

单词 inefficient
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕Inefficient management leads to poor employee performance. 管理不力导致员工表现不佳。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕The postal service in this country is very inefficient. 该国的邮政服务效率非常低。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕The report claimed that there were at least 20,000 inefficient teachers that needed to be weeded out. 报告中称,至少有两万名不称职的教师需要淘汰。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕What astonishes me is how incredibly inefficient so many companies seem to be. 让我感到惊诧的是,有这么多的公司效率似乎低得不可思议。朗文写作活用〔WASTE〕Local government in the area is seen as being corrupt and inefficient. 人们认为这个地区的地方政府腐败且效率低。朗文写作活用〔WASTE〕The factory is inefficient, and its working practices and machinery dated. 这家工厂效率低,工作制度和机器都过时了。朗文写作活用〔ball up〕The records had been all balled up by inefficient file clerks.因不称职的档案(或卷宗)管理员,档案全被弄得一团糟。21世纪英汉〔barter〕Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.总之,易货贸易是一种效率很低的交易形式。柯林斯高阶〔barter〕Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.总的来说, 物物交换是一种十分低效的交易方式。外研社新世纪〔bureaucratic〕The company was inefficient because it was highly bureaucratic.那家公司效率低下是因为官僚主义严重。剑桥高阶〔consequently〕Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.大多数的计算机用户都没有经过正规的键盘训练,因此他们的键盘技巧效率不高。朗文当代〔corrupt〕The whole system is inefficient and corrupt.整个体系都效率低下并且腐败堕落。牛津高阶〔creaky〕The whole court system is becoming more creaky and inefficient.整个庭审制度变得老朽过时,没有效率。麦克米伦高阶〔elbow aside〕Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones.非国有企业逐渐挤掉了效率低下的国有企业。外研社新世纪〔elbow〕Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones.非国有企业逐渐挤掉了效率低下的国有企业。柯林斯高阶〔go〕I'm afraid he'll have to go (= be dismissed from his job) - he's far too inefficient to continue working for us.恐怕他得走人了——他实在太不称职,没法继续在这儿干下去。剑桥高阶〔hamstring〕The company was hamstrung by traditional but inefficient ways of conducting business.这家公司被其传统但低效的经营方式所束缚。剑桥高阶〔head〕Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.管理者们终于意识到自己不能再安于低效率的运营了。柯林斯高阶〔head〕Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.经理们终于使他们醒悟, 他们再也承受不起低效的运营了。外研社新世纪〔in short〕He's disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want him - in short, the man's a pain.他这个人既没有条理,又没有效率,你需要他的时候他从来不在——简而言之,这个人就是个讨厌鬼。剑桥高阶〔inefficiency〕The quality, condition, or fact of being inefficient.无效率:具有效率低的性质,处于无效率的状态或无效率的事实美国传统〔inefficiency〕Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.他们的通讯系统效率非常差。柯林斯高阶〔inefficient〕Existing methods of production are expensive and inefficient.现行的生产方法既费钱效率又低。剑桥高阶〔inefficient〕He is lazy and inefficient.他既懒惰又无能。外研社新世纪〔inefficient〕I'm hopelessly inefficient at fixing things.我永远也不会修理东西。剑桥高阶〔inefficient〕Local government was inefficient.地方政府效率低下。朗文当代〔inefficient〕The administration was inefficient and corrupt.该政府效率低且腐败不堪。麦克米伦高阶〔inefficient〕The delivery system was very inefficient.这一传送系统十分低效。韦氏高阶〔inefficient〕The scare technique proved to be inefficient.这种恐吓手法证明是没有效果的。英汉大词典〔inefficient〕The tunnel has an inefficient ventilation system.这个隧道的通风系统效果不佳。麦克米伦高阶〔inefficient〕Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.他们的通信系统效率极低。外研社新世纪〔inequitable〕The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient.福利制度非常不公平,效率也极低。柯林斯高阶〔inert〕The government was inert and inefficient.政府毫无活力,效率低下。朗文当代〔manager〕Inefficient managers will be rooted out.不称职的管理人员将被开除。外研社新世纪〔moribund〕The region's heavy industry is still inefficient and moribund.该地区的重工业依然效率低下,没有活力。朗文当代〔notoriously〕The train company is overstaffed and notoriously inefficient.列车公司人浮于事, 效率低下, 这是出了名的。外研社新世纪〔notoriously〕The train company is overstaffed and notoriously inefficient.铁路公司冗员过多,工作效率出了名地低。柯林斯高阶〔offender〕Older houses cost a lot to maintain and inefficient heating is one of the biggest offenders.旧房屋需要大笔的钱来维修,效能低劣的供暖设施是最大的问题之一。麦克米伦高阶〔overstaffed〕The department has been accused of being inefficient and hugely overstaffed.人们指责这个部门效率低下,人浮于事。剑桥高阶〔pour〕The government has been pouring money into inefficient state-owned industries, and the country can no longer afford it.政府一直在向效益欠佳的国有企业注入大量资金,国家再也承受不了了。剑桥高阶〔power〕I have been sacked because the powers that be have decided that I am inefficient.我被解雇了,因为掌权的人断定我不称职。 英汉大词典〔prop〕The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries.政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的企业。21世纪英汉〔protectionist〕GATT member countries have largely agreed to replace expensive and inefficient protectionist policies with a competitive free market system for world trade.关贸总协定的成员国已大体上同意在全球贸易中用竞争性的自由市场体制取代代价高且效率低的保护主义政策。柯林斯高阶〔protester〕The protesters say the government is corrupt and inefficient.抗议者称政府腐败无能。柯林斯高阶〔resupply〕The hopelessly inefficient economy is in need of resupply and support.无望有效运作的经济需要新的补给和支援。英汉大词典〔retire〕The company retired fourteen old, inefficient blast furnaces in the last five years.过去5年中公司报废了14座陈旧低效的高炉。英汉大词典〔reversion〕The new procedures are being seen as a reversion to old, inefficient ways of working.采用新工序被视为是开历史倒车,是退回到那种效率低下的老路上去。剑桥高阶〔set-up〕The club's present set-up is inefficient and costly.该俱乐部的现行体制既缺乏效率又成本过高。麦克米伦高阶〔shakeout〕There has been a shakeout of inefficient corporations.一些效率低下的公司倒闭了。剑桥高阶〔sink〕The government doesn't want to force inefficient firms to sink or swim too quickly.政府并不想迫使效率低的公司过快地自生自灭。外研社新世纪〔sink〕The government doesn't want to force inefficient firms to sink or swim too quickly.政府并不想迫使效率低的公司过快地自生自灭。柯林斯高阶〔state〕Eastern Europe shows that worker-owned factories can be as inefficient as state-owned ones.东欧的经验表明,工人所有的工厂可能和国有工厂一样效率低下。柯林斯高阶〔wasteful〕The whole process is wasteful and inefficient.整个程序既浪费又效率低。牛津高阶All this bureaucracy is exasperatingly inefficient.所有这些官僚制度效率之差,让人恼火。剑桥国际Existing methods of production are expensive and inefficient.现行的生产方法是花钱多而效率低。剑桥国际He criticized the hopelessly inefficient telephone/tax/distribution system.他批评了无可救药的无效率的电话/税务/分配系统。剑桥国际He is inefficient, and furthermore he is innocent of any sense of responsibility. 他办事效率很低,而且没有丝毫责任感。译典通He's disorganized, he's inefficient, he's never there when you want him--in short, the man's hopeless.他没有条理,没有效率,当你需要他时他从不在场----简而言之,那个人无可救药。剑桥国际I'm afraid he'll have to go (= be dismissed from his job)--he's far too inefficient to continue working for us.我恐怕他将被辞雇 ----他效率太低,不能为我们继续工作。剑桥国际I'm hopelessly inefficient at mending things.我完全不会补东西。剑桥国际It is an outdated and inefficient system.这是一个过时、低效的系统。牛津商务Many of their industries are grossly inefficient.他们的许多企业完全没有效率。剑桥国际The business failed because of inefficient management. 企业因管理不善而告失败。译典通The company is hamstrung by its traditional but inefficient ways of conducting business.这家公司由于其传统的低效率经营方法而陷于瘫痪。剑桥国际The company is hopelessly inefficient and has too many offices and paper-shuffling employees.这个公司的效率低得令人绝望,有太多的机构和翻弄文件的雇员。剑桥国际The company was inefficient because it was highly bureaucratic.该公司效率低下是因为过度官僚主义。剑桥国际The country has a very inefficient rail/road/transport system.这个国家的铁路/公路/运输系统效率很低。剑桥国际The department has been accused of being inefficient and hugely overstaffed.人们指控这个部门效率不高,人员极其过剩。剑桥国际The existing lagging is bulky and inefficient.现有的防护层又笨重,效率又低。剑桥国际The featherbedding of inefficient companies will lead to disaster.过分保护效率低的公司会导致彻底失败。剑桥国际The government has been pouring money into inefficient state-owned industries and the country can no longer afford it.政府向效益很低的国有工业注入大量资金,国家再也受不了了。剑桥国际The grave problems of public hygiene are connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city. 公共卫生方面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关。译典通The industry remains highly inefficient.这行业效率极低。牛津商务The new procedures are being seen as a reversion to old, inefficient ways of working.新方法被视为是低效的旧工作方法的复归。剑桥国际The whole process is wasteful and inefficient.整个流程浪费大且效率低。牛津商务This is not a shakeout of inefficient organizations, but a case of good companies being unable to survive any longer in a harsh economic climate.这不是组织机构因低效率被淘汰,而是一些优秀的公司在严酷的经济环境中无法生存的例子。剑桥国际




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