

单词 in the south
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PEACE〕a ceasefire between the warring forces in the south 南方交战部队间的一项停火协议朗文写作活用〔South-West〕the mountains in the south west of the USA.美国西南部的山脉柯林斯高阶〔South〕holidays in the south of France.在法国南部度过的假日柯林斯高阶〔disaster〕the unfolding storm disaster in the South 南方愈演愈烈的暴风雨灾害牛津搭配〔enchanting〕enchanting villages in the South of France法国南部迷人的村庄外研社新世纪〔fieldwork〕an anthropologist who has done fieldwork in the South Pacific 在南太平洋做过实地考察的人类学家韦氏高阶〔flashpoint〕potential flashpoints in the south of the country 该国南部潜在的暴力爆发点牛津高阶〔inclusive〕a three-week inclusive holiday in the South of France 在法国南部为期3周且费用全包的度假麦克米伦高阶〔lyrical〕gave a lyrical description of her experiences in the South Seas.对她在南太平洋的经历作了热情的描述美国传统〔raid〕raids on houses in the south of the city 对该市南部地区住宅的突击搜查牛津搭配〔summer〕summered the herd in the south meadow.夏天在南边的草地上放羊美国传统〔text〕a poetic text about growing up in the South 一篇描写在南方成长的诗文牛津搭配〔vote〕policies designed to win votes in the South 旨在赢取南方选票的各项政策朗文当代a 22% depreciation in the South African rand 南非兰特贬值 22%牛津商务a shortage of development land in the south of England 英格兰南部开发用地的短缺牛津商务




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