

单词 instant
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IDEA〕In that instant, he had a flash of inspiration: he and Tom would try and rescue Frankie themselves. 就在那时他灵机一动:他和汤姆可以试试自己去救弗朗姬。朗文写作活用〔IMMEDIATELY〕He took an instant dislike to LeRoy. 他一见面就不喜欢勒罗伊这个人。朗文写作活用〔IMMEDIATELY〕The workers are being threatened with instant dismissal. 工人们受到了立刻被解雇的威胁。朗文写作活用〔Polaroid〕A trademark used for a camera and film that produce instant photographs.宝丽来:一种能一次成像的照像机和胶卷的商标美国传统〔SHORT〕An instant later, she let out a piercing scream. 没过多久,她发出了一声尖叫。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕We both fell asleep in an instant. 我们俩都是一下子就睡着了。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The television cameras captured the violence and played it again in instant replay. 电视摄像机捕捉到了那个暴力场面,并即时重播。朗文写作活用〔act〕In the 1970s Kodak, anxious to get in on the act, launched its own instant camera.20世纪70年代,急于分一杯羹的柯达公司推出了自己的拍立得相机。柯林斯高阶〔aversion〕I felt an instant aversion to his parents.我立刻对他的父母产生了反感。剑桥高阶〔bestseller〕The novel became an instant bestseller.那部小说立即成为畅销书。文馨英汉〔cataclysm〕The giant mushroom cloud signalled a cataclysm that claimed the lives of at least 200,000 in an instant.巨大的蘑菇云昭示着瞬间夺去至少20万人生命的大灾难。外研社新世纪〔classic〕The song became an instant classic and shot to number one.这首歌立时成为经典,蹿升到第一位。牛津搭配〔coffee〕Would you prefer instant coffee? 你爱喝速溶咖啡吗?牛津搭配〔command〕Philip was a remarkable teacher, able to command instant respect.菲利普是个出色的教师,能够立刻赢得尊敬。朗文当代〔compare〕Instant coffee just doesn't compare with freshly ground coffee.速溶咖啡根本比不上现磨的咖啡。剑桥高阶〔complex〕Peter seemed to have an instant understanding of the most complex issues.就连最复杂的问题彼得好像也能立刻就明白。朗文当代〔conjure〕In an instant, the magician had conjured (up) a dove from his hat.魔术师眨眼间便从他的帽子里变出了一只鸽子。剑桥高阶〔conversation〕The book became an instant best-seller and topic of water-cooler conversation (= a popular subject for discussion, for example between people who work together).这本书一出版就十分畅销,成为人们工作之余谈论的热门话题。牛津搭配〔cook up〕The Irish had cooked up tinned bangers and instant mash.那个爱尔兰人用罐装的香肠土豆泥做了顿饭。外研社新世纪〔cure〕There is no instant cure for this condition.这种病没有立竿见影的治疗方法。牛津搭配〔death〕Touching the wires means instant death.触碰电线可导致立刻死亡。牛津搭配〔develop〕With this instant film the picture develops in only one minute.用这种快速胶卷,照片仅用一分钟就会显影。21世纪英汉〔dislike〕Dad took an instant dislike to my new boyfriend.爸爸立刻就不喜欢我的新男友。剑桥高阶〔dislike〕I took an instant dislike to my new colleague.我一下子就对新同事产生了厌恶之情。牛津搭配〔dislike〕She took an instant dislike to the house and the neighbourhood.她一下子就对那栋房子以及邻近地区产生了反感。牛津高阶〔dislike〕They took an instant dislike to each other (=they disliked each other immediately) .他俩立刻就互相讨厌对方了。朗文当代〔dislike〕They took an instant dislike to the new neighbors.对于新邻居,他们一开始就不喜欢。韦氏高阶〔dismissal〕His attack on the manager led to his instant dismissal.他攻击经理使他当即丢了工作。牛津搭配〔epoch〕Astronomy An instant in time that is arbitrarily selected as a point of reference.【天文学】 历元:被随机选作参考点的时间中的某一瞬间美国传统〔era〕We live in an era of instant communication.我们生活在一个信息即时交流的时代。朗文当代〔ethic〕The old ethic of hard work has given way to a new ethic of instant gratification.提倡埋头苦干的旧道德准则已被及时行乐的新道德观所取代。朗文当代〔expect〕Don't expect an instant cure.别指望立即治愈。柯林斯高阶〔expose〕For an instant his whole back was exposed.一瞬间, 他整个背部都露了出来。外研社新世纪〔expose〕For an instant his whole back was exposed.一瞬间,他整个背部都露了出来。柯林斯高阶〔eyewink〕An instant.一瞬间美国传统〔form〕True to form, he made an instant decision.和往常一样,他立刻作出了决定。英汉大词典〔fund〕The current account offers savers instant access to funds.活期账户使存款人可以随时取钱。牛津搭配〔glamour〕Designer clothes are not a passport to instant glamour.名牌服装并不能让你倾刻间身价倍增。朗文当代〔gratification〕A feed will usually provid e instant gratification to a crying baby.喂食通常可使正在哭闹的婴儿立即得到满足。牛津高阶〔ground〕Drunkenness at work was sufficient grounds for instant dismissal.工作时醉酒足可导致立即被开除。牛津搭配〔hit〕The car proved an instant hit in the States.这种轿车在美国迅速走红。麦克米伦高阶〔hit〕The new record was an instant hit.新唱片一推出便大受欢迎。牛津同义词〔hit〕This is an instant song hit (或 a hit song).这是一首一炮打响的流行歌曲。英汉大词典〔homogenize〕Automation, commercial television, and instant foods have made America into a homogenized society.自动化、商业化电视和方便食品已使美国成为一个由多样向单一发展的社会。英汉大词典〔in an instant〕The ride was over in an instant.旅程一转眼就结束了。韦氏高阶〔infatuation〕His early relationships with women followed a pattern of instant infatuation, idealization and rejection.他早年和女人谈恋爱遵循着以下模式:先是一见钟情, 接着视作理想伴侣, 最后将其抛弃。外研社新世纪〔infect〕For an instant I was infected by her fear.有那么一会儿她的恐惧也传染给了我。柯林斯高阶〔instant message〕We sent each other instant messages all night.我们整晚都在互发短信。韦氏高阶〔instant messaging〕AOL also operates two other major instant messaging services.美国在线还经营另外两种重要的即时通信业务。外研社新世纪〔instant replay〕Instant replay showed the ball was out.慢镜头重放显示球出界了。剑桥高阶〔instant replay〕They showed the winning goal again in an instant replay.他们即时回放了那个决胜球。韦氏高阶〔instant replay〕We watched the goal again on instant replay.我们通过即时回放再次观看了那个进球。韦氏高阶〔instantly〕At that instant the museum was plunged into total darkness.就在那时,博物馆陷入了一片漆黑。柯林斯高阶〔instantly〕For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee.有那么一会儿,凯瑟琳很想逃跑。柯林斯高阶〔instantly〕He had taken an instant dislike to Mortlake.他一到莫特莱克就觉得不喜欢这个地方。柯林斯高阶〔instantly〕I had bolted the door the instant I had seen the bat.我一看到蝙蝠就把门闩上了。柯林斯高阶〔instantly〕In the same instant he flung open the car door.与此同时,他猛地推开了车门。柯林斯高阶〔instantly〕Mr Porter's book was an instant hit.波特先生的书一经推出便大受欢迎。柯林斯高阶〔instant〕Instant on the entry of the Queen, the band played the national anthem.女王一进来,乐队立即奏起了国歌。英汉大词典〔instant〕A few instants previously the door had opened.在这之前不多一会儿门就已经打开了。英汉大词典〔instant〕A hit in a vital organ causes either instant death or a massive exit wound.要害器官遭受枪击会导致立即死亡或严重的穿透伤。外研社新世纪〔instant〕At any given instant the distribution of molecular speeds is always constant under the same conditions.在相同条件下,分子速度分布在任何时刻都是恒定的。牛津搭配〔instant〕At that exact instant, all the lights went out.正好在那一刻,所有的灯都熄灭了。麦克米伦高阶〔instant〕Come this instant.此刻就来。英汉大词典〔instant〕Contrary to expectations, the film was an instant success.与预期相反,这部电影一上演即获得成功。剑桥高阶〔instant〕Fighting on the job could mean instant dismissal.工作时斗殴可能会立即遭到解雇。外研社新世纪〔instant〕For a brief instant, I thought she was going to fall.刹那间我以为她要倒下了。牛津搭配〔instant〕For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee.有那么一刹那, 凯瑟琳很想逃跑。外研社新世纪〔instant〕For an instant, I forgot where I was.我一下子忘了自己身在何处。韦氏高阶〔instant〕He became an instant celebrity with the publication of his first novel.首部小说的出版使他一夜成名。韦氏高阶〔instant〕He expects instant gratification.他期望立即得到满足。韦氏高阶〔instant〕He had taken an instant dislike to Rachel.他第一次见到蕾切尔时就不喜欢她。外研社新世纪〔instant〕He is truly the man of the instant idea.他确实是一拍脑袋即计上心来的那种人。英汉大词典〔instant〕He may arrive any instant.他随时都可能到达。英汉大词典〔instant〕He paused for an instant before continuing.他停顿了片刻才继续下去。牛津搭配〔instant〕He took out his keys to lock the door. At that very instant the door flew open and a man ran into the room.他拿出钥匙准备锁门,恰在此时,门突然被撞开,一个男子冲进了房间。牛津搭配〔instant〕His news was too important to be contained for a single instant longer.他的消息太重要了,不容片刻耽误,要马上发出去。牛津搭配〔instant〕His response was almost instant.他几乎立即作出反应。牛津搭配〔instant〕I hesitated for an instant.我踌躇了片刻。英汉大词典〔instant〕I recognized her the instant (that)(= as soon as)I saw her.我一眼就认出她了。牛津高阶〔instant〕I sat for a long instant frozen in horror.吓得我呆呆地僵坐了好半响儿。英汉大词典〔instant〕I told you the instant (that) I knew.我一知道就告诉你了。英汉大词典〔instant〕I was going to sleep and at that very instant the telephone rang.我刚要入睡,就在那时电话铃响了。英汉大词典〔instant〕I went on the instant.我立即去了。英汉大词典〔instant〕I went that instant.我立即去了。英汉大词典〔instant〕I'll be back in an instant.我马上就回来。牛津高阶〔instant〕I'll call you the instant (= as soon as) I get home.我一到家就给你打电话。剑桥高阶〔instant〕I'll make you a cup of Instant.我给你冲杯速溶咖啡。英汉大词典〔instant〕In an instant her mood had changed.顷刻间她的情绪就变了。剑桥高阶〔instant〕In the same instant he flung open the car door.与此同时, 他猛地打开了车门。外研社新世纪〔instant〕Is this coffee instant or regular? 这是速溶咖啡还是普通咖啡?韦氏高阶〔instant〕It all happened in an instant.那一切是一刹那间发生的。英汉大词典〔instant〕It took only an instant for him to react.他只在刹那间就作出了反应。麦克米伦高阶〔instant〕It was all over in an instant.转瞬之间一切都结束了。牛津搭配〔instant〕Jen burst out laughing the instant she walked in.她一走进来,珍就大笑起来。朗文当代〔instant〕Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.刹那间我以为他会拒绝。牛津高阶〔instant〕Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.我一时以为他要拒绝。牛津搭配〔instant〕Money can bring instant gratification.金钱可以带来即时的满足。外研社新世纪〔instant〕My instant reaction was 'of course not'.我的第一反应是“当然不行”。外研社新世纪〔instant〕She called the police the instant he left.他刚一离开, 她就打电话报了警。外研社新世纪〔instant〕She caught his eye for an instant .她刹那间便吸引了他的目光。朗文当代〔instant〕She paused for an instant and then stepped inside.她停顿了片刻,然后走了进去。麦克米伦高阶〔instant〕She stepped towards the door and in that very same instant, the doorbell rang.她走向门口,就在此时门铃响了。朗文当代〔instant〕She took an instant dislike to me.她立刻就讨厌我。牛津高阶〔instant〕She woke up in the instant before the phone rang.她刚刚醒来电话铃就响了。牛津搭配〔instant〕She woke up the instant the phone rang.电话一响她就醒了。麦克米伦高阶〔instant〕Tell me the instant they arrive.告诉我他们到的时间美国传统〔instant〕The instant I saw him, I knew he was the man from the restaurant.我一看到他就认出他是饭店里的那个人。朗文当代〔instant〕The Internet provides instant access to an enormous amount of information.互联网是获取大量信息的快捷途径。韦氏高阶〔instant〕The bomb could go off at any instant.炸弹随时都可能爆炸。牛津搭配〔instant〕The book was an instant success.这本书一上市就获得了成功。外研社新世纪〔instant〕The medicine gives instant relief from pain.这药服后能立即解除痛苦。英汉大词典〔instant〕The modern technology of communications offers us instant knowledge.现代通信技术为我们提供顷刻即可获得的知识。英汉大词典〔instant〕The movie was an instant hit/sensation/success.影片一上映便立即走红/引起轰动/获得成功。韦氏高阶〔instant〕The next instant she was flying through the air.一转眼,她已经在空中飞行了。牛津搭配〔instant〕The play was an instant success.此剧一上演即获成功。英汉大词典〔instant〕The shooting star was gone in an instant.那颗流星瞬息间就不见了。牛津同义词〔instant〕The show was an instant success.演出一炮打响。牛津高阶〔instant〕The startled boy froze for an instant, then fled.那个受惊的男孩愣了片刻,然后就逃跑了。剑桥高阶〔instant〕The women took an instant dislike to one another.这些女人一见面就彼此厌恶。朗文当代〔instant〕They took an instant liking to each other.他们彼此立刻产生了好感。麦克米伦高阶〔instant〕This account gives you instant access to your money.这个账户让你随时调动款项。牛津高阶〔instant〕This type of account offers you instant access to your money.这种账户允许随时支取存款。剑桥高阶〔instant〕We can't promise instant solutions, but we can promise to listen.我们不能保证立刻给予解决,但保证能认真听取意见。麦克米伦高阶〔instant〕We got an instant response from the company.我们得到了这家公司的即时回复。韦氏高阶〔instant〕When the rain started, the crowd vanished in an instant (=immediately) .下雨了,人群立刻散尽。朗文当代〔interval〕The amount of time between two specified instants, events, or states.间隔:两个特定瞬间、事件、或状态之间的时间量美国传统〔lather〕The soap lathers in an instant and gives off an expensive scent.这种肥皂会立即起泡并散发出高雅香味。英汉大词典〔lather〕The soap lathers in an instant.这肥皂会立即起泡。文馨英汉〔let〕His mind never let up for an instant.他思想上一刻也没有放松过。英汉大词典〔liftoff〕The initial movement by which or the instant in which a rocket or other such craft commences flight.起飞,发射:火箭或其他类似的飞行器起飞时的初始动作或时刻美国传统〔liking〕I took an instant liking to her.我立刻就喜欢上了她。牛津搭配〔lock〕Their eyes locked together (=they could not look away from each other) for an instant.他们四目相交,对视了片刻。朗文当代〔mellifluous〕His mellifluous voice got him an instant record deal.他动听的声音帮他很快赢得了唱片合约。外研社新世纪〔momentarily〕For a moment or an instant.暂时地,短暂地美国传统〔moment〕She hesitated for just an instant.她只踌躇了片刻。美国传统〔moment〕Stop it this instant.马上停下来。美国传统〔mugging〕He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs.他用勺子把速溶咖啡舀入两个杯子中。柯林斯高阶〔mug〕He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs.他用汤匙把速溶咖啡舀进两个大杯子中。外研社新世纪〔nausea〕For people who are sensitive, this may produce an instant feeling of nausea.对于敏感的人而言, 这也许会让他们即刻感到恶心。外研社新世纪〔nothing like sb/sth〕Instant coffee is nothing like the real thing.速溶咖啡与真正的咖啡完全是两回事。剑桥高阶〔notoriety〕He achieved instant fame and notoriety with the release of his film.他的电影上演,他就立刻变得声名狼藉。韦氏高阶〔oblivion〕Alcohol provides some people with instant oblivion.酒精可让一些人即刻进入无意识状态。外研社新世纪〔obviously〕Sam took an instant dislike to anyone whom Ellimere so obviously seated next to him at dinner.不管吃饭时艾丽米尔刻意安排谁挨着萨姆坐, 他立刻就会讨厌起这个人来。外研社新世纪〔outpouring〕The news of his death produced an instant outpouring of grief.他死亡的消息立即引发了强烈的悲痛。柯林斯高阶〔pluck〕She was plucked from obscurity to instant stardom.她从默默无闻中得到提携,转瞬成为明星。牛津高阶〔polish off〕No matter what he is offered to eat he polishes it off in an instant.不管给他吃什么,他都能眨眼就下肚。柯林斯高阶〔popularity〕Instant foods are gaining in popularity.快餐食品越来越普遍了。英汉大词典〔proper〕I prefer proper coffee, not instant.我喜欢真正的咖啡, 而不是速溶的。外研社新世纪〔pull up〕She recognized at the same instant Rachel's presence. It pulled her up short.雷切尔一出现她就认出她来了,随即停下了手中的活儿。柯林斯高阶〔pull〕She recognized at the same instant Rachel's presence. It pulled her up short.她同时意识到了蕾切尔在场, 便赶紧止住了话头。外研社新世纪〔quash〕Rage swept over him for an instant, but he quashed it.他勃然大怒,但立刻又把怒气按捺下去。英汉大词典〔replay〕Instant replays can occasionally prove the referee wrong.比赛中即时回放有时能证实裁判的误判。牛津搭配〔replay〕An instant replay.即兴重播美国传统〔revive〕With a glazed stare she revived for one last instant.她最后清醒了一会儿,眼神呆滞。柯林斯高阶〔rev〕The engine delivers instant acceleration whatever the revs.不论转速如何,发动机都可以立即加速。柯林斯高阶〔scream〕Stop it this instant or I'll scream the house down!马上住手, 否则我要大声喊了!外研社新世纪〔service〕I typed my password into my instant messaging service.我输入密码进入即时信息服务功能。牛津搭配〔sheet〕I slipped under the sheets and was asleep in an instant.我钻进被窝,一会儿就睡着了。牛津搭配〔skin〕If you don't come home this instant, I'll skin you alive.你如果不马上回家,我就剥了你的皮。英汉大词典〔spoon〕He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs.他把速溶咖啡粉舀到两只马克杯里。外研社新世纪〔spoon〕He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs.他舀了几勺速溶咖啡放进两个杯子中。柯林斯高阶〔still〕Charles stilled; for one instant, there was no expression on his face.查尔斯一动不动;有那么一瞬间, 他面无表情。外研社新世纪〔thrill〕Its prime audience lies in the 17 to 24 age group, and they want instant thrills and spills.它的主要观众的年龄集中在 17 岁到 24 岁之间,而这些人喜欢极速的惊险刺激。柯林斯高阶〔transfigure〕He smiled back, which for an instant transfigured his unrevealing features.他回笑了一下,有那么一瞬间不动声色的脸上焕发出容光。柯林斯高阶〔trial and error〕There's no instant way of finding a cure - it's just a process of trial and error.找到治疗方案不可能一蹴而就——这只能是一个反复试验的过程。剑桥高阶〔wave front〕The continuous line or surface including all the points in space reached by a wave or vibration at the same instant as it travels through a medium.波阵面:波或振动在通过介质的同一时刻里形成的连续的线或面,包括其在空间里达到的所有点美国传统〔wink〕The very brief time required for a wink; an instant.瞬间,霎时:眨一次眼所需非常短暂的时间;瞬时美国传统〔win〕The movie was an instant success and went on to win five Academy Awards.这部电影一上映就获得成功,接着又荣获 5 项奥斯卡大奖。牛津搭配Instant coffee doesn't compare with/can't be compared with freshly ground coffee (=fresh coffee is much better).速溶咖啡不能与新鲜磨出的咖啡相媲美。剑桥国际Instant coffee is all right but it's nothing like as/so good as the real thing (= real coffee is much better) .速溶咖啡虽然不错但比起真正的咖啡来差远了。剑桥国际An instant later the explosion occurred. 一会儿之后,爆炸就发生了。译典通Big companies can put their logo on a new product for instant brand recognition.为了让人们一看便能识别品牌,大公司可以将其徽标贴在新产品上。牛津商务Contrary to expectations, the film was an instant success.与预期的相反,这部影片一上演即获成功。剑桥国际Don't expect instant results.不要期望有立竿见影的结果。牛津商务Foods such as instant noodles are popular as snacks.速食面之类的食品是流行快餐。剑桥国际For an instant quote, simply fill out the online order form.只需填写在线订货单即可获得即时报价。牛津商务He left on the instant. 他马上便走了。译典通He often eats out at an instant Chinese restaurant. 他常在一家中式快餐馆吃饭。译典通He rested his eyes on the new comer for an instant. 他瞧了一下那个新来的人。译典通He said he was telling the truth, but not for an instant (=not at all) did she believe him.他说他讲的是实话,但她一点儿也不相信他。剑桥国际His face appeared for an instant at the window.他的面孔在窗户上闪了一下。剑桥国际I don't know what you're looking so pleased about--you can wipe that smile off your face (= stop smiling) this instant.我不知道为什么你看上去那么高兴----你现在别再笑了。剑桥国际I tried phoning her the instant (=as soon as) I got home.我一回家就试着给她打电话。剑桥国际If you want instant gratification, this is one dessert that you can put together in under ten minutes.如果你想马上得到满足,这种甜点心你可以在10分钟之内就拼合好。剑桥国际In an instant the magician had conjured (up) a perfect white dove from his hat.魔术师眨眼间便从帽子里变出一只洁白的鸽子。剑桥国际In an instant the mood of the room changed.一转眼房间的气氛就变了。剑桥国际Mobile phones are an example not of planned obsolescence (= designed not to last very long) but instant obsolescence.手机不属于计划报废产品(设计成不耐用)而是瞬间报废产品的例子。牛津商务She was senior brand manager for ‘Jungle Instant Breakfast’.她是“丛林速食早餐”的高级品牌经理。牛津商务Some people expect instant gratification (= to get what they want immediately).有些人期望立刻得到满足。剑桥国际The alarm bells started ringing and at the same instant all the lights went off.警铃响了起来,同时所有的灯都熄灭了。剑桥国际The boxer let his guard slip (= stopped protecting himself) for an instant and was knocked out.这个拳手刚松懈了防护就被击倒了。剑桥国际The car drove off, and the next instant (=after a very short pause) there was a deafening explosion.小汽车开走了,紧接着就是一声震耳欲聋的爆炸声。剑桥国际The film was re-released ten years later and became an instant success.该电影十年后重新发行上映并立刻获得了成功。剑桥国际The flood victims were in instant need of help. 水灾难民急需救助。译典通The poison took instant effect.毒药立即发生了作用。剑桥国际The telegram asked for an instant reply. 这封电报要求立即回复。译典通There's no instant way of finding a cure -- it's just a process of trial and error.没有直接找到对策的方法----只能是一个反复试验的过程。剑桥国际This connection gives you instant access to the Internet.这个连接让你随时上网。牛津商务This sort of account offers you instant access to your money.这种帐户可使你随时取钱。剑桥国际




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