

单词 home town
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COME FROM〕I haven't been back to my home town since my mother died. 自从母亲去世后,我再也没有回过家乡。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕She hated her home town so much she would never admit where she was from. 她很不喜欢自己的故乡,从不会承认她是那里人。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Residents are worried that the president's home town will turn into a tourist trap. 居民担心总统的家乡将会变成一个敲游客竹杠的地方。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕Johnson lived in Seattle for ten years before returning to his home town of Cody, Wyoming. 约翰逊在西雅图住了十年后回到了故乡怀俄明州的科迪。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕Sarajevo is my home town and I did not want to leave. 萨拉热窝是我的故乡,我不想离开。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕Thousands of refugees are on the move, fleeing heavy shelling in their home towns. 几千名难民在不断迁移,以躲避家园里遭到的重炮轰击。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕His last wish was that his body should be buried in his home town. 他最后的心愿是安葬在家乡。朗文写作活用〔backward〕She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step.她觉得回到家乡生活就是没出息。牛津高阶〔bereft〕Bereft and grieving, Bogarde decides that he will leave his home town.博加德失去亲人之后悲伤难过, 他决定要离开故乡。外研社新世纪〔celebrity〕He became something of a celebrity in his home town.他成为家乡一位小有名气的人。牛津搭配〔chasten〕Party workers have returned to their home towns, chastened by their overwhelming defeat.党务工作者受到重创后返回了自己的家乡。朗文当代〔drift〕He finally drifted back to his home town.他最终兜回了家乡。牛津搭配〔endless〕They asked endless questions about our home town.他们不停地问我们家乡的情况。麦克米伦高阶〔following〕Following his military service, Wilkins returned to his home town.服兵役结束后,威尔金斯回到了家乡。麦克米伦高阶〔home town〕He hired a car and drove up to his home town.他租了一辆车开回老家。朗文当代〔leave〕He decided the time had come to take leave of his home town.他觉得该是告别家乡的时候了。剑桥高阶〔leave〕She left her home town for the bright lights of New York.她离开家乡去纽约追求那种灯红酒绿的都市生活。麦克米伦高阶〔museum〕He founded a museum of modern art in his home town.他在家乡建立了一座现代艺术博物馆。牛津搭配〔odd〕It must be odd to go back to your home town after forty years away.离开40年后回到家乡一定感觉很奇怪。剑桥高阶〔power base〕Milan was Mr Craxi's home town and his power base.米兰既是克拉克西先生的家乡,也是他的权力基础。柯林斯高阶〔power base〕Milan was Mr Craxi's home town and his power base.米兰既是克拉克西先生的家乡, 也是他的大本营。外研社新世纪〔rail〕The president traveled by rail to his home town.总统坐火车回到了他的家乡。柯林斯高阶〔recognition〕When he returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed out of all/beyond all recognition (= it had changed so much that he no longer recognized it).战后他回到家乡时,发现一切已经面目全非了。剑桥高阶〔reputation〕He did not have a good reputation in his home town.他在家乡的名声不好。麦克米伦高阶〔tie〕I no longer feel any ties with my home town.我对我的家乡再也没有任何亲切感了。剑桥高阶〔town〕He was buried in his home town (=the town where he was born) .他被葬在家乡。朗文当代〔town〕She has gone back to live in her home town.她已经回到她的故乡去生活了。牛津搭配〔yearning〕He had a deep yearning to return to his home town.他深深地渴望回到故乡。朗文当代Aged 25, he left his home town, drawn to the metropolitan glamour and excitement of Paris. 25 岁时,他离开了自己的家乡,来到了充满大都市魅力与激情的巴黎。剑桥国际He was given a rapturous welcome in his home town. 他在家乡受到了发疯似的欢迎。译典通Her remarkable achievements have brought fame to her small home town (= resulted in it becoming famous).她杰出的成就给故乡小镇带来了声誉。剑桥国际I have this recurring dream in which I'm running through the streets of my home town completely naked.我经常做我一丝不挂在家乡街道上奔跑的梦。剑桥国际I no longer feel any ties with my home town.我不再感到和我的家乡有任何联系了。剑桥国际She was buried in her home town (= the town in which she was born).她葬在她的家乡。剑桥国际When he returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed out of all/beyond all recognition (= it had changed so much that he no longer recognized it).战后他回到家乡,发现变化很大,认不出来了。剑桥国际




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