

单词 horror
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕a low-budget horror film about a group of teenagers in a wood 一部讲述一群青少年在林中的低成本恐怖影片朗文写作活用〔Gothic〕a Gothic horror story 怪诞的恐怖故事文馨英汉〔bill〕a horror double bill(= two horror films/movies shown one after the other) 双场恐怖片节目单牛津高阶〔cheapo〕a cheapo horror film 低成本的恐怖片韦氏高阶〔cheesy〕a cheesy horror movie 拙劣可笑的恐怖片牛津高阶〔child〕the bastard child of romantic fiction and horror 浪漫小说与恐怖故事的私生子牛津搭配〔cosmic〕cosmic horror 极度的恐怖英汉大词典〔crop〕a new crop of horror movies 一批新上映的恐怖电影韦氏高阶〔distribute〕distribute horror around 四下散布恐怖气氛英汉大词典〔drip〕a cavern dripping with horror 令人毛骨悚然的山洞英汉大词典〔element〕a visual style that fuses film noir elements with traditional horror 融入了黑色电影元素和传统恐怖片效果的视觉风格牛津搭配〔filter〕the horror stories which were beginning to filter out of Germany.开始传出德国的恐怖故事柯林斯高阶〔genre〕his love of films and novels in the horror genre.他对恐怖电影和恐怖小说的热衷柯林斯高阶〔genre〕his love of films and novels in the horror genre他对恐怖电影和恐怖小说的喜爱外研社新世纪〔gore〕a horror film full of gore 血腥的恐怖电影文馨英汉〔gory〕a gory horror movie 血腥的恐怖片朗文当代〔gory〕gory horror movies 充满血腥暴力的恐怖电影韦氏高阶〔hand〕throw up one's hands in horror 惊恐绝望 英汉大词典〔horror story〕horror stories about patients being given the wrong drugs 有关给病人吃错药的骇人报道朗文当代〔horror story〕horror stories about visits to the dentist 有关看牙医的种种吓人说法牛津高阶〔horror story〕the usual travel horror stories about delays at the airport and flight cancellations 旅行中通常会碰到的机场延误或航班取消等糟糕的经历剑桥高阶〔horror〕horror movies 恐怖电影英汉大词典〔horror〕a horror film/movie 恐怖片牛津高阶〔horror〕a horror movie 恐怖电影韦氏高阶〔horror〕a horror movie; a horror story.恐怖电影;恐怖故事美国传统〔horror〕a horror of deep water 恐惧深水牛津高阶〔horror〕a horror of spiders.对蜘蛛的恐惧。牛津同义词〔horror〕a horror story about lost luggage while flying.乘飞机旅行时丢失行李的糟糕经历柯林斯高阶〔horror〕a little horror 小淘气鬼麦克米伦高阶〔horror〕a psychological horror film.心理恐怖片柯林斯高阶〔horror〕his horror of death他对死亡的惧怕外研社新世纪〔horror〕the horror of this most bloody of civil wars.这场极其血腥的内战的惨烈柯林斯高阶〔horror〕the horror of war 战争的恐怖韦氏高阶〔infamy〕scenes of horror and infamy 恐怖与罪恶的场面牛津高阶〔knife〕have a horror of the knife 害怕外科手术英汉大词典〔low-rent〕a low-rent horror movie.粗制滥造的恐怖片柯林斯高阶〔low-rent〕a low-rent horror movie二流恐怖片外研社新世纪〔mind-blowing〕a mind-blowing horror story.强刺激的恐怖故事美国传统〔mock〕throw up one's hands in mock horror 扬起双手假装害怕英汉大词典〔movie〕a horror movie恐怖片外研社新世纪〔nail〕be nailed to the spot with horror 被吓得钉在原地动弹不得英汉大词典〔naked〕a land of naked horror 令人毛骨悚然的国家英汉大词典〔nameless〕a nameless horror 无可名状的恐怖英汉大词典〔possessed〕a horror movie about a possessed child 一部关于被魔鬼附身的孩子的恐怖电影韦氏高阶〔prototypical〕prototypical horror movies 典型的恐怖电影韦氏高阶〔real life〕a real-life horror story.现实版的恐怖故事柯林斯高阶〔retract〕retract in horror 惊骇地缩回 英汉大词典〔schlock〕schlock horror movies 劣质的恐饰片韦氏高阶〔season〕a new season of late-night horror films 午夜恐怖片新的献映期英汉大词典〔sentiment〕an intense sentiment of horror 强烈的恐怖感英汉大词典〔simple-minded〕a simple-minded horror movie; simpleminded generalizations.一部情节简单的恐怖电影;过于简单的总述美国传统〔special effect〕a Hollywood horror film with special effects that are not for the nervous.一部运用了特效、胆小害怕的人不宜观看的好莱坞恐怖片柯林斯高阶〔spoof〕a spoof of horror films 对恐怖片的滑稽模仿韦氏高阶〔stare〕stare at sb. in horror 恐惧地盯着某人看英汉大词典〔thrill〕thrill with horror 因恐怖而震颤英汉大词典〔through〕women who had lived through the horror and suffering of war 曾经生活在战争的灾难与痛苦中的妇女麦克米伦高阶〔triple〕a triple bill of horror movies 三部恐怖电影的连续放映朗文当代〔unnam(e)able〕unnam(e)able horror 不可名状的恐怖英汉大词典〔unspeakable〕the unspeakable horror of war 战争的异常恐怖韦氏高阶〔yell〕yells of horror 恐怖的叫喊英汉大词典




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