

单词 interstice
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔absorb〕To take (something) in through or as through pores or interstices.吸收:通过气孔或空隙吸收(某物)美国传统〔areola〕Biology A small space or interstice in a tissue or part, such as the area bounded by small veins in a leaf or the wing of an insect.【生物学】 小区,细隙,叶脉网隙:组织或部分的小空间或空隙,如叶子中的细脉或昆虫的翼周围的区域美国传统〔infiltrate〕To cause (a liquid, for example) to permeate a substance by passing through its interstices or pores.渗透:透过间隙或小孔使一种物质(如水)渗过另一种物质美国传统〔interstice〕The family tried to find, in the interstices between upheavals, somewhere to settle.这家人乘动乱间隙,设法寻找安身之所。英汉大词典〔interstice〕The wall was old and crumbling with plants growing in the interstices between/in/of the bricks.年久废弃的围墙摇摇欲坠,砖缝里长出了植物。剑桥高阶〔interstitial〕Relating to, occurring in, or affecting interstices.空隙的:关于、发生于或导致空隙的美国传统〔mesh〕Any of the open spaces in a net or network; an interstice.网孔,空隙:任一种网或网状物的镂空部分;空隙美国传统〔porous〕Admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices.能渗透的:允许气体或液体从孔中或缝隙中通过的美国传统〔soak〕To absorb (liquid, for example) through or as if through pores or interstices.吸:通过小孔或者空隙吸收(例如液体)美国传统〔transude〕To pass through pores or interstices in the manner of perspiration.渗漏:用出汗的方式通过毛孔或缝隙美国传统The wall was old and crumbling with plants growing in the interstices between/in/of the bricks.墙已陈旧坍塌,砖缝里长着植物。剑桥国际




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