〔latch on〕He latched onto music as a way to relax.他倾情地选择音乐来放松自己。韦氏高阶〔latch〕He latched onto Sandy at the party and wouldn't go away.在派对上他缠住桑迪不放。朗文当代〔latch〕My host latched onto me at the door, saying I must not go yet.在门口主人拖住我,叫我再呆一会。英汉大词典〔latch〕The media latched onto the rumour and reported it as fact.媒体即刻对该传闻产生了浓厚的兴趣,并把它当作实情报道出来。麦克米伦高阶John was very lucky to have latched onto the office with a river view. 约翰非常幸运,占了一间能看到河的办公室。译典通




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