

单词 investigating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMOUNT〕Police are investigating a burglary in which a small quantity of jewellery was stolen. 警方正在调查一宗盗窃案,有一批数量不多的珠宝被盗。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕Police are investigating a spate of muggings that took place on the campus last week. 警方正在调查上周在校园里接连发生的多起行凶抢劫事件。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Police are investigating the scene to determine if there are any links with last week's bombing. 警方在调查现场,以确定是否与上周的爆炸案有关联。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕The FBI is investigating the company's business activities. 联邦调查局在对该公司的商业活动进行调查。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕Police are investigating a recent spate of narcotics offenses in Miami. 警方正在调查最近迈阿密发生的一连串毒品犯罪事件。朗文写作活用〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Scientists are investigating the ways in which climate changes affect the ozone layer. 科学家正在研究气候变化如何影响臭氧层。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Police are investigating an explosion at the city store. 警方正对市中心一家商店的爆炸案进行调查。朗文写作活用〔MATERIAL〕They are investigating an area of space that contains more than the usual amount of matter. 他们在探究一片太空区域,那里的物质密度高于通常水平。朗文写作活用〔MYSTERIOUS〕Police are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a young schoolteacher. 警方正在调查一位年轻教师神秘失踪的案子。朗文写作活用〔PAST〕The newspapers had been investigating the President's past, hoping to find some scandal. 报界在调查总统的过去,希望能找到一些丑闻。朗文写作活用〔POSSIBLE〕We are currently investigating the viability of this proposal. 目前,我们正在研究这项建议的可行性。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕The police are investigating claims of child abuse. 警方正在调查儿童被性侵犯的指控。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕We've spent weeks investigating this case and it's got us completely baffled. 这个案子我们调查了好几个星期,把我们彻底难倒了。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕The police are investigating a series of bank robberies. 警方正在调查一连串的银行抢劫案。朗文写作活用〔Special Branch〕Officers from Special Branch are investigating the case.政治保安处的警官正在调查这起案件。韦氏高阶〔THREATEN〕Threats have been made against the judge who is investigating the case. 调查该案件的法官一再遭到恐吓。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕The police are investigating the puzzling death of a man found on the freeway. 警方正在调查在高速公路上发现的一名男子离奇死亡的原因。朗文写作活用〔accusation〕The police are investigating serious accusations of wrongdoing.警方正在对不法行为的严重指控进行调查。韦氏高阶〔against〕Police are investigating death threats made against a prosecution witness.警方正在调查针对控方证人的死亡威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔allegation〕The governor of the prison is investigating allegations that a prisoner was attacked and beaten by a prison warden.典狱长正在调查一位监狱看守攻击和殴打一名犯人的指控。牛津搭配〔allegation〕The police are investigating allegations that the mayor has accepted bribes.警方正在调查市长收受贿赂的各种指控。韦氏高阶〔allocate〕It is not the job of the investigating committee to allocate blame for the disaster/to allocate blame to individuals.调查委员会的任务不是确定谁该为这场灾难负责任/哪些人应该负责任。剑桥高阶〔arrest〕The police are investigating the case but they have not yet made any arrests.警方正在调查此案,但他们还未实施抓捕。韦氏高阶〔arson〕The arson squad is investigating the blaze.纵火案调查组正在调查这起火灾。外研社新世纪〔authority〕Local authorities are investigating the accident.地方当局正在调查这起事故。韦氏高阶〔authority〕The health authorities are investigating the problem.衞生当局正在调查这个问题。牛津高阶〔board〕She was appointed to the board investigating lapses in airport security.她被任命加入调查机场安全漏洞的委员会。麦克米伦高阶〔call〕Detectives are investigating a hoax call which led to the evacuation of an office block.一个恶作剧电话导致一幢办公大楼的人全部撤离,侦探正在对此进行调查。朗文当代〔call〕What has Harry been called up by the investigating committee for? 哈利为什么被调查委员会传讯?英汉大词典〔can〕When made chairman of that investigating committee, he was being handed a can of worms.选他担任调查委员会主席,正是叫他接手一个烂摊子。英汉大词典〔carjacking〕The police are investigating another carjacking.警方正在调查另外一起劫车案件。韦氏高阶〔case〕At least a dozen officers are investigating the murder case.至少有12名警察在调查这起谋杀案。麦克米伦高阶〔case〕Four officers are investigating the case.4 名警察在调查该案件。牛津搭配〔charge〕The commission is charged with investigating war crimes.该委员会受命调查战争罪行。朗文当代〔claim〕The police are investigating fraudulent claims for fire damage.警方正在调查欺诈性的火灾索赔。牛津搭配〔compound〕Police are investigating a raid on a secure compound.警方正在调查一起发生在一处严密把守的区域中的袭击事件。牛津搭配〔criminal〕The police are investigating the matter, and he may face criminal charges (=he may be officially accused of a crime) .警方正在调查此案,他可能面临刑事诉讼。朗文当代〔disappearance〕Police are investigating several mysterious disappearances.警方正在调查几起神秘的失踪案件。韦氏高阶〔disappearance〕Police are investigating the disappearance from council offices of confidential files.警察正在调查市政办公室机密档案被盗一案。柯林斯高阶〔disappearance〕Police are investigating the disappearance of confidential files.警方正在调查这起机密文件失窃案。外研社新世纪〔disappearance〕Police are investigating the mysterious disappearance of two young men.警方正在调查两个年轻人的神秘失踪。牛津搭配〔disappearance〕Police are investigating the woman's disappearance.警方正在调查这名女子的失踪案。朗文当代〔disappear〕Police are investigating the disappearance of a young woman.警方正在调查一位年轻女子的失踪案。牛津高阶〔exact〕Police are still investigating the exact cause of the accident.警方还在调查这起事故的确切原因。朗文当代〔farm〕The police are investigating a fire at a nearby farm.警方正在调查附近农场的一场火灾。牛津搭配〔fiddle〕Police investigating a £10 million car insurance fiddle arrested 16 people yesterday.调查涉及 1,000 万英镑的汽车保险诈骗案的警察昨天逮捕了 16 人。柯林斯高阶〔fiddle〕Police are investigating a £10 million car-insurance fiddle.警方正在调查一起涉案金额达一千万英镑的汽车保险诈骗案。外研社新世纪〔form〕The project forms part of a larger project investigating the history of the cinema.该项目是电影史研究这个大项目的一部分。朗文当代〔fraud〕Police are investigating a complex fraud involving several bogus contractors.警方正在调查一起涉及几个冒充承包商的复杂诈骗案。麦克米伦高阶〔go through the motions〕He says he's been investigating my complaint, but I feel he's just going through the motions.他说他一直在调查我的投诉,可我觉得他只是在敷衍了事。剑桥高阶〔hammerblow〕He dodged the well-aimed hammerblows of a Senate investigating committee.他躲避参院调查委员会对他正中要害的攻击。英汉大词典〔head〕Judge Hawthorne was chosen to head the team investigating the allegations of abuse.霍索恩法官被选中率领这个小组调查有关虐待的指控。剑桥高阶〔incident〕Police were still investigating the incident yesterday.警察昨天仍在调查这一事件。外研社新世纪〔investigate〕Gas officials are investigating the cause of an explosion which badly damaged a house in Hampshire.煤气系统的官员正在调查一起瓦斯爆炸的起因,这起事故严重毁坏了汉普郡的一所房屋。柯林斯高阶〔investigate〕Gas officials are investigating the cause of the explosion.天然气公司的官员正在调查此次爆炸的原因。外研社新世纪〔investigate〕Police are investigating allegations of corruption involving senior executives.警方正在调查对高级管理人员涉嫌贪污的指控。剑桥高阶〔investigate〕Police are investigating possible links between the murders.警察正在调查这些谋杀案之间可能存在的关联。牛津高阶〔investigate〕Police are investigating what happened.警察正在调查事情发生的经过。牛津高阶〔investigate〕Police are still investigating how the accident happened.警方仍然在调查事故的起因。柯林斯高阶〔investigate〕Scientists are investigating the effects of diet on fighting cancer.科学家正在研究饮食的抗癌作用。牛津高阶〔investigate〕The police are still investigating the murder.警方还在调查这起凶杀案。韦氏高阶〔investigate〕The state police are investigating the incident.州警察正在调查此事。朗文当代〔investigate〕They are investigating how the accident happened.他们正在调查事故是如何发生的。外研社新世纪〔investigate〕We are of course investigating how an error like this could have occurred.我们当然正在调查发生此类错误的原因。剑桥高阶〔investigation〕The act or process of investigating.调查:调查的动作或过程美国传统〔jointly〕Today managers and personnel officers are jointly responsible for investigating complaints of discrimination.现在管理人员和人事部门官员共同负责调查有关歧视的投诉。外研社新世纪〔jury〕He will appear before a grand jury investigating the case.他将出庭面对调查此案的大陪审团。牛津搭配〔lax〕The subcommittee contends that the authorities were lax in investigating most of the cases.小组委员会认为有关部门对多数案件疏于调查。剑桥高阶〔mysterious〕The police are investigating the mysterious deaths of children at the hospital.警察正在调查医院里儿童神秘死亡的原因。朗文当代〔mysterious〕They are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a young man.他们正在调查一个年轻人的神秘失踪。麦克米伦高阶〔open〕Officers investigating her death are keeping their options open.调查她死因的官员暂时未下定论。朗文当代〔phantom〕Police were investigating a phantom trading scheme at a Wall Street investment bank.警方正在调查一家华尔街投资银行的虚假交易计划。外研社新世纪〔police〕The police are investigating fraud allegations against him.警方在调查对他的欺诈指控。剑桥高阶〔population〕The UN is investigating new methods of population control (= limiting the growth of the number of people).联合国正在研究控制人口的新方法。剑桥高阶〔prison〕The police are investigating disturbances at the prison.警察正在调查监狱中发生的骚乱。牛津搭配〔rape〕Police are investigating a series of violent rapes in the town.警察在调查镇上发生的一连串暴力强奸案。朗文当代〔rash〕Local police are investigating a rash of burglaries in the area.当地警察正在调查发生在该地区的多起入室盗窃案。麦克米伦高阶〔report〕We're investigating reports of an explosion in this area.我们正在调查该地区发生爆炸的报告。牛津搭配〔ring〕Police are investigating the suspected drug ring at the school.警方正在调查这所学校的可疑贩毒团伙。外研社新世纪〔robbery〕Police are investigating a series of bank robberies in South Wales.警方正在调查发生在南威尔士的一系列银行抢劫案。朗文当代〔sabotage〕Police investigating the train derailment have not ruled out sabotage.警方调查火车出轨事件,没有排除人为破坏的可能。牛津高阶〔series〕The police are investigating a series of attacks in the area.警方在调查该地区发生的一连串袭击事件。朗文当代〔shred〕He ordered his secretary to shred important documents when government inspectors started investigating his business affairs.政府调查员开始调查他公司的业务时,他命令秘书将重要文件粉碎销毁。剑桥高阶〔shy〕The newspapers have shied away from investigating the story.各家报纸纷纷退避,不敢调查详情。牛津高阶〔sit〕A local investigating group is sitting on the case.当地的一个调查小组正在审理这个案子。英汉大词典〔sleeve〕I'd been doing some quiet investigating in the meantime and had an ace up my sleeve.与此同时, 我不动声色地展开调查, 掌握了一张王牌。外研社新世纪〔sleeve〕I'd been doing some quiet investigating in the meantime and had an ace up my sleeve.与此同时,我不动声色地展开了调查,掌握了一张王牌。柯林斯高阶〔sort〕That's just the sort of abuse that he will be investigating.他要调查的正是这一类虐待行为。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕The government is determined to spare no effort in investigating this case thoroughly.政府决定不遗余力地彻底调查这个案子。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕The government is determined to spare no effort in investigating this case thoroughly.政府决定不遗余力彻查这个案子。外研社新世纪〔spate〕Police are investigating a spate of burglaries in the Kingsland Road area.警方正在调查最近在金斯兰德路周边地区接连发生的多起入室盗窃案。剑桥高阶〔stick〕Reporters should stick to investigating the facts.记者应该坚持调查事实。朗文当代〔theft〕Police are investigating the theft of computers from the company's offices.警方正在调查这家公司办公室里的计算机失窃案。牛津高阶〔there〕We are investigating further and will take the matter from there.我们正在作进一步调查, 将从那里入手。外研社新世纪〔threat〕The police are investigating death threats made against the two men.警方正在调查针对这两名男子的死亡恐吓。朗文当代〔transfer〕Police are investigating how £20 million was illegally transferred from/out of the trust's bank account.警方正在调查2000万英镑是如何从该基金会的银行账户上非法转出的。剑桥高阶〔un-American〕From 1940 to 1943, he was general counsel of the House committee investigating un-American activities.1940年至1943年,他是众议院非美活动调查委员会的法律总顾问。剑桥高阶〔unidentified〕Police are investigating the death of an unidentified man whose body was found yesterday.昨天发现的一具无名男尸,警方正在调查该案件。剑桥高阶〔unrelated〕Police found the evidence while investigating an unrelated matter.警方在调查一件无关联的案件时找到了这个证据。麦克米伦高阶〔well defined〕Scientists follow several well-defined steps in investigating unexpected outbreaks of disease.科学家们在研究疾病的突发情况时都会遵循几个明确的步骤。剑桥高阶〔whereabouts〕The police have been investigating the group's whereabouts.警察一直在调查这个集团的行踪。麦克米伦高阶〔whether〕We are not investigating the question of whether he is trustworthy.我们并非在调查他是否值得信任的问题。英汉大词典〔whose〕Fraud detectives are investigating the company, three of whose senior executives have already been arrested.反诈骗侦探正在调查那家公司,该公司的3名高级管理人员已被拘捕。剑桥高阶Investigating officers would visit the claimant's home and interrogate neighbours to check that he or she was not concealing anything.调查员将访问原告的家里,并询问其邻居以检查他或她没有隐瞒什么。剑桥国际Archaeologists are investigating whether the small hill is really a burial mound (= a place where people were buried in ancient times).考古学家在调查这小山是否确实是墓冢。剑桥国际Fraud detectives are investigating the company, three of whose senior executives have already been arrested.行为欺诈调查侦探正在对这个公司进行调查,其3名高级管理人员已经被捕。剑桥国际Fraud-squad officers are investigating a £5.6 million swindle.反骗专案组的官员正在调查一起560万英镑的诈骗案。剑桥国际From 1940 to 1943, he was general counsel of the House committee investigating un-American activities.从1940年到1943年, 他是众议院反美活动调查委员会的总法律顾问。剑桥国际He says he's been investigating my complaint and that he's very sympathetic, but I feel he's just going through the motions.他说他一直在调查我的投诉,而且他很同情我,可我觉得他只是在敷衍。剑桥国际It is not the job of the investigating committee to allocate blame for the disaster / to allocate blame to individuals.调查委员会的工作不是摊派这场灾难的责任/把责任摊派给个人来承担。剑桥国际Judge Hawthorne was chosen to head up the team investigating the allegations of abuse.霍桑法官被选中率领这个小组去调查有关虐待的指控。剑桥国际Police are investigating a spate of burglaries in the Kingsland Road area.警察正在调查最近发生在金斯兰德路区域的大量盗窃案。剑桥国际Police are investigating allegations of corruption and bribery involving senior executives in the company.警察当局正在对这家公司的高级管理人员涉嫌贪污受贿的指控进行调查。剑桥国际Police are investigating how £20 million was illegally transferred out of the Trust's bank account.警察正在调查2千万英镑是如何非法地从信托银行的帐户上转出来的。剑桥国际Police are investigating the death of an unidentified man whose body was found in Crackley Woods yesterday.警方正在调查昨天在科兰柯里伍兹发现的无名男尸的死亡事件。剑桥国际Prehistoric remains have been found by archaeologists investigating the site.调查遗址的考古学家发现了史前遗迹。剑桥国际Scientists follow several well-defined steps in investigating unexpected outbreaks of disease.科学家们遵循几个明确的步骤来研究疾病的突然发作。剑桥国际She gave a staggeringly good performance in the TV programme as a police officer investigating a murder.她在电视节目中扮演了一个调查谋杀案的警官,扮演得令人吃惊地出色。剑桥国际Sometimes, the stench from the bodies of the deceased can be very nauseating to the investigating police. 有时候,死者身上发出的臭味对调查的警方来说是令人恶心的。译典通The Inland Revenue is investigating donations made to the fund.国内税收部正在调查给该基金的捐款。剑桥国际The Society for Psychical Research is investigating reports of a ghost at the old vicarage.超自然能力研究协会正在调查关于那幢陈旧的牧师住宅里的鬼魂的报告。剑桥国际The UN is investigating new methods of population control (= limiting the growth of the number of people).联合国在调查控制人口的新方法。剑桥国际The bank is investigating claims that some borrowers have been treated preferentially.银行正在调查一些贷款人受到了优待的指控。剑桥国际The commission is investigating complaints about dishonest doorstep selling (= going to sb's home and trying to persuade them to buy your product).委员会正对有关欺骗性上门推销的投诉进行调查。牛津商务The health authorities are investigating the problem.卫生当局正在调查这一问题。牛津商务The people investigating the plane crash have not yet recovered the aircraft's flight recorder.调查飞机失事的人们还没有找到那架飞机的黑盒子。剑桥国际The plant traditionally used for investigating the genetics of flower pigmentation is the petunia.通常被用来研究花颜色基因的植物是矮牵牛花。剑桥国际The police investigating the case believed that the murderer was a person who took a perverse pleasure in violence.调查谋杀案的警察认为谋杀者是一个以暴力为乐的反常人。剑桥国际The police are investigating fraud allegations against him.警方在调查对他的虚假指控。剑桥国际The subcommittee contends that the authorities were lax in investigating most of the cases.分管委员会指责当局对大多数案情调查不力。剑桥国际They were investigating her private life.他们在调查她的私生活。剑桥国际We are of course investigating how an error like this could have occurred. 我们当然正在调查如何会发生这样的错误。剑桥国际




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