

单词 import
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔concession〕the import / export concessions that had been granted to the island 同意给该岛的进出口特许权朗文当代〔count〕actions that import little; 意义不大的行为;美国传统〔exempt〕goods exempt from import duty 免征进口税的货物英汉大词典〔haemorrhage〕stem the haemorrhage of America's oil import bill 遏止美国在进口石油账款方面的巨额支出英汉大词典〔import〕import controls 进口管制牛津高阶〔import〕import duties 进口税剑桥高阶〔import〕import duties/tariffs/controls/licenses 进口税/关税/控制/许可证麦克米伦高阶〔import〕import foreign words into the language 把外来词吸收到语言中去英汉大词典〔import〕a Georgia import 从佐治亚州来的人英汉大词典〔import〕a man of great import 要人英汉大词典〔import〕a matter of great import 极为重要的事情韦氏高阶〔import〕a matter of no great import 无关紧要的事朗文当代〔import〕an import duty 进口税英汉大词典〔import〕an import licence 进口许可证剑桥高阶〔import〕an import licence 进口许可证牛津高阶〔import〕an import tax 进口税韦氏高阶〔import〕controls on the import of meat 对肉类进口的控制麦克米伦高阶〔import〕greater import penetration of the domestic market 进口货物对国内市场的进一步渗透牛津搭配〔import〕laws affecting the import of foreign goods 影响外国商品进口的法律韦氏高阶〔import〕matters of great import 非常重要的事情牛津高阶〔import〕questions that import us nearly和我们有切身关系的问题21世纪英汉〔import〕rising import prices 上涨的进口价格牛津搭配〔import〕software that makes it simple to import digital photographs onto your hard drive 使硬盘加载数码照片的操作更简便的软件韦氏高阶〔import〕the import of conventional weapons 常规武器的进口英汉大词典〔import〕the import of electrical goods 电气产品的进口朗文当代〔import〕the import of sb.'s words 某人话中的含意英汉大词典〔import〕the abolition of import duties (=taxes) 进口关税的废止朗文当代〔import〕to import advanced technology from a country从某国引进先进技术21世纪英汉〔import〕to import goods.进口货物。牛津同义词〔imposition〕the unilateral imposition of import quotas 单边强行设定的进口配额牛津搭配〔ivory〕the export and import of raw ivory 象牙原料的进出口牛津搭配〔know-how〕import know-how 进口技术英汉大词典〔moan〕to moan over a new import tax抱怨新的进口税21世纪英汉〔penetrate〕import penetration across a broad range of heavy industries.进口对重工业领域的广泛渗透柯林斯高阶〔penetration〕the rise in import penetration of the domestic market 国内市场进口商品占有率的提高朗文当代〔protective〕protective tariffs on the import of grain针对粮食进口的保护性关税外研社新世纪〔quota〕to introduce a strict import quota on grain 严格限制谷物进口量牛津高阶〔rack〕rack up record oil import bills 累积欠下创纪录的进口石油债务 英汉大词典〔relax〕relax an embargo on the import of farm produce 放宽对于农产品进口的禁令英汉大词典〔scheme〕a scheme to import illegal foreign goods 进口非法外国商品的阴谋麦克米伦高阶〔shield〕import tariffs that shield firms from foreign competition 保护企业免受外国竞争威胁的进口关税朗文当代〔slap〕slap import quotas on foreign cars 强制规定外国汽车的进口限额英汉大词典〔specific〕specific import duties 从量进口税英汉大词典〔tariff〕cut import tariffs on cars and computers 削减汽车和计算机的进口税英汉大词典〔tax〕an import (export) tax 进口(出口)税英汉大词典〔thunderous〕world events of thunderous import 极重要的世界大事英汉大词典〔unified〕a unified EU import market 统一的欧盟进口市场朗文当代〔unpaid〕unpaid import taxes 未缴纳的进口税英汉大词典an import licence 进口许可证牛津商务obtaining customs clearance for the goods (= permission to import them) 为货物办理进口清关手续牛津商务products approved for import into the EU 获准进入欧盟的产品牛津商务the import of completely built-up cars 已完全组装好的汽车的进口牛津商务to introduce a strict import quota on grain 对谷物实行严格的进口配额牛津商务




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