

单词 joys
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acutely〕His portrayal of Joe's childhood joys and confusions is acutely drawn.他对乔童年所经历的各种乐事和困惑的描述颇具洞察力。外研社新世纪〔be full of the joys of spring〕He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring.他兴高采烈地蹦跳着进了办公室。剑桥高阶〔character〕One of the joys of being a parent is watching the child's character develop.为人父母的一大乐趣就是观察孩子的性格发展。剑桥高阶〔consensus〕The general consensus is that the joys of having a baby more than compensate for the stresses that every parent experiences.人们普遍认为, 拥有孩子带给每个家长的快乐远远超过了他们经受的压力。外研社新世纪〔convert〕He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing.他很快就使我迷上了越野滑雪。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing.他很快就让我喜欢上了越野滑雪。外研社新世纪〔eulogy〕The song was a eulogy to the joys of travelling.这是一首赞颂旅行乐趣的歌曲。剑桥高阶〔eulogy〕The song was a eulogy to the joys of travelling.这首歌赞美了旅行的快乐。英汉大词典〔evangelical〕He is quite evangelical about the joys of home life without television.他大肆宣传没有电视的家庭生活的快乐。外研社新世纪〔grief〕They were able to share their common joys and griefs.他们做到了同甘共苦。牛津高阶〔handsel〕Our present tears are but the handsels of our joys hereafter.我们现在的眼泪只不过是我们今后欢乐的前奏而已。英汉大词典〔heartache〕She writes about the joys and heartaches of bringing up children.她描述了养育孩子的欢乐与悲伤。剑桥高阶〔introduce〕Malcolm introduced me to the joys of wine-tasting.马尔科姆让我初次尝到品酒的乐趣。朗文当代〔joy〕Discover the joys of skiing.去发现滑雪的乐趣吧。麦克米伦高阶〔joy〕Listening to music is one of his greatest joys.听音乐是他最大的乐趣之一。剑桥高阶〔joy〕One can never learn all there is to know about cooking, and that is one of the joys of being a chef.钻研烹饪之道是永无止境的,这也是当厨师的乐趣之一。柯林斯高阶〔joy〕Over the years we have shared our joys and sorrows.这些年来,我们共同经历了快乐与悲伤。牛津搭配〔one-sided〕He kept up a steady, one-sided conversation about the joys of sailing.他一个人不紧不慢地讲述着航海的快乐。外研社新世纪〔overrated〕More men are finding out that the joys of work have been overrated.越来越多的男性认识到工作并没有预想的那样有乐趣。柯林斯高阶〔pain〕It is a story about the joys and pains of life.这是一个有关生活苦乐的故事。韦氏高阶〔parenthood〕Story-reading should be one of the great joys of parenthood.念故事是做父母的最大快乐之一。朗文当代〔partake in〕They all partook in each other's joys and sorrows in the fighting.战争中他们同甘共苦。21世纪英汉〔public service〕Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities.运动员们正在进行一项公益活动,将打大联盟棒球比赛的快乐带到了社区。柯林斯高阶〔public service〕Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities.运动员正在进行一项公益活动, 将他们打大联盟棒球比赛的快乐带到了社区。外研社新世纪〔recapture〕They went away to the seaside, without their children, to recapture the joys of being alone together.他们离家去海滨,不带孩子,以便重温只有他们俩在一起的那种乐趣。英汉大词典〔rediscover〕After her husband's death, she rediscovered the joys of bowling and golf.在丈夫去世后,她重新找回了打保龄球和高尔夫球的乐趣。剑桥高阶〔rhapsodize〕He's always rhapsodizing about/over the joys of having children.他总是热情赞美为人父母所享受到的天伦之乐。剑桥高阶〔share〕She shared in my sorrows as well as in my joys.她分享我的快乐,也分担我的忧愁。文馨英汉〔share〕She shares in my troubles as well as in my joys.她和我同甘共苦。英汉大词典〔share〕She shares my troubles as well as my joys.她与我荣辱与共。21世纪英汉He rhapsodized about the joys of having children.他兴奋地谈论着拥有孩子们的喜悦。剑桥国际It's just another novel about the joys and sorrows of adolescence.这只是另一本描写青春期的欢乐与烦恼的小说。剑桥国际Listening to music is one of his greatest joys.听音乐是他最大的乐趣之一。剑桥国际One of the joys of being a parent is watching the child's character develop.做家长的乐趣之一就是观察孩子性格的发展。剑桥国际She writes about the joys and heartaches of bringing up children.她写了一本书,谈了养育孩子的欢乐和痛苦。剑桥国际The child had a gradual awakening to the joys of music. 那孩子渐渐领悟到音乐的乐趣。译典通The song was a eulogy to the joys of travelling.这首歌是对旅行的乐趣的颂词。剑桥国际




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