

单词 great depth
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abyssal〕Of or relating to the great depths of the oceans.海洋深度的:海洋深度的或与海洋深度有关的美国传统〔balsam〕The latest designer perfume has sharp citrus notes and great depth provided by ambergris and balsam.这款最新的设计师品牌香水有浓烈的柑橘味道, 还有醇厚的龙涎香和香树脂味。外研社新世纪〔batholith〕A large mass of igneous rock that has melted and intruded surrounding strata at great depths.岩基:大量的已经熔化并已侵入周围地壳岩层的火成岩美国传统〔deep focus〕A camera technique that affords great depth of field, keeping both close and distant planes in focus at the same time.深焦:照相机的技术,能提供更多的景深,保持远近的平面都同时在焦距里面美国传统〔depth〕He spoke with great depth of feeling.他饱含深情地发表了讲话。剑桥高阶〔depth〕The dancers expressed great depth of feeling/emotion.舞者表达了强烈的情感。韦氏高阶〔depth〕The subject was discussed in great depth .这一话题的讨论十分深入。朗文当代〔depth〕The wine has great depth of flavor.这种酒口感醇厚。韦氏高阶〔depth〕They go down to great depths below the surface.他们下到了地表以下很深的地方。牛津搭配〔depth〕Younger students cannot be expected to have great depth of understanding.不能期求年轻学生有很深刻的理解力。牛津搭配〔double-bank〕Owing to the great depth of the shelf the books were double-banked.由于书架纵深宽裕,书籍分作两排放置。英汉大词典〔hypothermal〕Of, relating to, or being mineral deposits formed at great depths and high temperatures.温热生成的:深层高温形成的矿藏的,或与之有关的美国传统〔monolith〕Into this embankment, at intervals of a few feet, concrete monoliths each 45ft. square were sunk to great depths.在这座堤岸内部很深的地方, 每隔几英尺便埋有一块45平方英尺大小的巨型混凝土空心方块体。外研社新世纪〔profundity〕Great depth.深处:很深美国传统〔sound〕The whale sounded to great depths for food.这条鲸突然潜入深水觅食。英汉大词典〔subsidiary〕I'm taking History as a subsidiary subject(= one that is not studied in as great depth as a main subject).我把历史课作为辅修科目。牛津高阶He spoke with great depth of feeling about how kind they had been to him.他仔细讲述他们如何好心待他的感受。剑桥国际




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