

单词 growing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕Her later works reflected her growing depression. 她的后期作品反映出她越来越严重的忧郁倾向。朗文写作活用〔Bluegrass〕A region of central Kentucky noted for its lushly growing bluegrass and the breeding of thoroughbred horses.布鲁格拉斯:美国肯塔基州中部地区,因盛产蓝草和养殖良种马而著名美国传统〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕India's software industry barely existed 15 years ago but is growing rapidly today. 15年前,印度几乎没有软件工业,但现在正飞速发展。朗文写作活用〔Cozumel〕An island off the coast of southeast Mexico near Cancún. It is a growing resort area.科祖梅尔:墨西哥东南沿海的一个岛屿,位于坎昆附近,它是一个逐渐兴起的旅游胜地美国传统〔DEAL WITH〕Latin America faces a growing debt problem. 拉丁美洲正面临着日趋严重的债务问题。朗文写作活用〔DISAGREE〕There are signs of growing division within the administration about the best strategy to adopt. 有迹象表明:对于什么是可以采用的最佳策略,政府内部出现了越来越大的分歧。朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕We lived here, there, and everywhere as I was growing up. 我从小到大什么地方都住过。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕A growing child needs proper nourishment. 正在发育的孩子需要适当的营养。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕He spoke of his daughter's growing alienation from the Church. 他说到自己的女儿越来越疏远教会了。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Zena is one of a small but rapidly growing number of motorists choosing to buy a car over the Web. 泽娜是选择从网上购买汽车的一群汽车驾驶员中的一员,这群体虽小,却增长迅速。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Couples with joint incomes over $50,000 are the fastest growing segment of the housing market. 收入加起来在50,000美元以上的夫妻是房产市场增长最快的部分。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕Outdated textbooks, decrepit buildings, overcrowded classrooms - the list of problems is long and growing. 教科书过时、教学楼破旧、教室拥挤——问题源源不断。朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕In an atmosphere of growing xenophobia many foreigners were deported or even imprisoned. 在逐渐高涨的排外浪潮中,许多外国人被驱逐出境,甚至被监禁。朗文写作活用〔Pentecostal〕It is one of the fastest growing Pentecostal religious groups in the United States today.这是如今美国发展得最快的五旬节派宗教团体之一。外研社新世纪〔SITUATION〕His chief concern is the plight of kids growing up in the ghettoes. 他主要关心的是贫民区孩子成长的苦境。朗文写作活用〔START〕There's a growing drive to resurrect the ancient woodland tradition of charcoal burning. 恢复古代山林里烧碳传统的需求不断增长。朗文写作活用〔UNFRIENDLY〕As she was growing up, her father was always distant and took little interest in her achievements. 她从小父亲对她就很冷淡,对她的成就也漠不关心。朗文写作活用〔abnormally〕This stops the cells from growing abnormally.这阻止了细胞畸形发育。柯林斯高阶〔accretion〕Biology The growing together or adherence of parts that are normally separate.【生物学】 连生,合生美国传统〔addiction〕There is a growing problem of drug addiction in our cities.我们城市里的毒瘾问题越来越严重。麦克米伦高阶〔agitation〕There is growing agitation for reform of local government.主张改革当地政府的骚动越来越多。牛津搭配〔alarm〕There is growing alarm at the increase in crime.对于罪案数量的上升,人们越来越恐惧。朗文当代〔albeit〕They are still waiting, albeit with growing impatience.他们还等着,尽管越来越不耐烦。英汉大词典〔always〕If you can't find any decent apples, you can always try growing them yourself.如果你找不到像样的苹果,你总还可以试着自己种。柯林斯高阶〔amid〕Banks and shops closed yesterday amid growing fears of terrorist violence.银行和商店昨天在对恐怖暴力不断加剧的惶恐中关门了。麦克米伦高阶〔annual〕Botany A plant that completes its entire life cycle in a single growing season.【植物学】 一年生植物:全部生命周期为一个生长季节的美国传统〔anxiety〕There is growing public anxiety over levels of air pollution in our cities.公众越来越担心城市中的空气污染程度。朗文当代〔ascending〕Botany Growing or directing upward from a curved or slanted base, as certain plant stems.【植物学】 上升的:从一弯曲或倾斜的底部向上生长或上指,如某些植物的茎美国传统〔at〕They were so beautiful that I decided to have a go at growing them.它们真漂亮,我决定种种看。朗文当代〔biennial〕Botany Having a life cycle that normally takes two growing seasons to complete.【植物学】 二年生的:需要两个生长季来完成生命周期的美国传统〔bonsai〕The art of growing dwarfed, ornamentally shaped trees or shrubs in small shallow pots or trays.盆景艺术:在浅的小石盆或罐中培育矮而经过装饰整形的小树或灌木的艺术美国传统〔bypass〕A growing number of employers are trying to bypass the unions altogether.越来越多的雇主试图完全绕过工会行事。柯林斯高阶〔catch-up〕The two corporations have been growing rapidly. It has been catch-up ball all the way.两家公司发展迅速,一直在你追我赶。英汉大词典〔ceaseless〕Martin was growing tired of their ceaseless chatter.马丁越来越对她们不停的闲聊感到厌烦。麦克米伦高阶〔chorus〕In recent weeks the chorus of complaining has been growing.近几周出现了越来越多的抱怨声。外研社新世纪〔chorus〕The government is defending its economic policies against a growing chorus of criticism.面对日渐高涨的齐声指责,政府不断为其经济政策辩护。柯林斯高阶〔clamor〕There is growing clamor for reform.民众要求改革的呼声越来越高。韦氏高阶〔clamour〕There is a growing clamour for a ban on genetically modified foods.要求禁卖转基因食品的呼声越来越高。麦克米伦高阶〔climate〕The country's climate is ideal for growing grapes.这个国家的气候是种植葡萄的理想环境。韦氏高阶〔collection〕The museum's collection is growing all the time.博物馆的收藏品一直在增加。牛津搭配〔colony〕In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.在北非前法属殖民地地区, 反法情绪在高涨。外研社新世纪〔complication〕An added complication is the growing concern for the environment.还有个问题是人们越来越关注环境。外研社新世纪〔concern〕The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.这一措施是在公众对疾病的蔓延越来越担忧的情况下推出的。外研社新世纪〔concern〕There is growing concern about violence on television.人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。牛津高阶〔conflict〕There is a growing conflict of interest between her position as a politician and her business activities.在她作为政治家的立场和她的商务活动之间,利益冲突日益严重。朗文当代〔content〕Polls show that voters are growing less and less content with the current administration.民意调查显示,选民对本届政府越来越不满意。韦氏高阶〔coprophilous〕Living or growing on excrement, as certain fungi.粪生的:生存或生长于粪便上的,如某些真菌美国传统〔crime〕Identity theft is the fastest growing white-collar crime in the country.身份盗窃是这个国家增长最快的白领犯罪。牛津搭配〔culture〕The growing of microorganisms, tissue cells, or other living matter in a specially prepared nutrient medium.培养:在经过特殊准备的营养培养基中的微生物、组织细胞或其它生物的培养美国传统〔demographics〕The demographics of the Southwest indicate a growing population of older consumers.西南部的人口统计状况显示了老年消费者数量的增长美国传统〔desire〕There's a growing desire among consumers for more organic products.消费者越来越希望能买到更多的有机产品。牛津搭配〔desperation〕We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.意识到没有人知道我们在那里,我们愈发绝望。牛津搭配〔developed〕The developed nations have to recognize the growing gap between rich and poor around the world.发达国家务必认识到世界范围内贫富差距正在不断扩大。外研社新世纪〔dim〕Her eyesight is growing dimmer.她的视力越来越差。外研社新世纪〔dirt-poor〕When I was growing up, my family was dirt-poor.我成长的时候家里穷得叮当响。韦氏高阶〔disagreement〕I find myself in growing disagreement with him.我觉得自己跟他愈来愈合不来了。英汉大词典〔discontent〕Public discontent with the government is growing.公众对政府的不满正在日益增加。麦克米伦高阶〔disquiet〕There is growing public disquiet about the cost of such policing.公众对这种维护治安的举措的成本日益感到忧虑。外研社新世纪〔distant〕The sound of the engine was growing more and more distant.引擎的响声越来越远。牛津搭配〔dread〕The prospect of growing old fills me with dread.想到人会一天天老下去便使我充满恐惧。牛津高阶〔drought〕A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions.干旱:长时期的过低降雨量,特别指妨碍生长或生存的这样一段时期美国传统〔dweller〕The number of city dwellers is growing.城市居民人数正在增长。外研社新世纪〔dynamically〕Germany has a dynamically growing market at home.德国国内市场持续增长。柯林斯高阶〔eastern〕Native to or growing in the east.东部本地的或长自东部的美国传统〔endogenous〕Produced or growing from within.内生的,内长的美国传统〔entry level〕The business of selling low-profit, entry-level personal computers is growing rapidly.出售低利润初级个人电脑的业务增长迅速。剑桥高阶〔evocatively〕He writes evocatively about growing up in a small village.他把在小村庄里成长的经历写得令人感同身受。外研社新世纪〔excrescent〕Growing out abnormally, excessively, or superfluously.多余的:不正常地、过度地或多余地生长的美国传统〔extremism〕Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left- and right-wing extremism.暴力事件和左右翼极端主义日益猖獗,这对警方提出了更高的要求。柯林斯高阶〔gossamer〕Suspended between each growing blade is a thread of gossamer.每片正在生长的叶子之间都悬挂着一条蛛丝。外研社新世纪〔green manure〕A growing crop, such as clover or grass, that is plowed under the soil to improve fertility.绿肥作物,绿肥:一种在生长时被犁翻入地下来增加土壤肥力的作物,如红花草或草美国传统〔ground〕This is not very good ground for growing wheat.这种土壤并不十分适合种植小麦。外研社新世纪〔grow away from〕He has been growing away from these habits.他一直在逐渐摆脱这些习惯。21世纪英汉〔grow in〕Your toenails are very long;you ought to cut them before they start growing in, or you could be in a lot of pain.你的趾甲已经很长了,在它们开始向内长之前,你应该修剪,不然,你会很疼的。21世纪英汉〔grow like a weed〕Their business is growing like a weed.他们的生意扩展迅速。韦氏高阶〔growing season〕Any farmer or gardener knows that a milder winter means a longer growing season.农民和花匠都知道, 冬天越暖和, 植物的生长季节便越长。外研社新世纪〔growing season〕Any farmer or gardener knows that a milder winter means a longer growing season.农民和花匠都知道,冬天越暖和,作物的生长季节便越长。柯林斯高阶〔growing〕A growing boy needs his food.正长身体的男孩需要吃饱。剑桥高阶〔growing〕Europe's fastest growing international airport 欧洲发展最快的国际机场麦克米伦高阶〔growing〕The growing highway congestion makes trains an increasingly attractive alternative to driving.日趋严重的公路交通拥挤使人越来越喜欢火车而不愿驾驶汽车。英汉大词典〔growth〕Pathology An abnormal mass of tissue, such as a tumor, growing in or on a living organism.【病理学】 增生:在活的有机体上或体内生长的不正常的组织,如肿瘤美国传统〔growth〕The process of growing.成长:生长的过程美国传统〔grow〕Are you growing a beard? 你在留胡子吗?剑桥高阶〔grow〕Fears are growing for the crew's safety.对船员安全的担心加重了。朗文当代〔grow〕Fears are growing for the safety of a teenager who disappeared a week ago.大家对那一周前失踪少年的安危越来越担忧。牛津高阶〔grow〕He's worried about growing old.他担心变老。韦氏高阶〔grow〕I'd better start growing my hair.我最好开始留头发。柯林斯高阶〔grow〕Mike finally seems to be growing out of his rebelliousness.迈克长大后好像终于改掉了叛逆的性格。朗文当代〔grow〕She is growing in confidence all the time.她的信心在不断增强。牛津高阶〔grow〕She was growing in confidence every day.她变得一天比一天自信。麦克米伦高阶〔grow〕Support for Mr Thompson is growing.汤普森先生的支持率在上升。朗文当代〔grow〕Their influence is steadily growing.他们的影响在稳步扩大。英汉大词典〔heal〕Peace talks were held to try to heal the growing rift between the two sides.双方举行了和谈以弥合日益扩大的裂痕。剑桥高阶〔heavy〕She felt her eyelids growing heavy (= she was getting sleepy).她觉得眼皮越来越沉重,非常困倦。牛津搭配〔hold sth back〕He spoke slowly, to hold back his growing anger.他说得很慢,努力不显露自己的愤怒。剑桥高阶〔hour〕This financial crisis is growing more serious by the hour.这场金融危机正在迅速加剧。朗文当代〔independently〕An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天发表的一项独立民意测验表明民众对政府的不满正与日俱增。柯林斯高阶〔indignity〕We must endure the indignities of growing old.我们必须忍受变老所要遭受的蔑视。韦氏高阶〔indiscipline〕Indiscipline among students is growing.学生不守纪律的现象日增。文馨英汉〔indiscipline〕There is growing evidence of indiscipline among the troops.越来越多的证据表明部队纪律涣散。外研社新世纪〔inexorable〕Spending on health is growing inexorably.医疗保健方面的开销在不可避免地增加。柯林斯高阶〔influx〕The work force is growing with the influx of youngsters.随着年轻人的加入,就业大军正在发展壮大。英汉大词典〔ingrowth〕The act of growing inward or into.向内生长的动作美国传统〔innovate〕We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market.我们必须不时地适应并创新,以确保在不断扩大的市场中取得成功。牛津高阶〔intergrowth〕Mineralogy The growing together of crystals from two or more minerals.【矿物学】 交生:由超过两种以上的矿物所共同生成的晶体美国传统〔inverse〕The human population was growing in inverse proportion to that of the lions and elephants(=as one increased, the other decreased).人口增长与狮子和大象的数量成反比。麦克米伦高阶〔irritation〕She felt irritation growing in her.她觉得内心的恼怒在积聚。牛津搭配〔issue〕The growing problem is underlined in the latest issue of the Lancet.最近一期的《柳叶刀》杂志中强调了这一日益严重的问题。柯林斯高阶〔leap〕The population of Africa is growing by leaps and bounds.非洲的人口正在极其迅速地增长。英汉大词典〔live〕Most people in the countryside live off the land (=live by growing or finding their own food) .农村里大多数人都靠土地生活。朗文当代〔medium〕The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.细菌在糖基中生长。牛津高阶〔method〕He claims to have developed a new method for growing tomatoes.他宣称已经研发出一个种植西红柿的新方法。韦氏高阶〔mint〕Start growing mint and it's with you for life.开始种薄荷吧, 它将伴你一生。外研社新世纪〔mob〕The inspectors watched a growing mob of demonstrators gathering.督察们看见越来越多愤怒的示威者聚集到一起。柯林斯高阶〔mocking〕Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.在嘲弄的笑声后面潜藏着一种不断增强的不安感。外研社新世纪〔moreover〕There is growing opposition to capital punishment. Moreover, there is now evidence that many executed prisoners were innocent.越来越多的人反对死刑。此外,有证据表明许多被处死的人是无辜的。麦克米伦高阶〔nationalist〕Political life has been infected by growing nationalist sentiment.政治生活受到了日益高涨的民族主义情绪的影响。外研社新世纪〔nature〕This new technique of artificially growing cells copies what actually happens in nature.这种人工培育细胞的新技术是模仿自然界实际发生的现象。剑桥高阶〔need〕There's a growing need for cheap housing in the larger cities.大城市对廉价住房的需求在不断增长。剑桥高阶〔nervousness〕There is growing nervousness about the possibility of a war.担心爆发战争的紧张情绪不断加剧。剑桥高阶〔newspaper〕It is Britain's fastest growing national daily newspaper.这是英国发展最快的全国性日报社。柯林斯高阶〔new〕The tree is growing new leaves.这棵树正在长新叶。韦氏高阶〔nicely〕The plants are coming along nicely(= growing well).植物长势良好。牛津高阶〔note〕They noted the consumers' growing demand for quicker service.他们留意到消费者对便捷服务与日俱增的需求。剑桥高阶〔number〕Growing numbers of people in the rural areas are too frightened to vote.越来越多生活在乡下的人被吓得不敢投票了。柯林斯高阶〔ominous〕The rolls of distant thunder were growing more ominous.远处隆隆的雷声听着愈发惊心, 要变天了。外研社新世纪〔opinion〕This view is supported by a growing body of professional opinion.这一观点得到日益增多的专业意见的支持。牛津搭配〔opposition〕Public opposition to the military government is growing.公众对军政府的反对越来越强烈。麦克米伦高阶〔paniculate〕Growing or arranged in a panicle.圆锥花序的:具圆锥花序的或按圆锥状花序排列的美国传统〔perennate〕To survive from one growing season to the next, often with a period of reduced or arrested growth between seasons. Used of plants or plant parts.多年生的:由一个生长季持续到下一个生长季,常指过渡四季之间生长缩减式受抑制的时期。用于植物式植物体的部分美国传统〔phenomenal〕Exports of Australian wine are growing at a phenomenal rate.澳大利亚葡萄酒的出口正以惊人速度增长。外研社新世纪〔pivot〕His argument will pivot on the growing cost of legal fees.他的论据将以诉讼费用上涨为中心展开。朗文当代〔plenty〕You are all fortunate to be growing up in a time of peace and plenty.你们都很幸运,成长在和平富足的时代。柯林斯高阶〔point〕We discussed the finer points of growing roses.我们讨论了种植玫瑰的细节问题。牛津搭配〔producer〕New Zealand's growing reputation as a producer of wine 新西兰作为产酒国日渐显赫的声誉麦克米伦高阶〔productivity〕Productivity is growing at a very healthy rate.生产力正以一个非常健康的速度增长。牛津搭配〔prostrate〕Botany Growing flat along the ground.【植物学】 匍匐性的:沿着地面平直地生长的美国传统〔quash〕Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent.格雷厄姆试图平息有关不满情绪日益强烈的流言。柯林斯高阶〔realization〕There is a growing realization that changes need to be made to the coaching staff.大家越来越认识到,教练班子需要调整了。韦氏高阶〔realization〕There is a growing realization that we must manage the earth's resources more carefully.越来越多的人认识到我们必须更加谨慎地使用地球的资源。朗文当代〔recognition〕There's a growing recognition that this country can no longer afford to be a nuclear power.越来越多的人认识到,这个国家再也无力充当一个核大国了。剑桥高阶〔ruderal〕Growing in rubbish, poor land, or waste.生长在荒地、垃圾堆或废物上的美国传统〔self-sown〕Growing from seed dispersal effected by a natural agent, such as the wind or a bird, rather than by human agency.自播的,天然播种的:通过天然媒介,如风或鸟而非人工媒介来传播种子的美国传统〔senescent〕Growing old; aging.开始衰老的:开始衰老的;渐老的美国传统〔sentiment〕He's found growing sentiment for military action.他发现支持采取军事行动的情绪日益高涨。柯林斯高阶〔snow〕Growing up in New York, I had my share of snow days.在纽约长大的我,也享受了不少因下大雪而放假的日子。牛津搭配〔sow〕To scatter (seed) over the ground for growing.撒种:在土地上播(种)美国传统〔squash〕She tried hard to squash the feeling of fear that was growing inside her.她极力打消心中逐渐增强的恐惧感。麦克米伦高阶〔stall〕Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery.人们越来越担心增税可能会阻碍经济复苏。剑桥高阶〔stir〕The latest economic figures have stirred fears of growing inflation.最新的经济统计数字引起了人们对愈来愈严重的通货膨胀的恐惧。麦克米伦高阶〔sucker〕Cut off any suckers growing at the base of the bush.请把灌木丛底部长出的根出条都割掉。韦氏高阶〔sure-footed〕The Labour Party was growing increasingly sure-footed.工党的信心日益增强。柯林斯高阶〔symptom〕The fighting is a symptom of growing insecurity in the region.这次争斗是该地区越来越缺乏安全保障的征兆。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕The census we took last year shows that our population is growing very rapidly.我们去年进行的普查显示人口在快速增长。韦氏高阶〔teacher〕There is a growing need for qualified teachers of Business English.对合格的商务英语教师的需求日益增长。牛津高阶〔tensely〕McKay walked slowly toward this screen, feeling a growing tenseness.麦凯缓缓地朝这个屏幕走来,每走一步心情都更加紧张。柯林斯高阶〔thrifty〕Growing vigorously; thriving, as a plant.茂盛的,长势好的:茁壮成长的;(如植物)繁茂的美国传统〔tip〕She gave me a useful/helpful/valuable/practical tip about/for growing tomatoes.她给了我种植西红柿的有用/有益/宝贵/实用的指点。剑桥高阶〔truanting〕Truanting is a small but growing problem in primary schools.逃学是小学里一个虽小却日趋严重的问题。柯林斯高阶〔trunk〕Toadstools were growing on fallen tree trunks.毒蘑菇长在倒下的树干上。外研社新世纪〔tuft〕A short cluster of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass, attached at the base or growing close together.一簇,一丛:连在底坐上或长在一起的小簇细长物质,如毛线,头发或草美国传统〔uncompromising〕Pressure is growing for the president to go because of his uncompromising stance on the war.由于对战争不让步的态度, 总统面临的辞职压力越来越大。外研社新世纪〔underbrush〕Small trees, shrubs, or similar plants growing beneath the taller trees in a forest.矮树丛:小树,矮灌木或树林中长在大树底下的类似植物美国传统〔underwood〕Shrubs and small trees growing beneath taller trees; underbrush.林下灌丛:生长在高树下面的灌木和小树;灌木丛美国传统〔unrest〕There is growing unrest among students.学生的不满情绪日益高涨。外研社新世纪〔unrest〕There is growing unrest in the south of the country.这个国家的南方日益动荡不安。牛津高阶〔unthinkable〕Today, we see growing acceptance of gay marriage - something that would have been unthinkable a generation ago.今天我们对同性婚姻的接受程度越来越高,在上一代的时候这是难以想象的事。剑桥高阶〔useless〕The land is useless for growing crops.这片土地种不了庄稼。朗文当代〔vulnerability〕Plants that are growing vigorously are less likely to be vulnerable to disease.生命力强的植物不容易得病。柯林斯高阶〔waste〕There was growing opposition to the war and its senseless waste of life.反对战争和无谓地牺牲生命的呼声日益高涨。麦克米伦高阶〔western〕Native to or growing in the west.西部特有的,生长在西部的美国传统〔when〕Mustard is grown in the field when weeds are there, rather than when the growing crops are there.芥菜要在地里长杂草而不是长庄稼时种植。柯林斯高阶〔wilding〕Growing wild; not cultivated.野生的;未耕种的美国传统〔wild〕I found these daisies growing wild in the meadow.我发现草地上长满了这类雏菊。麦克米伦高阶〔write off〕They've stopped the project and will write this off as part of the growing pains of a new organization.他们已经叫停并将取消该项目,将其视作新机构发展过程中必须经历的一种痛楚。柯林斯高阶A high price-earnings ratio can mean that a company is growing fast.价格收益比率高意味着公司成长迅速。牛津商务A network of police informers and secret service agents has kept the government in touch with the growing demands for reform.警方告密者和特工人员网络使政府对改革要求日益高涨的情况了如指掌。剑桥国际Awareness of the need to protect intellectual property rights is growing.需要保护知识产权的意识日渐增强。牛津商务Her novel is ostensibly about a girl growing up in post-war Brooklyn, but it offers more than just a memoir of the period.她的小说表面上是写一个女孩在战后的布鲁克林成长,但是它所表现出来的已不止是对那段时期的回忆。剑桥国际In the film, he is able to depict the sense of otherness and alienation that many people feel when they are growing up.在影片中,他能表现出许多人在成长期被人视为异类、被人疏远的感觉。剑桥国际Many scientists accept the theory that the universe is growing larger. 许多科学家接受这样的看法:宇宙在不断增大。译典通My grandfather is finding it hard to cope with growing old.我爷爷发现对付衰老很困难。剑桥国际Only 44% of the world's arable land (= land suitable for growing crops) is cultivated.世界可耕地中仅有 44% 被耕种过。牛津商务Recurring revenues from services such as maintenance are growing.维修等服务的经常性收入正在增长。牛津商务She believes that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing.她认为贫富之间的差距正在扩大。剑桥国际She gave me a useful/helpful/valuable/practical tip about/for growing tomatoes.她给了我种植西红柿的有用的/有益的/有价值的/实用的指导剑桥国际Some plants take a long time to establish (= to start growing well after being planted).有些植物要很长时间才能定植。剑桥国际The climate of the Mediterranean is good for growing citrus fruits and grapes.地中海的气候适合柑橘类水果和葡萄的生长。剑桥国际The company has been expanding enough recently--I feel it's now time to consolidate (=stop growing and make our present position stronger).公司最近规模扩大得足够了----我想该到巩固的时候了。剑桥国际The ‘town and gown’divide between academe and the rest of the population is growing wider.学术界与其余人口之间的差距正越来越大。剑桥国际Their family have farmed this land (= used it for growing crops and raising animals to sell) for a hundred years.他们的家族在这片土地上经营农场有一百年了。剑桥国际There is growing evidence that environmental protection makes good business sense.越来越多的证据表明,环境保护能产生良好的经营意识。剑桥国际There is growing sense of nationalist fervour in the state.这个国家里有不断增长的民族主义热情的意识。剑桥国际There is (a) growing disenchantment with the way the country/school/football club is being run.对国家/学校/足球俱乐部的管理方式,人们日益感到无望。剑桥国际There is a growing consensus among experts that interest rates will rise.专家对利率将上升这个问题的看法日趋一致。牛津商务There is a growing number of women in high-profile positions (= positions where they are noticed) in the government.在政府引人注目的职位上,妇女的数量日益增长。剑桥国际There is a growing suspicion that the men who were jailed for the bombing were in fact innocent.越来越多的人疑心被判入狱的爆炸案犯实际上是替罪羊。剑桥国际They are under pressure to cut costs amid growing competition from foreign firms.他们在来自外国公司日趋激烈的竞争中,面临削减成本的压力。牛津商务This latest setback will have done nothing to quell the growing doubts about the future of the club.最近的挫折无助于消除人们对该俱乐部前景不断增加的疑虑。剑桥国际When we stripped the wallpaper off the wall, we discovered mould growing underneath it.我们把墙纸撕下墙壁时,发现下面长有霉。剑桥国际




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