

单词 as soon as possible
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGAINST/OPPOSE〕If anyone has any objections, please let us know as soon as possible. 如果谁反对的话,请尽早告诉我们。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕I want him back here as soon as possible, whatever the cost. 我要他尽快回到这里,不管要付出多少代价。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Eat celery as soon as possible -- it does not keep well for long periods. 把芹菜尽快吃了一放久了不新鲜。朗文写作活用〔POSSIBLE〕Please let me know your answer as soon as possible. 请尽快回复。朗文写作活用〔Prof.〕Please send all your remarks to Prof. Gibson as soon as possible.请尽快把你的所有意见送交吉布森教授。麦克米伦高阶〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Understandably, she just wants to leave as soon as possible. 可以理解,她只想尽快离开。朗文写作活用〔advise〕I advise that you leave as soon as possible.我建议你尽快离开。外研社新世纪〔as〕Please let me know your decision as soon as possible (=as soon as you can) .请尽快告诉我你的决定。朗文当代〔as〕We'd like it as soon as possible.我们希望越快越好。牛津高阶〔be bent on sth/doing sth〕He was bent on getting married as soon as possible.他一心想尽快结婚。剑桥高阶〔conclude〕They agreed to conclude negotiations as soon as possible.他们同意尽快结束谈判。麦克米伦高阶〔estimate〕Flight times in the brochure are based on our best estimate, and will be confirmed as soon as possible.小册子里的航班时间是尽可能准确的估计,会尽快得到确认。牛津搭配〔finalize〕I want to finalize as soon as possible.我想尽快完成协议。外研社新世纪〔gas〕All gas leaks should be reported as soon as possible.所有燃气泄漏事件都应该尽快上报。牛津搭配〔grateful〕I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.如能尽快把表格填好寄回,将不胜感激。牛津高阶〔grateful〕We would be grateful if you could return the signed contracts as soon as possible.如果你能将签好的合同尽快返还,我们将不胜感激。麦克米伦高阶〔hotfoot〕I hotfooted it out of there as soon as possible.我急忙离开了那里。朗文当代〔keen〕They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.他们渴望尽早开始工作。剑桥高阶〔let〕I'll let you know as soon as possible.我会尽快通知你。外研社新世纪〔notify〕Winners will be notified as soon as possible.获胜者将会尽快得到通知。麦克米伦高阶〔obliged〕I'd be obliged if you would complete and return the form as soon as possible.如能尽快填好并交回此表,鄙人将不胜感激。剑桥高阶〔one〕Then one evening Harry phoned, asking me to come to their flat as soon as possible.后来一天晚上哈里打电话来,叫我尽快到他们的公寓去。柯林斯高阶〔possible〕I need the money as soon as possible.我需要尽快拿到这笔钱。朗文当代〔processing〕There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible.全体一致同意尽快开始和平进程。柯林斯高阶〔refer back to〕We should refer our application back to the manager as soon as possible.我们应尽快将申请书重新提交给经理。21世纪英汉〔register〕Please register with another GP as soon as possible.请尽快挂号预约另一位全科医生。外研社新世纪〔replace〕I'll replace the vase I broke as soon as possible.我会尽快赔还我打碎的花瓶。朗文当代〔resolve〕She resolved to leave as soon as possible.她下决心尽早离开。麦克米伦高阶〔restart〕The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible.委员们同意尽快重新开始会谈。柯林斯高阶〔shall〕I phoned him so that he shall come as soon as possible.我给他打了个电话,让他能尽可能快地到来。21世纪英汉〔soon〕Helen wants you to call her back as soon as possible.海伦希望你尽快给她回电话。麦克米伦高阶〔soon〕Try and get the car fixed as soon as possible .想办法尽快把车修好。朗文当代〔statute book〕The government would like to see this new law on the statute book as soon as possible.政府希望看到这项新法令尽快成为正式法律。朗文当代〔supposed〕You are supposed to report it to the police as soon as possible.你必须尽快报警。外研社新世纪〔thaw〕Thaw frozen meat in its packet and then cook as soon as possible.先将冻肉连包装解冻,然后尽快烹煮。朗文当代〔think〕He thought to go home as soon as possible.他打算尽快回家。21世纪英汉〔view〕I take the view that she should be stopped as soon as possible.我认为应该尽快阻止她。外研社新世纪〔vulnerability〕We attempt to fix security vulnerabilities as soon as possible.我们试图尽快堵住安全上的漏洞。牛津搭配〔weed out〕A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.队伍中混入了一小撮新纳粹分子,我们必须尽快将其清除。柯林斯高阶〔weed out〕We must weed out the yellow flowers among the onions as soon as possible.我们必须尽快除去洋葱地里的黄花草。21世纪英汉〔wherever〕I'd like to leave as soon as possible and join my children, wherever they are.我想尽快离开,回到儿女们中间去,不管他们在哪儿。柯林斯高阶Detach the coupon and return it as soon as possible.撕下赠券并尽快寄回。牛津商务I want this agreement in black and white as soon as possible. 我要尽快得到这份书面协议。译典通It's a terrible situation and we should right it as soon as possible.那是一个糟糕的情形,我们应该尽快使它好转起来。剑桥国际Please complete the appropriate parts of this form (=the parts that are right or necessary for your particular situation) and return it as soon as possible.请填写表格中应填的部分,并尽快交回。剑桥国际The operation to fly in supplies will begin as soon as possible.飞行运输补给品的行动将尽快开始。剑桥国际We hope to be operating a normal service as soon as possible.我们希望能尽快地运行正常的服务。剑桥国际We need you to do the repairs as soon as possible.我们需要你尽快进行修理。剑桥国际We will check up as soon as possible and let him know the result. 我们将尽快进行调查,并把结果通知他。译典通You ought to bank that money (= put it in a bank) as soon as possible.你要尽快把那笔钱存入银行。剑桥国际




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