

单词 images
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔USE〕stale advertising images 没有新意的广告形象朗文写作活用〔above-the-fold〕above-the-fold images 位置醒目的图像牛津高阶〔aural〕aural and visual images 视听图像牛津高阶〔aversive〕emotionally aversive images 令人心生厌恶的图像剑桥高阶〔bombardment〕the constant bombardment of images urging that work was important.铺天盖地的图片,强调工作是至关重要的柯林斯高阶〔computer〕the use of computer graphics (=pictures and images created by computers) in film 电影中使用计算机制作图像朗文当代〔contribution〕with thanks to English Nature for their generous contribution of selected images used in this publication感谢英国自然署为这本出版物慷慨贡献的精美图片外研社新世纪〔disturbing〕disturbing images of war and death 关于战争与死亡的令人不安的图像麦克米伦高阶〔evocative〕stirringly evocative images of human suffering 对人类苦难的形象再现麦克米伦高阶〔hackneyed〕hackneyed postcard images of lochs and glens老掉牙的苏格兰湖泊峡谷风景明信片外研社新世纪〔hallucination〕hallucinatory images 幻象韦氏高阶〔hallucinatory〕images inspired by the use of hallucinatory drugs 吃了致幻药后看到的幻象麦克米伦高阶〔hired gun〕business executives and the hired guns they pay to polish their images 公司高管和他们雇来美化形象的人员韦氏高阶〔image〕images carved in stone 石雕像韦氏高阶〔image〕images of the past 对过去的印象牛津高阶〔image〕black-and-white images of the city 这座城市的黑白影像韦氏高阶〔image〕flickering images on a screen 屏幕上闪烁的图像牛津搭配〔image〕glamorous images of women on record sleeves唱片封套上性感女人的相片外研社新世纪〔image〕heat images that show where most of the activity in the brain is 显示大多数大脑活动所在区域的热成像牛津搭配〔image〕photographic images of young children.小孩子们的照片柯林斯高阶〔image〕poetic images of the countryside 乡村的诗情画意景象牛津高阶〔image〕powerful and disturbing images of the war 惊心动魄的战争画面牛津搭配〔image〕religious images 宗教画像韦氏高阶〔image〕speak in images 用形象化的语言讲英汉大词典〔image〕stereotyped images of women in children's books 儿童图书中千篇一律的女性形象牛津高阶〔image〕television images of starving children 挨饿儿童的电视画面剑桥高阶〔image〕the images produced on laser printers 激光打印机打印的图片牛津搭配〔image〕the ability to summon up images in the mind 脑海中浮想联翩的能力牛津搭配〔image〕the distorted images in his dreams 他梦中那些扭曲的形象牛津搭配〔image〕the flickering black-and-white images on the first movie screens 早期电影屏幕上摇曳的黑白影像麦克米伦高阶〔image〕the strong visual images of the Catholic church 天主教教堂强烈的视觉形象麦克米伦高阶〔image〕unrealistic images of the ideal body 关于理想身材的不切实际的形象牛津搭配〔imprinted〕the images imprinted on his brain铭刻在他脑海中的形象外研社新世纪〔incongruous〕a collage of seemingly incongruous images 由一些看似互不相干的形象组成的拼贴画牛津搭配〔invoke〕a painting that invokes images of the Rocky Mountains 使人联想到落基山脉的画朗文当代〔manipulate〕digitally manipulated images 经过数字加工的图像牛津搭配〔mind〕terrible images that will be imprinted on our minds for ever 永远会铭刻在我们脑海里的那些可怕的影像牛津搭配〔past〕images from years long past.很多年以前的形象柯林斯高阶〔photographic〕photographic images of the galaxy 银河系的摄影图像韦氏高阶〔pneumatic〕images of identical plastic pneumatic women胸部丰满的塑胶女子仿真像外研社新世纪〔projection〕the projection of three-dimensional images on a computer screen 在电脑屏幕上显示的立体影像牛津高阶〔provocative〕provocative images of young girls 姑娘们撩人的形象朗文当代〔psychedelic〕strange psychedelic images 奇怪的迷离景象韦氏高阶〔razor-sharp〕razor-sharp images 高清晰度的图像麦克米伦高阶〔reproduction〕the mass reproduction of images 图像的批量复制牛津搭配〔resonant〕resonant images of heroism 感人肺腑的英雄形象韦氏高阶〔ringing〕powerful images and ringing phrases 强劲有力的形象和琅琅上口的语句英汉大词典〔seamless〕the seamless integration of data, text, images and sound 数据、文本、图像和声音的完美结合朗文当代〔suburbia〕images of bright summer mornings in leafy suburbia.夏日的清晨,郊区绿茵环绕阳光明媚的景象柯林斯高阶〔suburbia〕images of bright summer mornings in leafy suburbia林木繁茂的郊区夏日清晨阳光明媚的景象外研社新世纪〔suggestive〕suggestive images in a poem.一首诗里引起联想的意象。牛津同义词〔superimpose〕superimposed images 叠加的图像韦氏高阶〔superimpose〕the superimposition of two images 两个图像的重叠韦氏高阶〔swearword〕a movie filled with violent images and rough swearwords 充斥着暴力画面和污言秽语的电影韦氏高阶〔twin〕twins Mineralogy Two interwoven crystals that are mirror images of each other. twins 【矿物学】 孪晶:相互为翻版的两个相互交错的晶体美国传统〔unintelligible〕the unintelligible phrases and images of his earlier poems.他早期诗歌里晦涩难懂的用词和比喻柯林斯高阶〔unsettling〕unsettling images 令人感到紧张的图像韦氏高阶〔waif-like〕images of waif-like models in girls' magazines 女孩杂志上苍白瘦弱的模特儿形象朗文当代〔waxen〕waxen images 蜡像朗文当代〔waxen〕waxen images 蜡像牛津高阶




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