

单词 instalment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕You can receive your bonus in monthly instalments, or as a lump sum. 你可以按月拿奖金,或是一次拿一笔。朗文写作活用〔PART〕Dickens wrote his novels in weekly instalments for a magazine. 狄更斯为一家杂志社写连载小说,每周一期。朗文写作活用〔PART〕Oliver Stone was in Thailand shooting the final instalment in his Vietnam trilogy, Heaven And Earth. 奥利弗·斯通在泰国拍摄他的越南三步曲的最后一部《天与地》。朗文写作活用〔PART〕We are proud to present the second instalment of our fantastic six-part competition to win a Renault Clio. 我们举办六集引人入胜的比赛节目,奖品是雷诺公司的“克里奥”汽车,第二集现在开始了,很高兴跟大家见面。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕You can pay me in instalments if you can't afford to give me all the money back in one go. 如果你无力一次付清我所有的钱,可以分期支付。朗文写作活用〔down〕I gave him $1,000 down, and paid the rest in instalments.我付给他1000英镑,其余货款分期支付。剑桥高阶〔facility〕We offer the facility to pay in instalments.我们提供分期付款的便利条件。外研社新世纪〔final〕Stone is filming the final instalment of his Vietnam trilogy.斯通正在拍摄越南三部曲的最后一部。朗文当代〔instalment〕Do you want to hear the latest instalment of my love life? 你想听听我最近爱情生活的精彩片段吗?麦克米伦高阶〔instalment〕Repayment is in ten instalments.还款分 10 期支付。牛津搭配〔instalment〕She sold the car before she had paid the instalments.她未交完分期付款就把车卖掉了。牛津搭配〔instalment〕The 'Screwtape Letters' were published in instalments from May to November 1941.《地狱来鸿》于 1941 年 5 月到 11 月分期连载发表。牛津搭配〔instalment〕The amounts are repayable by instalment.这些款项可以分期偿还。牛津搭配〔instalment〕The final instalment on the loan is due next week.贷款的最后一期付款下个星期到期。牛津高阶〔instalment〕The first instalment is payable on application.首期付款应在申请时交付。外研社新世纪〔instalment〕The first instalment of £1 per share is payable on application.每股1英镑的首期付款应在申请时交付。柯林斯高阶〔instalment〕The next instalment is not due until July.下一期付款要到 7 月才交。牛津搭配〔instalment〕The novel has been serialized for radio in five instalments.这部小说已在电台进行了5次分期播送。剑桥高阶〔instalment〕They were unable to keep up(= continue to pay regularly)the instalments.他们未能继续按时交付这笔分期付款。牛津高阶〔instalment〕They're letting me pay for the washing machine by monthly instalments .他们允许我以每月分期付款方式买这台洗衣机。朗文当代〔instalment〕We agreed to pay for the car by/in instalments.我们同意分期付款购买小汽车。剑桥高阶〔instalment〕We await the next gripping instalment.我们期待扣人心弦的下一部。外研社新世纪〔instalment〕We paid for the car by/in instalments.我们以分期付款买了这辆车。牛津高阶〔instalment〕We paid for the television in 12 monthly instalments.我们分12个月付款买下了这台电视机。麦克米伦高阶〔instalment〕We pay for the TV in instalments.我们用分期付款办法购买这台电视机。牛津同义词〔instalment〕When is the next instalment due? 下一期的分期付款应该是什么时候?麦克米伦高阶〔instalment〕You can pay it in instalments.你可以分期付款。牛津搭配〔monthly〕The mortgage is payable in monthly instalments.这抵押贷款按月偿还。朗文当代〔payable〕The price is payable in monthly instalments.本价格可按月分期付款。牛津高阶〔payment〕We do accept payment in instalments (=paying in small amounts over a period of time) .我们确实接受分期付款。朗文当代〔payment〕We paid for the car by/in instalments.我们以分期付款买了这辆车。牛津高阶〔reminder〕If an instalment is not paid, a reminder is issued.如果没有偿还分期付款的话,就会发出一封催款信。麦克米伦高阶〔remit〕I promised to remit the balance, plus interest, in monthly instalments.我答应把余额连同利息以每月分期付款形式汇上。英汉大词典〔repayable〕The loan is repayable in monthly instalments.这笔借款能以按月摊付的方式偿还。牛津高阶〔repossess〕In default of the payment of instalments due, the mobile homes were repossessed.由于不付分期付款的到期应付款项,活动房屋被收回去了。英汉大词典〔termly〕Students can pay fees in termly instalments.学生可以按学期交纳学费。朗文当代I sent all the instalments together, as three post-dated cheques.我用三张填迟了日期的支票将所有分期付款款项一起寄出。牛津商务I think you'd find it advantageous to pay by instalments.我想你会发现分期付款很有利。剑桥国际The final instalment on the loan is due next week.贷款的最后一期下月到期。牛津商务The funds were disbursed in two instalments.这笔资金分两期支付。牛津商务The loan can be repaid in 24 monthly instalments.贷款可在 24 个月内分期偿还。牛津商务The loan is repayable in monthly instalments.这笔贷款可以按月分期偿还。牛津商务The mortgage is payable in 83 monthly instalments of $720 and a balloon payment of $112 000 at the end of the seventh year.这按揭分 83 个月偿还,每月 720 元,在第七年年底支付最后一笔 112 000 元的大额尾付贷款。牛津商务The novel has been serialized for radio in five instalments.这部小说在广播里分5部分连续播出。剑桥国际The price is payable in monthly instalments.这笔费用可按月分期支付。牛津商务The price of the car is payable in 12 monthly instalments.这辆车的价格可以分12个月付清。剑桥国际The second instalment is due on the partly paid shares.这批部分缴款股份的第二笔分期付款已经到期。牛津商务They were unable to keep up (= continue to pay) the instalments.他们不能继续支付这笔分期付款。牛津商务We agreed to pay for the car by instalments.我们同意用分期付款的办法购买小汽车。剑桥国际We paid for it by/in instalments.我们分期付款买它。牛津商务What happens if a buyer fails to pay an instalment promptly? 如果买方未能及时分期付款会怎样?牛津商务You can pay $200 down and the rest in 12 monthly instalments.你可以先付 200 元订金,其余款项 12 个月分期付清。牛津商务




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