

单词 improve
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕a change made in order to improve something 为了改进而作出的变化朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕a small change that is made to improve or correct something 为改进或纠正所作的小改变朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕to make small changes to something in order to improve it 对某物作小改动以使其改进朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕to write something that you intend to improve or finish later 写下你打算以后再改进或完成的东西朗文写作活用〔appearance〕attempts to improve the general appearance of the town 改善城镇整体面貌的种种努力牛津搭配〔appearance〕lotions that improve your skin's appearance and texture 能改善皮肤表层和肌理的护肤液韦氏高阶〔avoidance〕to improve your health by the avoidance of stress避免承受太大压力以改善健康状况外研社新世纪〔ceaseless〕her ceaseless efforts to build and improve the business 她为创办和改进企业做出的不懈努力韦氏高阶〔communication〕a workshop to improve teachers' communication skills 为提高教师的沟通技巧而举办的研习班麦克米伦高阶〔condition〕an effort to improve working conditions at the plant 改善工厂工作条件的努力牛津搭配〔daily〕the failure of the government to improve most people's daily lives.政府没能改善大多数人的日常生活柯林斯高阶〔detection〕the quest to improve breast cancer detection 改进乳腺癌检测方法的探索牛津搭配〔development〕a development project (= one to help improve industry) in Pakistan 旨在促进巴基斯坦工业发展的开发项目剑桥高阶〔drive〕the drive to improve standards in literacy and numeracy提高读写和算术水平的运动外研社新世纪〔education〕efforts to improve education standards 为提高教育标准作出的努力牛津搭配〔endeavor〕endeavored to improve the quality of life in the inner city.努力改善城市内的生活品质美国传统〔environmental〕an environmental group/movement(= that aims to improve or protect the natural environment) 环境保护组织╱运动牛津高阶〔facility〕to improve access to essential facilities 改善必要设施的使用条件牛津搭配〔fertility〕measures to improve the fertility of the soil 增加土壤肥力的措施麦克米伦高阶〔fitness〕an exercise programme to improve your fitness 增进健康的锻炼计划朗文当代〔fitness〕do exercises to improve one's fitness 做体操以增进健康文馨英汉〔flow〕a new road system to improve traffic flow through the city centre 提高市中心车流速度的新的道路系统朗文当代〔flow〕to improve traffic flow(= make it move faster) 改善交通流量牛津高阶〔general〕ways to improve your general health 全面提高身体素质的方法朗文当代〔guidance〕an opportunity for young people to improve their performance under the guidance of professional coaches.年轻人在职业教练的指导下提高成绩的机会柯林斯高阶〔health〕things that can be done to improve the health of older people 可采取的改善老年人健康状况的措施朗文当代〔hint〕hints on how to improve your computer skills 关于如何提高电脑操作技巧的指点麦克米伦高阶〔image〕an effort to improve the organization's public image 为改善该组织公众形象所作的努力牛津搭配〔improve〕improve one's tennis 提高网球球技英汉大词典〔improve〕improve one's vocabulary 扩大词汇英汉大词典〔improve〕improve wages and conditions 增加工资并改善工作条件英汉大词典〔improve〕had a haircut to improve (or better ) his appearance; 理发以改善(或者 better ) 形象; 美国传统〔improve〕practicing to improve (or better ) her golf game. 为提高(或者 better ) 她的高尔夫球技而练习。 美国传统〔improve〕to improve every moment抓紧每一分钟21世纪英汉〔improve〕to improve one's health增进健康21世纪英汉〔improve〕to improve relationships改善关系21世纪英汉〔improve〕to improve the opportunity利用机会21世纪英汉〔information〕to improve the flow of information within the company 改善公司内部的信息流动牛津搭配〔lot〕try to improve the lot of the poor 试图改善穷人的命运英汉大词典〔multimedia〕the case of an insurance company using multimedia to improve customer service in its branches.保险公司使用多媒体改进其分支机构的客户服务的例子柯林斯高阶〔performance〕a training program to improve employees' performance 改善员工工作表现的培训计划朗文当代〔plan〕a three-point action plan to improve hygiene at work 改善工作场所卫生条件的三点行动计划牛津搭配〔public relations〕a public relations exercise (=done in order to improve the relationship between the public and an organization) 一项公关活动朗文当代〔public service〕to improve public services in the area 改进本地区的公用事业牛津高阶〔push〕a push to improve public schools 为改善公立学校的办学而做出的努力韦氏高阶〔regardless〕take action to improve the lot of South Africans regardless of colour or race 采取行动改善南非人的命运而不分肤色或种族英汉大词典〔return〕farmers seeking to improve returns from their crops 寻求提高农作物利润的农民牛津高阶〔safety〕a local campaign to improve road safety 当地改善道路安全状况的运动牛津高阶〔sanitary〕improve the sanitary conditions of slums 改善贫民区的卫生条件英汉大词典〔sex life〕ways to improve your sex life 改善性生活的办法牛津高阶〔socialsecurity〕plans to improve social-security provision for single parents 改善单身家长社会保障待遇的计划牛津搭配〔standing〕improve one's standing with the public 改善自己给公众的印象英汉大词典〔tattered〕make efforts to improve the administration's tattered relations with Capitol Hill 努力改善政府和国会之间破裂了的关系英汉大词典〔transit〕promises to improve public transit 改善公共交通的承诺朗文当代〔visibility〕improve the visibility of bicycles at night 改善自行车在夜间的可见性英汉大词典〔well-meaning〕a well-meaning effort to improve the school system 出于好心想改善学校制度的努力韦氏高阶a course for professionals who want to improve their cold-calling skills 面向希望改进陌生客户电话拜访技巧的专业人员的课程牛津商务a major change programme to improve the quality of the company's service 旨在提高公司服务质量的重大变革方案牛津商务efforts to improve the firm's weak financial standing (= it does not have much money) 改善公司窘迫的财务状况的努力牛津商务to improve public services in the area 改善这个地区的公共服务牛津商务




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