

单词 invert
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔T-bar〕A ski lift consisting of a bar suspended like an inverted T against which skiers lean while being towed uphill.丁字型滑雪吊车:由悬挂的象倒挂的T字形的铁棒组成的滑雪吊车,滑雪者在被拖上山时可以靠在上面美国传统〔TURN〕Invert the cake and pan on a wire rack and remove the pan. 把蛋糕和平底锅在金属架上翻过来,再把平底锅拿走。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕A camera inverts the image it receives. 照相机把获得的影像倒置过来。朗文写作活用〔arch〕A structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaped like an inverted U.拱:一种结构,如独撑的纪念碑,形如倒置的U美国传统〔bell〕A hollow, usually inverted vessel, such as one used for diving deep below the surface of a body of water.钟形船:一种中空的、通常倒置的船,如用于潜入水面下深处的船美国传统〔campylotropous〕Having an ovule partially inverted and curved such that the micropyle nearly meets the funiculus.弯生胚珠的:具有部分地反向生长并变弯曲以致卵孔几乎碰到珠柄的胚珠的美国传统〔chevron〕Heraldry A device shaped like an inverted V.【纹章学】 人字形图记:一种形似倒V字的纹章图案美国传统〔direct speech〕Only direct speech should go inside inverted commas.只有直接引语应放在引号内。牛津高阶〔in inverted commas〕Sick prisoners in the camp were "cared for", in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.拘留营里生病的犯人由警卫而不是护士负责所谓的“照料”。剑桥高阶〔inverse〕Archaic Turned upside down; inverted.【古语】 颠倒的:上下颠倒的;倒置的美国传统〔inversion〕The act of inverting.倒置,倒转:颠倒的动作美国传统〔inversion〕The state of being inverted.颠倒:被倒置的状态美国传统〔inverted commas〕The manager showed us to our ‘luxury apartment’, in inverted commas.经理带我们去看了我们所谓的“豪华单元”。牛津高阶〔inverted commas〕They're asked to make objective, in inverted commas, evaluations of these statements.他们被要求对这些陈述作出所谓“客观的”的评价。外研社新世纪〔inverted commas〕They're asked to make objective, in inverted commas, evaluations of these statements.他们被要求对这些陈述作所谓“客观”的评价。柯林斯高阶〔inverted comma〕He was summoned to a meeting with the great man, in inverted commas.他被召唤去会见这位所谓的伟人。麦克米伦高阶〔inverted comma〕Her friends, in inverted commas, all disappeared when she was in trouble.当她陷入困境时,她那些所谓的“朋友”全都消失了。朗文当代〔inverter〕One that inverts or produces inversion.倒转者:倒转者或产生倒转者美国传统〔invert〕Invert the cake onto a cooling rack.把蛋糕倒扣在冷却架上。柯林斯高阶〔invert〕Invert the jelly onto a plate.将果酱倒扣在盘子上外研社新世纪〔invert〕In some languages, the word order in questions is inverted (= the verb comes before the subject of the sentence).在有些语言里,疑问句的词序是颠倒的。剑桥高阶〔invert〕Inflation inverts all the old canons of economics.通货膨胀把原有的经济学准则统统颠倒过来了。英汉大词典〔invert〕Place a plate over the cake tin and invert it.在蛋糕烤模上盖一个盘子,然后将其翻倒过来。牛津高阶〔invert〕Something inverted.倒转物美国传统〔invert〕The judge's own son was an invert, who had long hidden his homosexuality.法官本人的儿子是个性倒错者, 一直隐瞒着自己是同性恋的事实。外研社新世纪〔invert〕The lens inverts the image.镜头使影像颠倒。韦氏高阶〔invert〕The magician inverted the bag to show it was empty.魔术师把袋子由里往外翻,表明里面是空的。英汉大词典〔invert〕The number 9 looks like an inverted 6.数字9就像倒过来的6。韦氏高阶〔invert〕They may be hoping to invert the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty.他们可能是在期望推翻被告无罪推定原则。外研社新世纪〔invert〕They may be hoping to invert the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty.他们可能有望颠覆“被告在证实有罪之前是无辜的”这一假设。柯林斯高阶〔manoeuvre〕Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane.倒飞是飞机的一种特技动作。英汉大词典〔purl stitch〕An inverted knitting stitch, often alternated with the knit stitch to produce a ribbed effect.反针:通常与正针交替使用以达到罗纹效果的反向编织的针美国传统〔resupinate〕Inverted or seemingly turned upside down, as the flowers of most orchids.倒置的:被倒置的或似乎被颠倒的,如大多的兰花一样美国传统〔retrograde〕Opposite to the usual order; inverted or reversed.颠倒的:与通常顺序相对的;倒转的或颠倒的美国传统〔shoe〕The circumstances have been reversed; an unequal relationship has been inverted.情况已经逆转;一种不平等的关系已经被倒过来了美国传统〔sissy bar〕A narrow bar shaped like an inverted U that is attached behind the seat of a motorcycle or bicycle and supports the operator or a passenger.靠背:一种装置在摩托车或自行车座后面的呈倒U字形的窄金属棒,用于支撑驾驶者或乘客美国传统〔snobbery〕His dismissive attitude to the rich is just inverted snobbery.他对待富人的轻蔑态度只不过是倒转势利眼罢了。牛津搭配〔stirrup〕A part or device shaped like an inverted U in which something is supported, held, or fixed.箍筋:用来支撑或固定象一个内弯U型的工具或部分美国传统〔superimpose〕A triangle superimposed on an inverted triangle forms a six-pointed star.一个三角形叠加在另一个倒三角形上,形成一个六角星。韦氏高阶〔troffer〕An inverted, usually metal trough suspended from a ceiling as a fixture for fluorescent lighting tubes.槽形支架:一种通常是金属制成的,从天花板上垂下用作普通荧光照明管的支架的反转槽美国传统〔turn〕To bring the bottom to the top or vice versa; invert.翻转,翻过来:把底翻到上面或相反面;翻转美国传统Cover the bowl with an inverted plate.用倒置的盘子盖住碗。剑桥国际In some languages, the word order in questions is inverted (=the verb comes before the subject of the sentence).有些语言里,疑问句的词序是颠倒的。剑桥国际Remove the cake from the oven and invert it onto a wire rack, lift off the pan, and let it cool completely.把蛋糕从烤箱里拿出来,倒扣在金属网架上,拿走托盘,让蛋糕完全冷却。剑桥国际She caught the insect by inverting her cup over it. 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了。译典通Sick prisoners in the camp were “cared for”, in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.拘留营里生病的犯人由警卫而不是护士进行所谓的“照料”。剑桥国际




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