

单词 journeys
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DREAM〕Stephanie often dreams of long sea journeys. 斯蒂芬妮经常梦见自己在海上长途旅行。朗文写作活用〔HATE〕If there's one thing I really loathe, it's long car journeys. 要是说到我真正讨厌的事,那就是乘汽车长途旅行。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕We need to discourage the use of cars for short journeys. 我们得阻止人们即使去很近的地方也开车。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Magnetic board games can help relieve the boredom of long car journeys for kids. 磁板象棋可以有助减轻孩子们坐车长途旅行时的无聊感。朗文写作活用〔change〕I hate journeys where you've got a lot of changes.我讨厌频频换车的旅程。剑桥高阶〔dope〕We always have to dope up our cat for long car journeys.开车长途旅行时我们总是给猫吃安眠药。剑桥高阶〔easily〕These journeys are most easily made by plane.去这些地方旅行坐飞机是最方便的。外研社新世纪〔indifference〕Journeys discover to us the indifference of places.经多次旅行,我们发现各个地方都是大同小异的。英汉大词典〔journey〕Don't use the car for short journeys.短途旅行就别开车。牛津高阶〔journey〕He paused in his journeys to and from the kitchen.他在去厨房来来回回的路上止步停下。英汉大词典〔journey〕He wrote a column chronicling his journeys around the Americas.他撰写了专栏,记录自己在美洲各地的旅行。牛津搭配〔journey〕His hand kept making fretful journeys through his hair.他的手烦躁不安地连连捋头发。英汉大词典〔journey〕I love going on long journeys.我喜欢长途旅行。剑桥高阶〔journey〕I still use my car, but now I make fewer journeys .我仍然开自己的车,但旅行次数减少了。朗文当代〔long-distance〕Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.火车可靠便宜, 最适合长途旅行。外研社新世纪〔long-distance〕Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.火车安全可靠、费用低廉,最适宜长途旅行。柯林斯高阶〔marathon〕People make marathon journeys to buy glass here.人们不远千里到这里来购买玻璃制品。外研社新世纪〔marathon〕People make marathon journeys to buy glass here.人们千里迢迢赶到这里购买玻璃。柯林斯高阶〔memorabilia〕The sitting-room is crammed with memorabilia from his journeys.他的起居室里满是历次旅行中获得的纪念品。英汉大词典〔occupy〕On long journeys I occupy myself with solving maths puzzles.长途旅行时,我用解数学难题来打发时间。剑桥高阶〔pass〕You can get a weekly pass that costs a bit less than ten journeys.你可以去办一个有效期为1周的乘车证,费用比零买10次要便宜一点。麦克米伦高阶〔pilgrim〕A religious devotee who journeys to a shrine or sacred place.朝圣者,朝觐者:旅行到神殿或圣地去的宗教虔诚者美国传统〔purposely〕I purposely avoid making train journeys during the rush hour.我有意避开在高峰时间乘火车。剑桥高阶〔requisite〕A good book is a requisite for long journeys.一本好书是长途旅行必备之物。剑桥高阶〔romance〕We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys.我们想再度营造以前坐火车旅行的浪漫和兴奋。柯林斯高阶〔stablemate〕The head groom is responsible for seeing that Milton and his stablemates have safe journeys.马夫长负责确保密尔顿及其他来自同一养马场的赛马都安全到达。柯林斯高阶〔take〕On long journeys I always take my dog along.带上某人/某物麦克米伦高阶〔taste〕She developed a taste for journeys to isolated hazardous regions in North America.她喜欢上了到北美那些险象环生的偏远地区旅行。柯林斯高阶〔time〕Why is it that the buses never run on time (= make their journeys in the expected number of hours, etc.)? 为什么公交车从不准点?剑桥高阶〔train〕They would go on long train journeys together.他们总是一起乘火车长途旅行。朗文当代〔travel-sick〕My daughter always gets travel-sick on car journeys.我女儿乘车旅行时总是晕车。英汉大词典〔travel〕A series of journeys.旅程:一系列的旅程美国传统〔travel〕An account of one's journeys.游记:对某人游历的记述美国传统〔up〕Women of sixty and up get a free bus pass for off-peak journeys.60岁以上妇女可得到非高峰时间的免费公交乘车证。麦克米伦高阶A good book is a requisite for long journeys.一本好书是长途旅行的必需品。剑桥国际For longer journeys the sheep are loaded onto trucks.人们把羊装载在卡车上进行较长路途的运输。剑桥国际His work involves occasional journeys. 他的工作偶尔需要出差旅行。译典通I always make sure I have a plentiful (= large enough) supply of things to keep the children amused when we go on long journeys.我们长途旅行期间,我总留心准备足够多的东西让孩子们娱乐。剑桥国际I hate journeys where you've got a lot of changes, especially if you're carrying luggage.我讨厌那种你得换很多次车的旅行,特别是如果你还带了行李的话。剑桥国际I purposely avoid making train journeys during the rush hour.我有意避免在高峰时刻乘火车旅行。剑桥国际In the past, sailors often suffered from scurvy on long journeys because they were not able to eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables.在过去,海员们由于在长途航海中吃不到足够的新鲜水果和蔬菜而常常患坏血病。剑桥国际It's a marvellous game for diverting (= entertaining) restless children on long car journeys.长时间的汽车旅行使孩子们烦躁,而这个精彩的游戏让他们高兴起来。剑桥国际On long car journeys I occupy myself with solving maths puzzles.在乘坐汽车长途旅行中,我用解决数学难题来使自己有事可干。剑桥国际Road conditions were hazardous and the police called for motorists to avoid inessential journeys.道路状况很危险,警察要求开汽车的人取消不必要的旅行。剑桥国际Travellers are being ad- vised to stagger their journeys this weekend as long delays are expected on main roads.旅行者被建议这周末错开他们行程因为在干道上可能会堵车。剑桥国际




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