

单词 in the ground
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROW〕Towards the end of March, the potatoes can be planted outside in the ground. 接近3月底的时候,马铃薯可以种在外面的地里。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕The aim is to get the ball in a hole in the ground. 目标是要把球打进地上的一个洞里。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕When the bomb exploded it left a huge crater in the ground. 炸弹爆炸后,地面上留下了一个大坑。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕You could see a depression in the ground where the helicopter had landed. 你可以看到地面上直升机降落的地方留下了一个凹坑。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕I nearly stumbled over a bump in the ground. 我差点儿在地上一块高起的地方绊倒。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕The posts must be fixed firmly in the ground. 柱子必须牢牢固定在地上。朗文写作活用〔almond〕Stir in the ground almonds and egg.将杏仁粉和鸡蛋搅进去。朗文当代〔anomaly〕The rise of about ten inches in the ground level along the fault is a large anomaly.地面沿断层升高10英寸左右是一种极其反常的现象。英汉大词典〔attest〕The marks in the ground attested the presence of a fossil.地上的痕迹证明了化石的存在。外研社新世纪〔burrow in〕The mole burrowed in the ground.那鼹鼠往地里掘洞。21世纪英汉〔burrow〕A hole or tunnel dug in the ground by a small animal, such as a rabbit or a mole, for habitation or refuge.地洞:某些小动物(如兔子或鼹鼠)在地下挖的、供居住或躲藏的洞或地道美国传统〔burrow〕The moles borrowed holes in the ground.鼹鼠在地里掘洞。21世纪英汉〔bury〕They make the charcoal by burying wood in the ground and then slowly burning it.他们通过把木材埋到地下缓慢燃烧来获取木炭。柯林斯高阶〔bury〕They make the charcoal by burying wood in the ground and then slowly burning it.他们制作木炭的方法是, 把木头埋在地下使其焖燃。外研社新世纪〔crater〕The bomb blasted a two-metre crater in the ground.炸弹在地上炸开了一个两米大的坑。外研社新世纪〔dig〕She dug a little hole in the ground.她在地里挖了一个小洞。文馨英汉〔ditch〕A long narrow trench or furrow dug in the ground, as for irrigation, drainage, or a boundary line.沟渠,排水沟,水道:在地面上狭长的沟渠或细沟,用于灌溉、排水或用作分界线美国传统〔earth〕To burrow or hide in the ground. Used of a hunted animal.躲进地洞:藏身或躲避到地下。用于指猎物美国传统〔embed〕The sickle remained embedded in the ground.镰刀仍旧插在地里。英汉大词典〔event〕The event will be held in the grounds of the house.这次活动将在这栋房子的庭院里举行。牛津搭配〔fast〕The post is fast in the ground.那根柱子牢固地插入地下。文馨英汉〔fast〕The telegraph-poles are fast in the ground.电线杆牢牢扎在地里。英汉大词典〔fluke〕Nautical The triangular blade at the end of an arm of an anchor, designed to catch in the ground.【航海】 锚爪:为能抓紧地面而设计的锚臂顶端的三角形刃锋美国传统〔fold〕He lay on his back in a fold in the ground.他仰面躺在地面的一个低洼处。外研社新世纪〔furrow〕A long, narrow, shallow trench made in the ground by a plow.犁沟:犁在地面划出的窄而浅的长沟美国传统〔gesticulate〕The architect was gesticulating at a hole in the ground.那位建筑师在指着地上的一个洞打手势。柯林斯高阶〔groove〕Their wheels left grooves in the ground.他们的车轮在地面上留下了车辙印。柯林斯高阶〔ground〕Plant the seeds 2 cm deep in the ground.把种子种在两厘米深的土壤里。朗文当代〔ground〕She lived in the grounds of the castle.她住在城堡的院子里。牛津搭配〔ha-ha〕A moat, walled ditch, or hedge sunk in the ground to serve as a fence without impairing the view or scenic appeal.暗墙;隐篱:用来作栅栏,但又不阻碍视线或景观的护城河,或由墙围住的沟或陷入地中的篱笆美国传统〔hole〕The bomb blew a huge hole in the ground.炸弹在地上炸了一个大坑。牛津高阶〔hole〕Workers dug a 30-foot hole in the ground.工人们在地上挖了个30英尺的洞。麦克米伦高阶〔hollow〕The dog found a hollow in the ground to hide in from the wind.那条狗在地上发现了一个可以钻进去避风的洞。剑桥高阶〔massive〕The explosion made a massive hole in the ground.爆炸在地面留下了一个巨大的坑。牛津高阶〔monument〕An object, such as a post or stone, fixed in the ground so as to mark a boundary or position.标石:立在地上标示边界或地点的物体,如标杆或界石美国传统〔pitfall〕A concealed hole in the ground that serves as a trap.陷阱,圈套:作为陷阱用的地上的隐蔽洞穴美国传统〔pit〕A concealed hole in the ground used as a trap; a pitfall.陷阱:地上用做陷阱的隐藏的洞;陷阱美国传统〔pit〕A natural or artificial hole or cavity in the ground.坑,洞:一个地上天然的或人工的洞或穴美国传统〔plant〕To place or set (seeds, for example) in the ground to grow.种植:撒或播种(例如种子)到土地中使其生长美国传统〔scrape〕She scraped out a hollow place in the ground.她在地上挖了个坑。英汉大词典〔scratch〕Hens scratch in the ground.母鸡在地面扒土。英汉大词典〔set〕The posts are set firmly in the ground.这些柱子稳稳地立在了地上。韦氏高阶〔tent〕The little dispensary and hospital was a big hole in the ground, all tented over.那小药房连同医院都在一个大地洞里,上面用帐篷遮盖着。英汉大词典〔that〕The ball hit in the ground such force that it bounced over the goalkeeper and into the net.球重重落地后弹起, 越过守门员蹿进了球网。外研社新世纪〔working〕In the grounds of the priory is a working watermill.小修道院的庭园里有一台尚能用的水磨。麦克米伦高阶Cracks gaped in the ground after the earthquake. 地震后地上开裂了。译典通He hollowed out a small dip in the ground. 他在地上挖出了一个小坑。译典通Steam emanated through cracks in the ground around the hot springs.温泉四周,热气从地面裂缝中散出。剑桥国际Water filled the depressions in the ground. 地上的坑里积满了水。译典通We hid in a slight depression in the ground as the enemy soldiers marched past.敌军行军经过时,我们藏在浅浅的洼地里。剑桥国际




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