

单词 in the region of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕A typical price would be somewhere in the region of £2,500 per person. 价格通常为每人2,500英镑左右。朗文写作活用〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕The business is worth something in the region of $25m. 这笔生意价值2,500万美元左右。朗文写作活用〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕The universe is estimated to be somewhere in the region of eleven billion years old. 宇宙估计有大约110亿年的历史了。朗文写作活用〔Pelasgian〕A member of a people living in the region of the Aegean Sea before the coming of the Greeks.佩拉斯吉人:在希腊人到来以前生活在爱琴海地区的人美国传统〔backache〕Discomfort or a pain in the region of the back or spine.背疼:后背或脊柱的某部分的疼痛或不舒服美国传统〔bowleg〕A leg having an outward curvature in the region of the knee.弓形腿:在膝盖处外弯的腿美国传统〔cardialgia〕Localized pain in the region of the heart.心痛:心脏部位的局部疼痛美国传统〔high〕Highs today will be in the region of 25°C.今天的最高气温将为 25 摄氏度左右。牛津高阶〔humeral〕Of, relating to, or located in the region of the humerus or the shoulder.肱骨的,肩骨的:属于,关于肱骨或肩部的或位于肱骨区或肩部的美国传统〔invite〕Offers in the region of £1,000,000 are invited for the property.这块地产征求100万英镑左右的出价。剑桥高阶〔jugular〕Of, relating to, or located in the region of the neck or throat.颈的,喉的,位于颈部和喉部的美国传统〔plus〕The auctioneers can expect offers in the region of £300,000 plus.拍卖者预计这个地区的出价可达30多万英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔pterygoid〕Of, relating to, or located in the region of the sphenoid bone; a pterygoid muscle.翼状突的:蝶骨的,与其有关的或位于其部位的;一块翼状肌肉美国传统〔pubic〕Of, relating to, or located in the region of the pubis or the pubes.阴部的,耻骨的:阴部和耻骨的,与阴部和耻骨有关的,在阴部和耻骨这个部位的美国传统〔region〕He earns somewhere in the region of €50 000.他大约赚 5 万欧元。牛津高阶〔region〕He is a well-known authority in the region of physics.他是物理学界的一位知名权威。英汉大词典〔region〕It will cost in the region of six million pounds.它将花费600万英镑左右。外研社新世纪〔region〕It will cost something in the region of $1 million.花费估计为100万美元左右。剑桥高阶〔region〕One of his legs was bandaged in the region of the knee.他的一条腿在近膝盖处用绷带包扎着。英汉大词典〔region〕She earns in the region of (= approximately) £200 000.她大约挣 20 万英镑。牛津搭配〔region〕The scheme will cost in the region of six million pounds.这个计划将耗资大约600万英镑。柯林斯高阶〔region〕They estimate that the temperature yesterday was (somewhere) in the region of -30°C.他们估计昨天的气温在零下30摄氏度左右。剑桥高阶〔region〕We caught somewhere in the region of 80 fish.我们捉到了大约80条鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔renal〕Of, relating to, or in the region of the kidneys.肾脏的:肾脏的,或肾脏区的美国传统〔somewhere〕We have somewhere in the region of 500 fire-fighters in this area.在这个地区,我们有大约 500 名消防队员 。朗文当代〔station〕They were stationed in the region of the fighting.他们驻扎在交战地区。韦氏高阶〔sub-Saharan〕Of, relating to, or situated in the region of Africa south of the Sahara.撒哈拉沙漠以南的:撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲的,与之有关的或位于撒哈拉沙漠以南的美国传统〔surplus〕Japan's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars.日本每年的贸易顺差额在 1,000 亿美元左右。柯林斯高阶〔surplus〕Japan's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars.日本每年的贸易顺差额在1,000亿美元左右。外研社新世纪〔umbilical hernia〕A usually self-correcting hernia of the intestines in which protrusion occurs through the abdominal wall in the region of the navel.脐疝:肠道的一种通常是自我愈合的疝气,隆起物发生在肚脐周围的腹壁美国传统〔value〕The market value of the land was somewhere in the region of £4 million.市价麦克米伦高阶He earns somewhere in the region of €50 000.他大约赚 5 万欧元。牛津商务He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。译典通Offers in the region of £1,000,000 are invited for the property.这片房地产征求100万英镑左右的报价。剑桥国际They estimate that the temperature yesterday was (somewhere) in the region of (= approximately) -30℃.他们估计昨天的气温在零下三十度左右。剑桥国际




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