

单词 inspired by
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-inspired〕a political murder inspired by the same nationalist conflicts now wrecking the country.正是由正在毁掉该国的民族主义冲突激发的一起政治谋杀柯林斯高阶〔hallucinatory〕images inspired by the use of hallucinatory drugs 吃了致幻药后看到的幻象麦克米伦高阶〔inspirable〕an article inspired by the opposite由反对党授意炮制的文章21世纪英汉〔inspire〕a piece of music inspired by dolphin sounds 受海豚声音的启示而谱写的一支乐曲剑桥高阶〔inspire〕a political murder inspired by the same nationalist conflicts now wrecking the country一起同样是由正给该国带来重重苦难的民族主义冲突导致的政治谋杀外研社新世纪〔inspire〕a range of designs inspired by wild flowers 从野花中得到灵感的一系列设计朗文当代〔inspire〕a sales force that was inspired by the prospect of a bonus.为未来的红利而激发的销售人员美国传统〔inspire〕an article inspired by a government official 由政府官员授意炮制的文章英汉大词典〔inspire〕be inspired by natural scenery 被自然景色唤起了灵感英汉大词典〔inspire〕hymns that inspire the congregation; an artist who was inspired by Impressionism.圣歌振奋会众的精神;受印象派鼓舞的艺术家美国传统




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