

单词 iron
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Iron Age〕an Iron Age tool 铁器时代的工具韦氏高阶〔Iron Age〕the remains of an Iron Age fort.一座铁器时代堡垒的遗迹柯林斯高阶〔Iron Curtain〕when he travelled behind the Iron Curtain in the 1970s.当他 20 世纪 70 年代在铁幕背后的国家旅行时柯林斯高阶〔absorption〕the body's absorption of iron 身体对铁质的吸收朗文当代〔abstract〕abstract iron from ore 从矿石中提取铁英汉大词典〔bedstead〕an old iron bedstead一副旧的铁床架外研社新世纪〔chain〕iron chains.铁链。牛津同义词〔contaminate〕iron contaminated with phosphorus 含磷劣质铁英汉大词典〔corrugated〕a corrugated iron roof 波纹铁屋顶牛津高阶〔corrugated〕corrugated iron 波状铁皮(作屋顶、藩篱等用)文馨英汉〔crimp〕crimp the hair with a curling iron 用卷发器烫发英汉大词典〔donkey〕old iron mines that haven't been used in donkey's years.废弃已久的旧铁矿柯林斯高阶〔electric〕an electric iron 电熨斗英汉大词典〔encrust〕iron encrusted with rust外表生锈的铁21世纪英汉〔factory〕an iron foundry 铸铁厂牛津高阶〔filing〕iron filings 铁锉屑牛津高阶〔forge〕forge a bar of iron into a hook 把一根铁条锻成钩子英汉大词典〔foundry〕an iron foundry 铸铁厂朗文当代〔goose〕pl. goos.es A tailor's pressing iron with a long curved handle.【复数】 goos.es 一种具有鹅颈柄的裁缝用熨斗美国传统〔gouge out〕stripping off the soil and gouging out gold or iron ore.清除泥土,挖出黄金或铁矿石柯林斯高阶〔hack〕hack open a path with an iron rod 用铁棍开出一条小路 英汉大词典〔hammered〕hammered iron 煅铁英汉大词典〔iron ... out〕to iron out irregularities使不一致处一致起来21世纪英汉〔iron fist〕ruled the nation with an iron fist.以强权统治国家美国传统〔ironing〕the highest grade iron ore deposits in the world.世界上最优质的铁矿层柯林斯高阶〔iron〕iron clothes.熨衣服美国传统〔iron〕a heated iron 烧热的熨斗韦氏高阶〔iron〕a man of iron routine 恪守铁定常规的人英汉大词典〔iron〕a man of iron will 意志坚强的男子牛津高阶〔iron〕an iron age of incessant wars 连年战乱的严酷岁月英汉大词典〔iron〕an iron bar 铁棒英汉大词典〔iron〕cast/wrought/corrugated iron 铸铁;熟铁;波纹铁牛津高阶〔iron〕too much iron in the diet 饮食中过多的铁质英汉大词典〔metallic〕metallic iron 金属铁英汉大词典〔molten〕molten iron 熔铁朗文当代〔of〕a woman of iron character 铁女人英汉大词典〔ore〕iron ore 铁矿石牛津高阶〔ore〕a company that mines and smelts iron ore 开采和熔炼铁矿的公司麦克米伦高阶〔ore〕a huge iron ore mine.巨大的铁矿山柯林斯高阶〔period〕the Iron Age.铁器时代。美国传统〔prepare〕prepare steel from iron 用铁炼钢英汉大词典〔pyrites〕iron pyrites黄铁矿外研社新世纪〔railings〕the iron railings of the convent grounds女修道院院落周围的铁栏杆外研社新世纪〔railing〕the iron railings of the convent grounds.女修道院院落周围的铁栏杆柯林斯高阶〔ramrod〕a woman with iron grey hair, high cheekbones and a figure like a ramrod.一位铁灰色头发、高颧骨、腰板笔直的女士柯林斯高阶〔red-hot〕a red-hot iron 赤热的烙铁英汉大词典〔refinement〕wrought iron as a refinement of pig iron 作为生铁精炼产品的熟铁英汉大词典〔rod〕a dictator's iron rod独裁者的铁腕专制统治外研社新世纪〔rumple〕iron a few rumples smooth 把一些皱痕烫平英汉大词典〔running〕molten running iron 熔化的铁流英汉大词典〔scrap〕scrap iron 把铁敲碎英汉大词典〔seam〕a rich seam of iron ore 富铁矿层韦氏高阶〔smelt〕the process used for smelting iron ore 熔炼铁矿的工序韦氏高阶〔sock〕sock the hot iron to the calf's side 在小牛身上打烙印英汉大词典〔span〕the humped iron bridge spanning the railway横跨铁路的铁拱桥外研社新世纪〔spike〕a high wall topped with iron spikes装有铁制墙头钉的高墙外研社新世纪〔spike〕a row of iron spikes on a wall 墙头的一排尖铁牛津高阶〔wrought iron〕an antique wrought iron fence 古锻铁栅栏韦氏高阶an iron and steel works 钢铁厂牛津商务the Consett Iron Co.堪色特铁材公司牛津商务




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