

单词 insolence
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RUDE〕When I was young, such insolence would not have been tolerated. 我年轻的时候,像这样的无礼是不能容忍的。朗文写作活用〔contumely〕Rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance; insolence.傲慢:由傲慢产生的无礼或轻视;无礼美国传统〔draw〕Her insolence drew him to say things he knew he would regret.她的傲慢无礼使他说了自知以后会后悔的话。英汉大词典〔hardihood〕Impudence or insolence.冒失或傲慢美国传统〔impertinence〕Insolence.傲慢美国传统〔insolence〕He had the insolence to tell me to go away.他竟蛮横地叫我走开。文馨英汉〔insolence〕He was unwilling to put up with her petty insolences.他不愿忍受她那些恶劣的蛮横无礼的言行。文馨英汉〔insolence〕He was unwilling to put up with her petty insolences.他不愿忍受她那些无聊的傲慢言行。英汉大词典〔insolence〕His father punished him for his insolence.他父亲因他无礼而惩罚他。文馨英汉〔insolence〕Pupils could be excluded from school for insolence.学生可能会因傲慢无礼而被开除。外研社新世纪〔insolence〕Pupils could be excluded from school for insolence.学生可能会因目无师长而被开除。柯林斯高阶〔insolence〕Teachers don’t like insolence from pupils.教师不喜欢学生无礼。牛津同义词〔insolence〕The boy was punished for his insolence.男孩因蛮横无理而被罚。韦氏高阶〔insolence〕They have pushed their insolence and arrogance to intolerable lengths.他们的傲慢无礼达到了不能容忍的程度。英汉大词典〔insolent〕Her insolence cost her her job.她的蛮横态度使她丢了工作。牛津高阶〔partake〕His manner partakes of insolence.他的态度有些蛮横。英汉大词典〔tax〕Our patience has been taxed to the limit by his insolence.我们对他的蛮横已经忍无可忍。英汉大词典I have always abhorred insolence in children.我一向憎恶孩子的无礼。剑桥国际She had that dumb (=silent) insolence that teachers find so disturbing.她那种不发一言的傲慢令老师们很不安。剑桥国际They had the insolence to file a complaint. 他们竟蛮横地提起控诉。译典通




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