

单词 hexameter
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alexandrine〕A line of English verse composed in iambic hexameter, usually with a caesura after the third foot.亚历山大格式的诗行:一个由六步抑扬格写成的,通常在第三音步后有一停顿的英语诗行美国传统〔elegiac couplet〕A unit of verse in Greek and Roman prosody consisting of a line of dactylic hexameter followed by a line of dactylic pentameter.挽歌对句体:希腊罗马诗体中一种诗句单位,由一句扬抑抑格的六音步诗行和一句紧接的扬抑抑格五音步诗行组成美国传统〔heroic verse〕The dactylic hexameter in Greek and Latin.扬抑抑格六音步:希腊和拉丁美洲的扬抑抑格六音步组成的诗行美国传统〔poulter's measure〕A metrical pattern employing couplets in which the first line is in iambic hexameter and the second is in iambic heptameter.禽蛋商格律:使用对句的一种格律,其中第一句用六音步抑扬格而第二句则用七音步抑扬格美国传统




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