

单词 appliance
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANCED〕Smart machines and other appliances are operated via the Internet. 智能机器及其他电器用具可通过互联网远程操作。朗文写作活用〔Frigidaire〕A trademark used for electric refrigerators and other household appliances.电冰箱:用在电冰箱或其它家用电器上的商标名美国传统〔HOME〕The store sells a wide range of domestic appliances. 这家商店经销多种家用设备。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Most gas appliances require routine maintenance once a year to ensure safety. 多数煤气用具需要一年一次的定期保养,以确保安全。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕People are spending more of their income on goods such as cars and appliances. 人们把收入的更多部分用来购买汽车和电器设备之类的商品。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances. 购买商品以后,为便于把不要的商品退回,请把原包装保存好,尤其是电子产品和家电产品的原包装。朗文写作活用〔Rx〕A prescription for medicine or a medical appliance.药方,处方:药或医药设备的说明书美国传统〔antiquate〕New electric appliances antiquate old wiring systems.新电器淘汰了陈旧的布线系统。英汉大词典〔appliance〕All household/domestic appliances are now on sale.所有家用电器现在全部打折销售。韦氏高阶〔appliance〕All major appliances such as refrigerators must have an energy guide label.所有像电冰箱这样的大家电必须有能效等级标识。牛津搭配〔appliance〕Always switch off appliances that are not in use.不用的电器一定要关闭。牛津搭配〔appliance〕He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.他可以再学学使用吸尘器、洗衣机和其他家用电器。柯林斯高阶〔appliance〕Many household appliances are expensive to run.许多家用电器用起来很费钱。牛津搭配〔appliance〕Maytag, one of America's biggest domestic appliance manufacturers.美泰克公司,美国最大的家电制造商之一柯林斯高阶〔appliance〕Switch off all electrical appliances when they're not in use.所有电器不使用时都要关掉。外研社新世纪〔appliance〕There's plenty of space for all the usual kitchen appliances.有足够的空间摆放日常厨房器具。朗文当代〔appliance〕These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science.这些进步是巧妙应用科学的结果。柯林斯高阶〔appliance〕These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science.这些进步是巧妙应用科学知识的结果。外研社新世纪〔appliance〕Turn off all combustion appliances such as water heaters.关闭热水器等所有燃烧设备。牛津搭配〔appliance〕Vacuum cleaners, washing machines and refrigerators are household appliances.真空吸尘器、洗衣机和电冰箱都是家用设备。英汉大词典〔appliance〕We stock a wide range of kitchen appliances.我们存有多种厨房用具。麦克米伦高阶〔blender〕One that blends, especially an electrical appliance with whirling blades for chopping, mixing, or liquefying foods.搅拌器:尤指用于切割、混合或液化食物的带有旋转叶片的电器美国传统〔boil〕It's difficult to choose which appliance to buy, but in the end it usually boils down to cost.很难决定买哪种工具,但最终通常取决于价钱。麦克米伦高阶〔brace〕An orthopedic appliance used to support, align, or hold a bodily part in the correct position.矫形器:支持、校直或托住身体部位以使其保持正确位置的矫形器美国传统〔brace〕Often braces A dental appliance, constructed of bands and wires that is fixed to the teeth to correct irregular alignment. 常作 braces 牙箍:安装在牙齿上的纠正不规则排列的由箍带和钢丝做的牙齿矫正器美国传统〔bread-and-butter〕Household appliances are the company's bread-and-butter goods.家庭用具是这家公司的主要商品美国传统〔burn〕Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.大多数家用电器耗电量很大。朗文当代〔cheap〕Gas appliances are usually cheaper to run than electric ones.燃气设备一般比用电的使用起来要便宜。朗文当代〔connect〕These appliances should not be connected to power supplies.这些家用电器不应该接通电源。柯林斯高阶〔connect〕These appliances should not be connected to power supplies.这些设备不应该接通电源。外研社新世纪〔cooker〕One that cooks, especially a utensil or an appliance for cooking.炊具,厨灶:烹调(食物)的东西,尤指用于蒸煮的用具或装置美国传统〔date from〕All the cupboards and appliances dated from the 1950s.所有这些橱柜和家用电器都是 20世纪 50 年代的物品。柯林斯高阶〔dental technician〕One who makes dental appliances and restorative devices, such as bridges or dentures, to the specifications of a dentist.牙科技师:按照牙科医生的要求制造牙科用具和修复设备(例如牙桥或假牙等)的人美国传统〔disconnect〕Disconnect all electrical appliances before attempting to clean them.在打算清扫电器前断开所有的电源。麦克米伦高阶〔domestic appliance〕We stock a wide range of domestic appliances, including fridges, freezers and dishwashers.我们提供多种家用电器,包括冰箱、冰柜和洗碗机。剑桥高阶〔electrical〕They sell all kinds of electrical equipment and appliances.他们销售各种电气设备和电器。麦克米伦高阶〔element〕Electricity The resistance wire in an electrical appliance such as a heater or an oven.【电学】 电阻线:元件,部件,如加热器或灶具等电气设备中的阻抗电丝美国传统〔energy〕The newer appliances conserve more energy.较新的电器更节能。韦氏高阶〔false economy〕Buying cheap household appliances is a false economy - they're twice as likely to break down.买廉价的大件家用电器只是表面实惠——它们出故障的几率高了一倍。剑桥高阶〔food processor〕An appliance consisting of a container housing interchangeable rotating blades and used for preparing foods, as by shredding, slicing, chopping, or blending.食物加工机:由装有可变换的轮状叶片的容器组成的器具,用来制备食物,如用于撕碎、切片、剁、混合美国传统〔fuse〕If you plug in all these appliances at once,you'll fuse all the lights,如果你把所有电器同时接上电,保险丝就会烧断,所有的电灯将熄灭。21世纪英汉〔gadgetry〕In the days before domestic gadgetry and time-saving appliances, food preparation took up most of the day.还没有家用小器具和省时的家用电器的时候,准备食物得花大半天时间。柯林斯高阶〔gas fitter〕One who installs or repairs gas pipes, fixtures, or appliances.煤气设备安装工:一个安装或修理煤气管道、煤气装备或煤气器械的人美国传统〔include〕Durable goods include such items as cars, computers, and electrical appliances.耐用品包括像汽车、计算机和电器那样的物品。麦克米伦高阶〔iron〕A metal appliance with a handle and a weighted flat bottom, used when heated to press wrinkles from fabric.熨斗:带有把手和沉重平底的金属器具,加热后用来压平织物上的褶被美国传统〔juicer〕An appliance that is used to extract juice from fruits and vegetables.榨汁机,榨汁器:用来榨取水果和蔬菜的汁液的器具美国传统〔lavish〕His wife lavished money upon household appliances.他妻子在家用电器上的滥花钱。21世纪英汉〔lighten〕Many appliances lighten housework.许多电器能减轻家务劳动。英汉大词典〔mechanism〕A machine or mechanical appliance.机器,机械装置美国传统〔muzzle〕A leather or wire restraining appliance that, when fitted over an animal's snout, prevents biting and eating.动物的口套,口络:套在动物的鼻口部以防止其咬和吃的一种皮质或者金属丝制成的限制装置美国传统〔outlet〕The appliance can be connected to any standard outlet.这件电器可以连接到任一标准电源插口。牛津搭配〔overload〕The electrical system in your house would be overloaded if you used too many electric home appliances at once.如果你同时使用许多家用电器的话,你家里的电力系统就会超载。21世纪英汉〔overused〕Don't overuse heated appliances on you hair.不要过多地使用电热器具弄头发。柯林斯高阶〔overuse〕Don't overuse heated appliances on your hair.不要过多使用电热器弄头发。外研社新世纪〔part exchange〕Electrical retailers will often take away old appliances if you buy a new one, sometimes in part exchange.买新电器时, 电器经销商往往会拿走旧电器, 有时会以旧换新抵些价钱。外研社新世纪〔part exchange〕Electrical retailers will often take away old appliances if you buy a new one, sometimes in part-exchange.买新电器时,电器经销商往往会拿走旧电器,有时会以旧换新。柯林斯高阶〔plug〕A fitting, commonly with two metal prongs for insertion in a fixed socket, used to connect an appliance to a power supply.插头:一种接头配件,一般有为插入一固定的插座而设计的两根金属棒,用来联结电器和电力供应系统美国传统〔plus〕The apartment isn't perfect, but the fact that it has new appliances is a plus.这个公寓并不完美,但它的优势是配备了新家电。韦氏高阶〔quarter〕Japanese living quarters are small with correspondingly small appliances.日本人的住房小,各种器具也相应的小。英汉大词典〔redo〕I want to redo the kitchen and put in new cabinets and new appliances.我想重新装修厨房,安装新橱柜和新的家用电器。韦氏高阶〔refrigerator〕An appliance, a cabinet, or a room for storing food or other substances at a low temperature.冰箱,冰柜,冷藏室:在低温下贮存食物或其它物质的装置、柜子或房间美国传统〔retainer〕Dentistry An appliance used to hold teeth in position after orthodontic treatment.【牙科学】 牙架,固位体:在牙治疗之后用于保持牙位的用具美国传统〔routing〕DataPower appliances support XML routing.DataPower设备支持XML格式的数据发送。剑桥高阶〔sale〕The shop is having a sale on appliances next week.该商店下星期有个用具特卖会。麦克米伦高阶〔scrubber〕A brush, appliance, or abrasive that is used in cleaning.擦洗用具:用于擦冼的刷子、洗涤器或擦洗物美国传统〔seller〕We're the number one seller of appliances in the country.我们是国内首屈一指的电器销售商。韦氏高阶〔service〕He operates a service centre for electrical appliances.他经营一家电器维修中心。英汉大词典〔service〕You should get all gas appliances regularly serviced.你应定期让人检修所有的燃气设施。牛津搭配〔short circuit〕If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames.如果那两根电线接触,电器就会短路,还有可能会起火。剑桥高阶〔sign〕Are appliances you buy safe? We point out the danger signs.你买的家用器具安全吗?我们指出一些危险征兆。牛津搭配〔space heater〕An appliance that warms a small area, such as one room, typically by radiant electric heat.小暖炉:用于小范围取暖的器具,如一个房间,通常是通过辐射电热美国传统〔splint〕A dental appliance put on the teeth to protect them from grinding or from moving out of place.夹齿板:放在牙上用来防止牙碎化或离开原位的牙用器具美国传统〔stem from〕The fire stemed from light stricken by the electrical appliance.失火是由于电器打火引起的。21世纪英汉〔toaster oven〕An electrical appliance that can be used as either a toaster or an oven.烤面包炉:可以用来烤吐司面包或当烤炉用的电器用品美国传统〔trust〕Their company is a trusted name in quality appliances.他们公司是一个值得信赖的高级家用电器品牌。韦氏高阶〔ubiquitous〕The mobile phone, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.作为使用最普遍的消费电器,手机将进入一个新时代。剑桥高阶〔vacuum cleaner〕An electrical appliance that cleans surfaces by suction.真空吸尘器:用于吸净表面尘埃的电子设备美国传统〔waffle iron〕An appliance having hinged, indented plates that impress a grid pattern into waffle batter as it bakes.蛋奶烘饼烤模:一种带合叶和有刻痕的板的工具,在蛋奶糊烘烤时压上格子图案美国传统〔wattage〕The electric power required by an appliance or a device.瓦数:仪器或装置需要的电功率美国传统〔white goods〕Large household appliances, as ovens and refrigerators, formerly finished with white enamel, but now often colored.大型家用电器:大型家用设备,像是炉子和冰箱,从前都是以白色珐琅处理完成的,但现在多是彩色的美国传统〔workbook〕A manual containing operating instructions, as for an appliance or a machine.工作手册:一本包括操作指南手册,如用于器具或机器美国传统Household appliances don't usually have individual fuses in the US.在美国家用电器不总是单独带有保险丝。剑桥国际If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames.如果那两根电线接触,该装置将短路并可能燃烧起来。剑桥国际Many household appliances in Britain use a thirteen-amp fuse.英国的许多家用电器用的是13安培的保险丝。剑桥国际The firm markets various kinds of household appliances. 这家公司销售各种家用器具。译典通The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances. 这间厨房里安装了各种现代化设备。译典通The radio, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.收音机作为最普遍的消费电器将进入新的时代。剑桥国际The shop sells a large range of surgical appliances (=pieces of medical equipment which are worn to correct a particular condition).这家店出售多种多样的外科矫治器械。剑桥国际They plan to install motion detectors on many appliances.他们计划在许多装备上安装移动感应器。牛津商务They sell a wide range of domestic appliances.他们销售各种家用电器。牛津商务We stock a wide range of domestic appliances, including fridges, freezers and dishwashers.我们备有大量的家用电器,包括电冰箱、冰柜和洗碗机。剑桥国际




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