

单词 meteorological conditions
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔climate〕The meteorological conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, that characteristically prevail in a particular region.气候:包括温度、降雨量及风等的气象条件,在某一特别地带占主导美国传统〔meteorograph〕An instrument that records simultaneously several meteorological conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and humidity.气象计:同时记录几个气象情况的仪器,如记录气温、气压和湿度美国传统〔micrometeorology〕The study of weather conditions in a very small area, such as the area immediately around the trunk of a tree, that can affect meteorological conditions.微气象学:研究一个非常小的区域内的可以影响气象的天气情况,例如一棵树树干周围的区域美国传统〔rocketsonde〕An instrument transported to the upper atmosphere by rocket, used to study meteorological conditions.火箭探空仪,气象探测火箭:一种由火箭发动机运送到高空用于研究气象状况的仪器美国传统〔weather map〕A map or chart depicting the meteorological conditions over a specific geographic area at a specific time.气象图:描绘某一特定地理区域在某一特定时期的天气状况的图或表美国传统




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