

单词 jurisdiction
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Danelaw〕The sections of England under the jurisdiction of this law.施行丹麦法的英国地区美国传统〔Holy See〕The authority, jurisdiction, and governmental functions associated with the papacy.教廷权利,教廷判决,教廷功能:和教廷相联系的权利、判决及政府功能美国传统〔Indian country〕Federal reservation lands under Native American tribal jurisdiction.印第安人保留区:隶属于美国原住民部落管辖范围的联邦保护土地美国传统〔POWER/POWERFUL〕In general, the American courts have no jurisdiction to deal with crimes outside the USA. 一般来说,美国法院对本国之外的犯罪行为不具有裁决权。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕It's not within our jurisdiction to tell people what to do in the privacy of their own homes. 我们无权管辖人们在家私下该干些什么。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The Air Transit Authority's jurisdiction extends beyond the airport itself to include warehouses and associated buildings. 空运管理局的管辖权超越了机场本身,还包括仓库和相关建筑。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The council has no jurisdiction over these matters. 议会无权管这些事情。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The courts said the claim raised ‘political questions’ that were outside its jurisdiction. 法院称这一要求提出了“政治问题”,这超出其管辖范围。朗文写作活用〔Supreme Court〕The highest federal court in the United States, consisting of nine justices and having jurisdiction over all other courts in the nation.联邦最高法院:美国最高联邦法院,由几个大法官组成,具有高于全国所有法院的司法权美国传统〔abbacy〕The office, term, or jurisdiction of an abbot.修道院院长:修道院院长的职务、任期或职权美国传统〔admiralty〕A court exercising jurisdiction over all maritime cases.海事法庭:处理所有海事案件裁决权的法庭美国传统〔alderman〕Abbr. Ald.A member of the municipal legislative body in a town or city in many jurisdictions.缩写 Ald.市政委员会委员:许多管理区中城市或城镇的市政立法组织成员美国传统〔alderwoman〕A woman who is a member of the municipal legislative body in a town or city in many jurisdictions.市政委员会女委员:许多管辖区内城市或城镇的市政立法组织女性成员美国传统〔alternately〕In most jurisdictions, twelve jurors and two alternates are chosen.大多数辖区都会选出12名陪审员和2名候补陪审员。柯林斯高阶〔alternate〕In most jurisdictions, twelve jurors and two alternates are chosen.大多数辖区都会选出12名陪审员和2名候补陪审员。外研社新世纪〔ambit〕I'm afraid your case doesn't fall within the ambit of our jurisdiction.恐怕你的案子不在我们的审判权限之内。韦氏高阶〔archdiocese〕The district under an archbishop's jurisdiction.大主教(管辖)区:大主教辖区下的地区美国传统〔caliphate〕The office or jurisdiction of a caliph.哈里发组织:哈里发的政府机关或司法机关美国传统〔challenge〕Harley sought to challenge the jurisdiction of the court.哈利试图质疑该法院的审判权。牛津搭配〔circuit〕The area or district thus covered, especially a territory under the jurisdiction of a judge in which periodic court sessions are held.法庭巡回区:划定的地区或区域,特指在由法官裁决的周期性开庭的地区美国传统〔classis〕A governing body of pastors and elders in certain Reformed churches, having jurisdiction over local churches.长老监督会:一些改革派教会的由牧师和长老组成的管理机构,有对地区教会的裁决权美国传统〔cognizance〕Law Acknowledgment, recognition, or jurisdiction; the assumption of jurisdiction in a case.【法律】 裁判权,司法权:承认、认可或司法;案件的司法设想美国传统〔come under〕This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.这个案件属于低一级法院的管辖范围。21世纪英汉〔comity〕The principle by which the courts of one jurisdiction may accede or give effect to the laws or decisions of another.法院间的礼让承认:司法法庭可以同意或使另一项法律或决议生效的原则美国传统〔command〕The jurisdiction of a commander.指挥员的管辖权美国传统〔concurrent〕State and federal courts possess concurrent jurisdiction over particular civil lawsuits.州法院和联邦法院对某些特定的民事诉讼案件拥有同等管辖权。外研社新世纪〔constable〕A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests.治安官:管辖权和管辖范围都小于县治安官的治安官,有权送达传票及逮捕(搜查)令并可以施行逮捕美国传统〔constabulary〕Of or relating to constables, constabularies, or their jurisdictions.治安官、治安队或治安队管辖区的或与之有关的美国传统〔constabulary〕The district under the jurisdiction of a constable.治安官管辖区:受一名治安官管辖的地区美国传统〔consulate〕The office, term of office, or jurisdiction of a consul.领事任期:领事(或执政官)的职位、任期或权限美国传统〔county〕The territory under the jurisdiction of a count or earl.伯爵领地:由伯爵或郡主管辖之下的土地美国传统〔court of chancery〕A court with jurisdiction in equity.衡平法院:具有平等司法权的法院美国传统〔court of common pleas〕A court in some states of the United States having general jurisdiction.中级民刑法院:美国有些州具有普通司法权的法院美国传统〔court〕A similar authorized tribunal having military or ecclesiastical jurisdiction.审判庭:相似的被授权的法庭,具有军事和宗教司法权美国传统〔deanery〕The office, jurisdiction, or official residence of an ecclesiastical dean.教务长职位,教务长管辖范围,教务长宅邸美国传统〔dependency〕Abbr. dep.A territory under the jurisdiction of a state of which it does not form an integral part.缩写 dep.附属地,附属国:一块在某个国家的司法控制下但又不是该国本土的一部分领土美国传统〔diocese〕The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric.主教管区:主教管辖地区或教堂;主教管区美国传统〔district court〕A state court of general jurisdiction in some states.美国州地方法院:在一些州的一般司法权的州法院美国传统〔domestic relations court〕In certain U.S. states, a court with jurisdiction over family disputes, especially those involving the custody, support, and welfare of children.家事法庭:见于美国的一些州中主要审判家庭纠纷的一种法庭,尤其是处理涉及儿童监护、抚养及福利的纠纷美国传统〔episcopate〕The area of jurisdiction of a bishop; a diocese.主教的辖区;主教管区美国传统〔extend〕His jurisdiction extended over the whole area.整个地区都在他的管辖之下。英汉大词典〔extradite〕To give up or deliver (a fugitive, for example) to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority.引渡(逃犯等):把对(如逃犯等)的合法审判权放弃或让给另一政府或当局美国传统〔extradition〕Legal surrender of a fugitive to the jurisdiction of another state, country, or government for trial.引渡:将逃犯的审判权合法地让渡给另一个州、国家或政府美国传统〔extraterritoriality〕Exemption from local legal jurisdiction, such as that granted to foreign diplomats.治外法权:免除地方合法审判,如外交官所享有的美国传统〔extraterritorial〕Of or relating to persons exempt from the legal jurisdiction of the country in which they reside.治外法权的:免于居住地所在国合法审判的人的,与其有关的美国传统〔fall under〕The village you speak of does not fall under my jurisdiction.你提到的村庄并不在我的管辖范围。21世纪英汉〔fall〕This case falls outside my jurisdiction.这个案件不属于我的管辖范围。牛津高阶〔fall〕This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.这件事情完全在该委员会的管辖范围之内。牛津搭配〔federal case〕Law An action or a cause that falls under the jurisdiction of a federal court.【法律】 全国性案件:受到美国联邦法院审判的行为或案件美国传统〔foreign〕Subject to the jurisdiction of another political unit.外裁的:裁决权属于另一个政治机构的美国传统〔governor-general〕A governor of a large territory who has other subordinate governors under his or her jurisdiction.权力很大的总督:统治大片领土的总督,在他或她之下有其他副总督美国传统〔governorship〕The office, term, or jurisdiction of a governor.州长的职位、任期或权限美国传统〔insanity〕In most criminal jurisdictions, a degree of mental malfunctioning sufficient to relieve the accused of legal responsibility for the act committed.精神失常:在大部分刑事审判中,可以解除被告所犯罪行的法律责任的精神失常的程度美国传统〔judgeship〕The office or jurisdiction of a judge.法官职位,法官权力:法官的职位或权力(权限)美国传统〔judicature〕The jurisdiction of a law court or judge.法庭或法官的司法权美国传统〔jurisdiction〕He is subject to the jurisdiction of the Indian courts.他受印度法院的管辖。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕He was arrested in another jurisdiction.他是在另一个管辖区域内被捕的。韦氏高阶〔jurisdiction〕His attorney claimed the court lacked jurisdiction in this matter.他的律师声称法院对本案没有审判权。韦氏高阶〔jurisdiction〕School admissions are not under/within our jurisdiction.我们无权批准入学。剑桥高阶〔jurisdiction〕She acted beyond the jurisdiction of any teacher.她的行为超越了任何一个老师的权力范围。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕That question is outside the jurisdiction of the city council.那个问题是市议会无权管辖的。文馨英汉〔jurisdiction〕The British courts have universal jurisdiction over torture cases.英国各法院对于虐待案拥有普遍管辖权。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.外国银行账户不在英国警方的管辖权限之内。柯林斯高阶〔jurisdiction〕The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.英国警方没有处理外国银行账户的权限。外研社新世纪〔jurisdiction〕The Governor had no jurisdiction over prices.州长对物价没有管辖权。文馨英汉〔jurisdiction〕The High Court has no jurisdiction to hear the appeal.高等法院无权审理这起上诉案。麦克米伦高阶〔jurisdiction〕The Senate committees have exclusive jurisdiction over the FBI.参议院委员会对联邦调查局有专属管辖权。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.委员们拥有专属管辖权进行裁决。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.这个委员会有权制定所有税收措施。朗文当代〔jurisdiction〕The court has jurisdiction over most criminal offenses.法院对大部分刑事犯罪拥有审判权。韦氏高阶〔jurisdiction〕The court has no jurisdiction in this case.法院对本案没有管辖权。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The court has no jurisdiction in/over cases of this kind.该法庭无权审判此类案件。剑桥高阶〔jurisdiction〕The court may exercise its jurisdiction to compel the husband to make a settlement upon his wife.法院可以行使司法权强制丈夫给予其妻子财产。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The matter falls outside/within the jurisdiction of this court.本案不属于/属于此法院的审判范围。韦氏高阶〔jurisdiction〕The matter is outside the jurisdiction of UK administrative agencies.此事不在英国行政机构的管辖范围内。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The matter was not within the jurisdiction of the court.此事不在法院管辖范围之内。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The offshore government claims jurisdiction over the mainland.海外政府声称对大陆拥有管辖权。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The system is used in several European jurisdictions, for example, Germany and Holland.该制度在几个欧洲辖区,如德国和荷兰,得以使用。麦克米伦高阶〔jurisdiction〕The territory is still under Russian jurisdiction.这个地区仍属俄罗斯管辖。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕These offenders have been removed from the jurisdiction of the juvenile courts.这些罪犯已经不在少年法庭的管辖权限内了。外研社新世纪〔jurisdiction〕This court does not have jurisdiction over crimes committed in another state.这个法院对于发生在另一个州的犯罪行为没有司法权。麦克米伦高阶〔jurisdiction〕Under the doctrine of universal jurisdiction, suspected war criminals may be prosecuted irrespective of where they are located.根据普遍管辖权规定,无论战犯嫌疑人身处何地,都可以对其进行起诉。牛津搭配〔landgrave〕A man in medieval Germany who had jurisdiction over a particular territory.伯爵领主:在中世纪的德国对某个特定地区有领土管辖权的人美国传统〔liable〕As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction, the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable.谋杀案发生在英国司法管辖范围外,故国防部无须对其负责。柯林斯高阶〔liable〕As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction, the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable.鉴于杀人事件发生在英国司法管辖范围外, 国防部对此不负法律责任。外研社新世纪〔local option〕The power granted to a local political subdivision to decide whether to apply a law, such as a ban on liquor sales, within its jurisdiction.当地居民抉择权:赋于地方政权机构的以决定是否在其管辖范围内施行法律的权力,例如禁酒令等美国传统〔magistracy〕The district under jurisdiction of a magistrate.地方行政官的管辖区美国传统〔magistrate〕A local member of the judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases.地方法官:拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中有司法权的司法官中的地方成员美国传统〔mare clausum〕A navigable body of water, such as a sea, that is under the jurisdiction of one nation and closed to all others.领海:归某国管辖而不对其它国家开放的可航行水域,比如海洋美国传统〔mare nostrum〕A navigable body of water, such as a sea, that is under the jurisdiction of one nation or that is shared by two or more nations.共有海:一个由一国管辖或由两个或两个以上国家统辖的可航行水域,比如海洋美国传统〔ordinary〕A cleric, such as the residential bishop of a diocese, with ordinary jurisdiction over a specified territory.高级教士:在一定地区内实际行使宗教管辖权的高级教士,如教区的常住主教美国传统〔ordinary〕A judge or other official with immediate rather than delegated jurisdiction.法官或其它官员:有直接裁判权而非被授权的法官或其他官员美国传统〔ordinary〕Having immediate rather than delegated jurisdiction, as a judge.常任的,本身有权的:拥用直接的裁判权而不是被授权的,如法官美国传统〔oyer and terminer〕A court of general criminal jurisdiction in some states of the United States.高等刑事裁判庭:在美国的某些州的有广泛的罪犯裁判权的法庭美国传统〔papacy〕The office and jurisdiction of a pope.教皇的职位:教皇的职位和管辖权美国传统〔pastorate〕The office, rank, or jurisdiction of a pastor.牧师的职位或管辖区域美国传统〔peculiar〕Chiefly British A church or parish under the jurisdiction of a diocese different from that in which it lies.【多用于英国】 特殊教堂:受不同于其所在教区之管辖的教堂或教区美国传统〔peerage〕The rank, title, or jurisdiction of a peer or peeress; a duchy, marquisate, county, viscountcy, or barony.贵族:贵族或女贵族的爵位、头衔或权限;公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵美国传统〔penitentiary〕A tribunal of the Roman Curia having jurisdiction in matters relating to penance, dispensations, and papal absolutions.宗教裁判所:罗马天主教中有权处理悔罪、补赎和赦罪等事宜的元老会法庭美国传统〔popedom〕The office, jurisdiction, or tenure of a pope; the papacy.罗马教皇职位:(天主教)教皇的职位、权力或任期;罗马教皇统治美国传统〔power〕This matter is outside the court's jurisdiction.此事的处理不在法庭职权范围内。韦氏高阶〔precinct〕A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force.管辖区:城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻美国传统〔precinct〕The police station situated in and having jurisdiction over such a district.警察分局:位于管区内并对其行使管辖权的警察局美国传统〔prefect apostolic〕A priest with broad jurisdiction in a missionary territory.主管牧师:有广泛管辖权的教区牧师美国传统〔prelate nullius〕A prelate, usually a titular bishop, who has jurisdiction over a territory not in a diocese but subject directly to the Holy See.独立教区高级教士:高级教士,通常指主教,其对直属于罗马教徒的而非位于主教管区内的领土享有管辖权美国传统〔princedom〕The territory, jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince.小国君主的权位:王子(或诸侯、亲王、小国君主)的领地、管辖权、权位、地位或财产美国传统〔principality〕The position, authority, or jurisdiction of a prince; sovereignty.主权,统治权:王子或王侯的地位、权力或司法权;主权美国传统〔probate court〕A court limited to the jurisdiction of probating wills and administering estates.遗嘱检验法院:仅限于检验遗嘱并管理死者遗产的司法程序的法院美国传统〔province〕Ecclesiastical A division of territory under the jurisdiction of an archbishop.【基督教会】 教省:由大主教管辖的教区美国传统〔province〕The range of one's proper duties and functions; scope or jurisdiction.职责:一个人正确的职责和作用范围;管辖范围美国传统〔quarter sessions〕A British local court of limited jurisdiction that sits quarterly.季审法院:按季度开庭的英国地方法院,其审判权有限美国传统〔quarter sessions〕A local court in the United States with criminal jurisdiction and sometimes administrative functions.地方法院:美国地方法院,具有刑事裁判权,有时也有行政管理职能美国传统〔recorder〕Law A judge who has criminal jurisdiction in a city.【法律】 刑事法院法官:某个城市中有刑事审判权的法官美国传统〔regency〕The office, area of jurisdiction, or government of regents or a regent.摄政职位:摄政者或摄政团的职务、法律范围或政府美国传统〔see〕The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop.主教:主教的职位、权力中心、管辖区或办公楼美国传统〔soke〕In early English law, the right of local jurisdiction, generally one of the feudal rights of lordship.地方司法权:在早期的英国法律中,地方司法审判的权力,总体上是贵族的封建权利之一美国传统〔soke〕The district over which soke jurisdiction was exercised.法院的管辖区域:地方司法权被施行的地区美国传统〔sole〕He has sole jurisdiction of the area.他拥有这个地区的专属管辖权。韦氏高阶〔stake〕Mormon Church A territorial division consisting of a group of wards under the jurisdiction of a president.【摩门教】 教区:低于教主法令的教区,包括一群选区美国传统〔state〕This matter falls under state jurisdiction.这件事由州司法机关裁决。韦氏高阶〔subject〕Therefore it was a good opportunity to subject the region under their jurisdiction.因此, 这是把该地区纳入管辖范围的一个良机。外研社新世纪〔submit〕You may voluntarily submit yourself to the jurisdiction of this country's courts.你可以自愿服从这个国家法庭的司法裁决。麦克米伦高阶〔superior court〕A court of general jurisdiction, above the inferior courts and below the higher courts of appeal.高级法院:位于低级法院之上,最高级上诉法院下的一般执行司法权的法庭美国传统〔surrogate〕Law A judge in New York and some other states having jurisdiction over the probate of wills and the settlement of estates.【法律】 遗嘱检验法官:在纽约或其他州有权检验遗嘱及房地产处理的法官美国传统〔sword〕Military power or jurisdiction.武力或军事裁判权美国传统〔syndicate〕The office, position, or jurisdiction of a syndic or body of syndics.公司或大学代理人的营业所,地位或裁判权美国传统〔territory〕The land and waters under the jurisdiction of a government.领土:在政府主权管辖之下的陆地和海洋美国传统〔thanage〕The rank, jurisdiction, or office of a thane.乡绅:乡绅的级别,管辖权或职责美国传统〔tyranny〕The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler.绝对统治者的职位、权威或司法权美国传统〔unfairly〕An industrial tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide whether an employee was fairly or unfairly dismissed.劳资仲裁法庭无权判定解雇是否正当。柯林斯高阶〔vicar forane〕A priest who by a bishop's appointment exercises limited jurisdiction over the clergy in a district of a diocese.枢机主教长:由主教指定的牧师,在教区内对牧师行使受限制的管辖权美国传统〔vicariate〕The district under a vicar's jurisdiction.教区牧师的辖区美国传统〔vicegerency〕A district under a vicegerent's jurisdiction.代理执政者辖区下的地区美国传统〔wardenry〕The office, duties, or jurisdiction of a warden.看守人的职位、义务或职责美国传统〔within〕It is within the jurisdiction of the state to make such laws.这个州有权制定此类法律。韦氏高阶〔writ of prohibition〕An order issued by a higher court commanding a lower court to cease from proceeding in some matter not within its jurisdiction.禁止令:由高一级的法院签发的命令,命令下级法院中止未判决的诉讼案的进行美国传统〔zamindar〕A landholder in British colonial India responsible for collecting and paying to the government the taxes on the land under his jurisdiction.印度地主:在英国殖民统治下的印度地主,他们负责向政府征收和上交其管辖地区的土地税美国传统Issues of citizenship are beyond/outside the jurisdiction of local government.公民权问题超越了地方政府的权限。剑桥国际School admissions are not under/within our jurisdiction.我们无权批准入学。剑桥国际That area falls under your jurisdiction (= You are responsible for it).那一带在你的管辖之内。剑桥国际That case is under the jurisdiction of this court. 那宗案件属本法庭受理范围。译典通The UN court has no jurisdiction over non-members. 联合国法庭对非成员国不能行使其裁判权。译典通The commission has no jurisdiction over foreign companies.委员会没有对外国公司的管辖权。牛津商务The court has no jurisdiction in/over cases of this kind.这个法庭无权审判这类案件。剑桥国际The tax rules are different in each jurisdiction.每个管辖区域的税则不同。牛津商务This sector does not come under the jurisdiction of the World Trade Organization.这个部门不隶属世界贸易组织管辖。牛津商务




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