

单词 high-speed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕Journey times have been reduced considerably since the introduction of high-speed trains. 自从启用了高速列车之后,旅程时间大大减少了。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕The era of high-speed jet travel began after the end of World War II. 第二次世界大战结束后,高速喷气式飞机旅行的时代就开始了。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕You can travel by high-speed train from Paris to Brussels. 你可乘坐高速火车从巴黎去布鲁塞尔。朗文写作活用〔HSGT〕High-speed ground transit.高速地面运输美国传统〔JOIN〕They are planning a new high-speed railway to link the two capitals. 他们正计划修建一条新的高速铁路将这两个首都连接起来。朗文写作活用〔accomplice〕His accomplice was arrested after a high-speed police chase.经过警方的一番飞车追逐,他的同伙遭到逮捕。柯林斯高阶〔alpha ray〕A stream of alpha particles or a single high-speed alpha particle.α射线,α粒子:一个α粒子流或一个高速运动的α粒子美国传统〔beta particle〕A high-speed electron or positron, especially one emitted in radioactive decay.β粒子:一种高速电子或质子,主要在放射衰变中释放出美国传统〔bullet train〕A high-speed passenger train.高速客运火车美国传统〔bursty〕There is a new international standard for handling high-speed, bursty data over wide area networks.已有一项新的国际标准用于规范宽域网间的高速突发性数据传送。剑桥高阶〔chase〕Police caught the bank robbers after a high-speed chase on the highway.警察在公路上高速驾车追捕,抓住了银行抢劫犯。韦氏高阶〔connect up〕It has taken less than 25 years to connect up many of western Europe's main cities with high-speed trains.用了不到25年, 许多西欧国家主要城市之间就通过高速火车连通起来了。外研社新世纪〔crash〕A woman was badly injured after two cars crashed during a high-speed police chase.在警察高速追捕过程中两车相撞, 导致一名妇女受了重伤。外研社新世纪〔dawning〕Throughout Europe a new railway age, that of the high-speed train, has dawned.新的铁路时代——高速铁路时代,在整个欧洲已经开始出现。柯林斯高阶〔ditch〕She allegedly stole a cruiser, started a high-speed chase, and ditched the vehicle in a river.据称, 她偷了一辆警车后开始高速追击, 后来又把车开进了河里。外研社新世纪〔download〕The modem is capable of high-speed downloads.这种调制解调器下载速度很快。韦氏高阶〔embrace〕Most West European countries have embraced the concept of high-speed rail networks with enthusiasm.大多数西欧国家都非常积极,乐意接受修建高速铁路网的想法。朗文当代〔embrace〕Most countries have enthusiastically embraced the concept of high-speed railways.大多数国家都已经欣然接受了高速铁路的概念。麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux.高铁拟从巴黎延伸至波尔多。外研社新世纪〔extend〕The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux.高铁拟从巴黎延伸至波尔多。柯林斯高阶〔fast-breeder reactor〕A breeder reactor that requires high-speed neutrons to produce fissionable material.快中子反应堆:要求中子高速运动以产生可裂变物质的中子反应堆美国传统〔high-speed〕The robbers led the police on a high-speed chase.劫匪使警察在其后飞车狂追。韦氏高阶〔highball〕A high-speed train.快速列车美国传统〔jet lag〕A temporary disruption of bodily rhythms caused by high-speed travel across several time zones typically in a jet aircraft.时差症:由于在喷气飞机上快速跨越几个时区而造成的短暂的身体节律的紊乱美国传统〔jet stream〕A high-speed stream; a jet.急流;喷气流美国传统〔line printer〕A high-speed printing device, primarily used in data processing, that prints an entire line of type as a unit instead of printing each character individually.行式打印机:高速打印机设备,主要用于资料处理,作为一个单位一次打印整行字符,而不用一字一字地打印美国传统〔link〕They started electronically linking these systems via high-speed networks.他们开始通过高速网络与这些系统建立了电子联系。牛津搭配〔load〕She loaded her camera with high-speed film.她给相机装上高速感光胶片。外研社新世纪〔manoeuvring〕He feared he might not have sufficient fuel left for sustained high-speed steaming and manoeuvring.他担心剩下的燃料不够, 无法维持高速行驶和操纵。外研社新世纪〔motion〕Muybridge developed high-speed photography of people and animals in motion.迈布里奇发明了拍摄运动中的人和动物的快速摄影技术。麦克米伦高阶〔ply〕High-speed trains regularly ply between Paris and Lyons.高速列车定期往返于巴黎和里昂之间。剑桥高阶〔program〕Any large high-speed computer can be programmed to learn.任何大型高速计算机都可以通过编程获得学习能力。朗文当代〔pull over〕The officers pulled him over after a high-speed chase.警察们一路狂追后截住了他。柯林斯高阶〔pursuit plane〕A high-speed fighter plane designed and equipped to pursue and attack enemy aircraft.歼击机,驱逐机:一种设计和装备来追逐和攻击敌机的高速战斗机美国传统〔pursuit〕Police called in a high-speed pursuit car to catch him up.警方为了追上他调来了一辆高速追捕车。外研社新世纪〔pursuit〕Three people have been killed in high-speed pursuits by the police recently.有3人在最近警察的高速追捕中毙命。剑桥高阶〔rail〕Many business people now opt for high-speed rail rather than flying.许多商务人士现在选择乘坐高铁而不是飞机出行。牛津搭配〔ram〕A high-speed passenger train rammed into a stationary train.一列高速列车猛地撞到一列静止的火车上。麦克米伦高阶〔superhighway〕A broad highway, often with six or more lanes, used for high-speed traffic.超级高速公路:有六个或更多车道的、高速行驶的宽阔公路美国传统〔tank destroyer〕A high-speed armored vehicle equipped with antitank guns.反坦克装甲车:一种装备有反坦克炮的高速美国传统〔testing ground〕Eastern Europe has become a testing ground for high-speed privatization.东欧已经成为高速私有化的试验场。朗文当代〔toll road〕The government plans to build more toll roads and high-speed rail links.政府计划兴建更多的收费道路和高速铁路。剑桥高阶〔train〕The high-speed train travels at 120 mph.高速列车行驶的速度是每小时 120 英里。牛津搭配〔windblast〕The damaging effect of air friction on a pilot ejected from a high-speed aircraft.气浪冲击:飞行员从高速飞机中受到的空气摩擦力的破坏性影响美国传统High-speed trains regularly ply between Paris and Lyons.高速火车定期往返于巴黎和里昂之间。剑桥国际A high-speed rail link operates between Paris and the Channel Tunnel.在巴黎和英吉利海峡隧道之间有高速铁路连接。剑桥国际A Formula One race is for very high-speed cars.一级方程式车赛适合很高速度的赛车。剑桥国际Britain is missing out on the full benefits of the Channel Tunnel by failing to build a high-speed rail link to the rest of the country.英国没有修建与国内各地相连的高速铁路,错过了通过英伦海峡隧道得到所有利益的机会。剑桥国际Broadband is an always-on, high-speed Internet connection.宽带可以永不断线,高速上网。牛津商务Each room has a high-speed Internet hook-up.每个房间都可连接高速互联网。牛津商务In a high-speed crash, a downhill racer has about a 50% chance of injury.在高速撞车事故中,下山而行的赛车受损机会约为50%。剑桥国际The high-speed Internet backbone has to deal with more and more traffic every day.高速骨干网每天必须处理越来越多的传输信息。牛津商务The proposed high-speed rail link would transport passengers between Houston and Dallas in just 1 hour 45 minutes.拟建中的高速铁路干线只要用1小时45分钟就能使乘客往返于休斯顿和达拉斯之间。剑桥国际Three people have been killed in high-speed pursuits (= acts of chasing) by the police recently.三个人在最近一次警察的高速追击中毙命。剑桥国际We are migrating customers to our new high-speed service.我们将顾客转向我们新的高速服务。牛津商务You pay €20 a month for their high-speed Internet connection.你每月支付 20 欧元的高速互联网连接费。牛津商务




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