

单词 honorary
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET〕She received an honorary degree from Harvard in 1990. 1990年,她在哈佛大学获得了一个荣誉学位。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The university has already conferred honorary degrees on several prime ministers. 大学已经向几位首相授予了荣誉学位。朗文写作活用〔accolade〕There is no higher accolade at this school than an honorary degree.这所学校的最高荣誉是名誉学位。韦氏高阶〔award〕The University awarded him an honorary degree.这所大学授给他名誉学位。英汉大词典〔bestow〕The university bestowed on/upon her an honorary degree.这所大学授予了她荣誉学位。韦氏高阶〔chair〕In the absence of the chairwoman, the honorary secretary took the chair.在女主席缺席的情况下, 名誉秘书长主持了会议。外研社新世纪〔chamberlain〕Roman Catholic Church An often honorary papal attendant.【罗马天主教】 内侍:罗马教皇的名誉侍从美国传统〔chancellor〕Chiefly British The honorary or titular head of a university.【多用于英国】 大学名誉校长,大学名义校长美国传统〔colonel〕An honorary nonmilitary title awarded by some states of the United States.上校:美国某些州授予的一种非军事荣誉称号美国传统〔confer〕An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2009.牛津大学于 2009 年授予他荣誉学位。牛津高阶〔confer〕An honorary degree was conferred on him by the University.该大学授予他一个荣誉学位。朗文当代〔confer〕An honorary doctorate of law was conferred on him by Newcastle University in 1976.1976年,纽卡斯尔大学授予他荣誉法学博士学位。柯林斯高阶〔confer〕An honorary doctorate of law was conferred on him by Newcastle University in 1976.他于1976年被纽卡斯尔大学授予荣誉法学博士学位。外研社新世纪〔confer〕An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Columbia University.哥伦比亚大学授予他荣誉博士学位。剑桥高阶〔confer〕The university conferred an honorary degree on (或upon) him.这所大学授予他名誉学位。英汉大词典〔confer〕The university conferred an honorary doctorate on her.该大学授予她荣誉博士学位。麦克米伦高阶〔confer〕The university will confer an honorary degree on the governor.那所大学将授予州长荣誉学位。韦氏高阶〔degree〕A similar title conferred as an honorary distinction.荣誉学位:一种类似的作为一种荣誉而被授予的称号美国传统〔degree〕The University conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.大学授予他名誉法学博士学位。牛津搭配〔distinction〕She has the distinction of being one of the few people to have an honorary degree conferred on her by the university this year.今年只有几个人被授予了大学荣誉学位,她有幸成为其中之一。剑桥高阶〔doctor〕A person awarded an honorary degree by a college or university.荣誉博士:由学校或大学颁发给名誉学位的人美国传统〔domestic prelate〕A priest who is an honorary member of the papal household.国内高级神父:属教廷荣誉成员的神父美国传统〔drag〕She drags her honorary degree into every discussion.她硬把她的荣誉学位扯到每次讨论中去。21世纪英汉〔emerita〕A woman who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement.荣誉退休妇女:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位的妇女美国传统〔emeritus〕One who is retired but retains an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement.荣誉退休者:退休但仍荣誉保持有退休前所拥有的职位的人美国传统〔holder〕She is the holder of an honorary degree.她是荣誉学位获得者。韦氏高阶〔honorary〕Brown received an honorary doctorate from Seoul University.布朗获得了首尔大学的荣誉博士学位。朗文当代〔honorary〕But all my work was honorary. How should I earn my living? 但我所有的工作都是义务的。我该怎样来挣钱糊口呢? 英汉大词典〔honorary〕Charities often have a well-known person as their honorary treasurer.慈善机构常常请一位名人担任他们的名誉司库。剑桥高阶〔honorary〕He came over from the States to be made an honorary Fellow of the College.他从美国赶来, 接受学院授予的荣誉研究员头衔。外研社新世纪〔honorary〕He is the honorary president/chairman of the commission.他是这个委员会的名誉主席。韦氏高阶〔honorary〕He was awarded an honorary degree/title.他被授予荣誉学位/头衔。韦氏高阶〔honorary〕He will be awarded the honorary degree in a ceremony at Newcastle University.他将在纽卡斯尔大学的一个仪式上获授荣誉学位。外研社新世纪〔honorary〕He will be awarded the honorary degree in a ceremony at Newcastle University.他将在纽卡斯尔大学的一个仪式上获授荣誉学位。柯林斯高阶〔honorary〕He's an honorary member of the club.他是这家俱乐部的名誉成员。韦氏高阶〔honorary〕She received an honorary doctorate from Exeter University in recognition of her work for the homeless.她被授予埃克塞特大学荣誉博士头衔,以表彰她为无家可归者所做的工作。剑桥高阶〔honorary〕She was treated as an honorary man.她得到了男子般的待遇。牛津高阶〔honorary〕The post of treasurer is a purely honorary position.司库的职位纯属义务性质。牛津高阶〔knighthood〕He was given an honorary knighthood from the Queen.他被女王授予荣誉爵士头衔。外研社新世纪〔last〕These last were given honorary degrees.最后提到的这几位被授予荣誉学位。英汉大词典〔membership〕Last year he received honorary membership of a local art club.去年他接受了一个当地艺术俱乐部的荣誉会员身份。外研社新世纪〔office〕The office of Lord Mayor is an honorary one.市长大人的职位是一种荣誉职位。外研社新世纪〔patrician〕Used as a title for members of a class of honorary nobility appointed by the Byzantine emperors.贵族称号:用作拜占庭皇帝授予贵族阶层成员的称号美国传统〔poet laureate〕A poet appointed to a similar honorary position or honored for artistic excellence.荣誉诗人:被任命为一个类似的荣誉性职位或因艺术上的杰出成就被授予荣誉的诗人美国传统〔prebendary〕An Anglican cleric holding the honorary title of prebend without a stipend.名誉牧师:持有受俸牧师的名誉头衔但无俸禄的英国圣公会牧师美国传统〔receive〕He received an honorary degree.他被授予名誉学位。英汉大词典〔receive〕She received an honorary degree from Harvard.她得到哈佛大学的荣誉学位。朗文当代〔recognition〕She was awarded an honorary degree in recognition of her work in the community.她被授予名誉学位,以表彰她在社区所做的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔select〕Honorary degrees are handed out to a select few .荣誉学位颁给精选出的少数几个人。朗文当代〔signal〕The university has done me the signal honour of making me an Honorary Fellow.这所大学给了我极大的荣誉,授予我荣誉董事的头衔。朗文当代〔title〕He will retain the honorary title of non-executive chairman.他将保留非执行主席这个名誉头衔。剑桥高阶〔unfrock〕To deprive of an honorary position.剥夺荣誉地位美国传统Charities often have a well-known person as their honorary treasurer.慈善机构经常请知名人士担任他们的名誉司库。剑桥国际He will retain the honorary title of non-executive chairman.他将保有非执行主席这个名誉称号。剑桥国际I've got an honorary degree in literature.我拥有文学名誉学位。剑桥国际She has the distinction of being one of the few people to have an honorary degree conferred on her by the university this year.她今年被大学授予名誉学位,是少数几个今年获得学位的人之一,这是她的殊荣。剑桥国际She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.为了表彰她为无家可归者所做的工作,她被授予牛津大学的名誉博士头衔。剑桥国际She was awarded an honorary doctorate for her charity work.因为她所做的慈善工作,她被授予了荣誉博士学位。剑桥国际The honorary secretary of the charity is Lady Castleton.慈善事业的名誉干事是卡斯尔顿女士。剑桥国际The college gave the ambassador an honorary degree. 学院授予该大使名誉学位。译典通




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