

单词 insolvency
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕Accountants have been called in to save the firm from insolvency. 为挽救这家公司免于破产叫来了会计师。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕If they cannot repay the loan, they face insolvency. 假如他们无力偿还贷款就得面临破产。朗文写作活用〔black〕The newspaper was blacked out by insolvency.由于无力偿付债务,该报被迫停刊。英汉大词典〔insolvency〕The bank had forced him into insolvency.那家银行已逼使他破产。文馨英汉〔limit〕Our remit limits us to recommendations concerning the law of insolvency.我们的职权范围只允许我们提供一些关于破产法方面的咨询意见。麦克米伦高阶Its European carrier business is expected to start insolvency proceedings soon.其欧洲的运输企业预计马上要启动破产程序。牛津商务Our company has to liquidate its assets because of financial insolvency. 因为周转不灵,公司只好清算资产。译典通That company had to file Chapter 11 because of insolvency. 因为无力清偿债务,该公司只好申请破产。译典通The company grew too fast, and cash-flow problems led to insolvency through overtrading.这家公司发展过快,由于超资经营出现现金流问题而导致破产。牛津商务The company is close to insolvency.这家公司即将破产。牛津商务The company simply couldn't sell its products in sufficient volume and was driven into insolvency.该公司就是无法销售足够量的产品,被逼破产。剑桥国际The government may support the firm, which said it could file for insolvency at any time.政府可能支持这家公司,也就是说这家公司随时可申请破产。牛津商务




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