

单词 letter
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔acknowledge〕acknowledge sb.'s letter 告知收到某人来信英汉大词典〔admonitory〕an admonitory letter 警告信英汉大词典〔anguish〕an anguished letter from her prison cell 她从狱中寄来的一封悲痛欲绝的信牛津高阶〔apology〕an apology for a letter 一封不像样的信英汉大词典〔bad〕a letter written in bad French 用蹩脚法语写的一封信韦氏高阶〔brimful〕a letter brimful of slangy expressions充斥着俚语的信外研社新世纪〔chatty〕a chatty letter 一封闲谈般的信朗文当代〔cheerful〕a chatty, cheerful letter 一封令人愉快的拉家常的信牛津高阶〔condolatory〕a condolatory letter 吊慰信文馨英汉〔confessional〕a confessional letter 忏悔信麦克米伦高阶〔confirmation〕a letter of confirmation 确认函剑桥高阶〔consign〕consign a letter to the flames 将一封信付之一炬英汉大词典〔contrived〕the contrived quality of a letter 书信文字雕琢过甚的特点英汉大词典〔destined〕a letter destined for Europe寄往欧洲的信件外研社新世纪〔express〕an express letter 快递信件文馨英汉〔eye〕an eyes only letter to the Minister 部长亲启信 英汉大词典〔file〕a file of letters=a letter file 信函夹文馨英汉〔forget〕forget about answering a letter 忘记回信英汉大词典〔garnish〕a letter garnished with quotations 引用一些名句作点缀的书信英汉大词典〔ghostwrite〕ghostwrite a letter 代为写信英汉大词典〔grab〕grabbed the letter from me.从我手里抢走了信美国传统〔impress with〕to impress a letter with one's seal在信上盖章21世纪英汉〔incorrect〕an incorrectly addressed letter 地址有误的信件牛津高阶〔introduction〕a letter of introduction 介绍信英汉大词典〔introduction〕a letter of introduction(= a letter which tells sb who you are, written by sb who knows both you and the person reading the letter) 介绍信牛津高阶〔letter〕a letter to the editor 致编辑的信牛津搭配〔letter〕a business/thank-you, etc. letter 商业信函、感谢信等牛津高阶〔letter〕obey the law to the letter 严格地遵守法律韦氏高阶〔letter〕the letter J 字母J麦克米伦高阶〔letter〕the letter of the law 法律的字面意义英汉大词典〔overweight〕an overweight letter 超重的信件文馨英汉〔personal〕a personal letter from the President's secretary.总统秘书亲自寄出的信柯林斯高阶〔personal〕a personal letter from the President's secretary总统秘书写来的亲笔信外研社新世纪〔per〕as per the instructions specified in the letter 按照信中指示英汉大词典〔print〕a printed letter 一封打印的信朗文当代〔pro forma〕a pro forma letter 例行的信函牛津高阶〔pro forma〕a pro forma letter 格式化的信件麦克米伦高阶〔reprove〕a reproving letter 指责信英汉大词典〔resignation〕a letter of resignation 一封辞职信朗文当代〔rhapsodic〕a rhapsodic letter about the birth of her first baby.有关她第一个孩子出生的一封幸福洋溢的信柯林斯高阶〔shoot〕a letter that shoots the president急交总统的信件21世纪英汉〔shoot〕shoot a letter on to sb.把信迅速送交某人英汉大词典〔signature〕put one's signature to a letter 在信上署名英汉大词典〔stationery〕a letter on hotel stationery 用酒店信纸写的信朗文当代〔steam〕steam open a letter (an envelope) 用蒸汽把信(信封)打开英汉大词典〔stiffly〕a stiffly worded letter of complaint.措辞生硬的投诉信柯林斯高阶〔straightaway〕a letter written in straightaway English 用明白易懂的英文写的信英汉大词典〔take〕take a letter in shorthand 用速记记下一份口授信稿英汉大词典〔tear-stained〕a tear-stained letter 有泪痕的信文馨英汉〔thousand〕tear a letter into a thousand pieces 把信撕成无数碎片英汉大词典〔through〕warmed the leftovers clear through; got soaked through in the rain; a letter that was shot through with the writer's personality.把剩饭彻底热一下;让雨淋透了;这封信贯穿着作者的人格美国传统〔toss〕tossed the letter in the wastebasket.See Synonyms at throw 把信件扔进废纸篓 参见 throw美国传统〔ultimo〕a letter of the 7th ultimo 上月7日之信英汉大词典〔unclaimed〕an unclaimed letter (parcel) 无人认领的信件 (包裹)英汉大词典〔undated〕an undated letter 未注明日期的信英汉大词典〔well-written〕a well-written cover letter 一封写得很好的附信剑桥高阶〔worded〕a strongly worded letter 一封措词强硬的信朗文当代a letter of resignation 辞职信牛津商务a circular letter 通函牛津商务a registered letter 挂号信牛津商务




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