

单词 incur
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PAY〕We will meet the cost of any expenses you may incur when travelling to your interview. 我们将支付您来参加面试所需的全部费用。朗文写作活用〔antagonize〕To incur the dislike of.使不满,使反感美国传统〔bill〕Please bill me for any expenses you incur.请把你的所有花费都记在我的账上。剑桥高阶〔chargeable〕Any expenses you may incur will be chargeable to the company.你的所有开销均由本公司支付。牛津高阶〔charge〕All changes will incur a charge.所有变更都得收费。牛津搭配〔divert〕Customers will only incur additional call charges if the call is diverted outside the UK.只有当电话被转接到英国之外,客户才会被加收额外的电话费。柯林斯高阶〔hire〕The hire of a car and other equipment will of course incur a supplementary charge.租赁汽车和其他设备当然要产生额外费用。韦氏高阶〔incidental〕You may incur some incidental expenses on the trip.你在旅途中可能要承担一些附加费用。韦氏高阶〔incur〕Each stage of the process incurs an additional risk.这个过程的每一步都会带来额外的风险。麦克米伦高阶〔incur〕I do not wish to incur his wrath by repeating the allegations.引起某人的愤怒/不悦麦克米伦高阶〔incur〕If the council loses the appeal, it will incur all the legal costs.如果委员会败诉,那么所有律师费用都将由委员会负担。朗文当代〔incur〕Kicking an opponent incurs a 25-point penalty.踢对手会被罚25分。麦克米伦高阶〔incur〕She falls in love and incurs the wrath of her father.她恋爱了,这引起了父亲的愤怒。柯林斯高阶〔incur〕She wondered what she'd done to incur his displeasure this time.她奇怪她这次做了什么引起他的不悦。朗文当代〔incur〕The final rewards will more than compensate for any loss you may incur.最后的报酬除补偿你可能经受到的损失外还会有余。英汉大词典〔incur〕The rewards will compensate for any loss you may incur.这些奖赏会补偿你可能遭受的任何损失。外研社新世纪〔incur〕What did he do to incur such wrath? 他做了什么招来如此的怒气?韦氏高阶〔militarily〕While that option would incur fewer casualties, it would not be militarily effective.尽管那种选择造成的伤亡人数可能会更少,却并不能取得军事上的胜利。柯林斯高阶〔militarily〕While that option would incur fewer casualties, it would not be militarily effective.这一选择会减少人员伤亡, 但军事上没什么效果。外研社新世纪〔penalty〕Contractors who fall behind schedule incur heavy financial penalties.承包商如延误工期将被处以巨额罚款。牛津高阶〔penalty〕Riders can incur time penalties for failing to keep to their lane.骑手们如果偏离跑道将被罚时。麦克米伦高阶〔reimburse〕We will reimburse any further costs you incur.如果再有任何花销,我们将一律予以报销。麦克米伦高阶〔surcharge〕Late payments incur a 10% surcharge.延迟付款要交10%的附加费。麦克米伦高阶Any expenses you may incur will be chargeable to the company.你的所有开支将由公司支付。牛津商务At busy times, orders may incur delays.在繁忙的时候,订单可能会延误。牛津商务Bill me (= Give me a bill) for any expenses you incur.你的所有花费都要给我开帐单。剑桥国际It's a long-term investment, so you might expect to incur light losses in the early years.这是项长期投资,因此你可预计在头几年中遭受轻微损失。剑桥国际Obviously we don't want to incur any unnecessary expenses.很明显,我们不想造成不必需的花费。剑桥国际




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