

单词 in a body
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔body〕The Cabinet resigned in a body.内阁集体辞职。英汉大词典〔body〕The cleaning staff went in a body to the manager to complain.清洁工一起去找经理投诉。剑桥高阶〔body〕The six of them moved in a body into the dim, musty-smelling building.他们六个人一起搬进了那栋昏暗并散发着霉味的建筑。外研社新世纪〔body〕The soldiers moved swiftly in a body towards the building.全体士兵迅速前往那栋建筑物。麦克米伦高阶〔body〕The women moved towards the building in a body.这群妇女一起朝着大楼走去。朗文当代〔body〕We walked out in a body.我们一块走出去美国传统〔cavitation〕Medicine The formation of cavities in a body tissue or an organ, especially those formed in the lung as a result of tuberculosis.【医学】 成洞:身体组织或器官内空洞的形成,尤指那种因肺结核而在肺中形成的空洞美国传统〔deposit〕Physiology An accumulation of organic or inorganic material, such as a lipid or mineral, in a body tissue, structure, or fluid.【生理学】 积垢,淤积:有物或无机物(例如脂类或矿物等)在体内组织、结构或流体中的积累美国传统〔drove〕A flock or herd being driven in a body.畜群:作为一个整体被驱赶的畜群美国传统〔empyema〕The presence of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.积脓:体内积有脓液,尤指在胸膜腔内美国传统〔ford〕A shallow place in a body of water, such as a river, where one can cross by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle.可涉水而过的地方:河等水体的浅处,人们可以在此步行或骑动物或用交通工具淌过美国传统〔gland〕A cell, a group of cells, or an organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body or in a body cavity or for elimination from the body.腺:一个或一群细胞或一器官,它们能生产出供身体或体腔使用的分泌液或为了从体内排除出去美国传统〔hole〕A deep place in a body of water.水体深处美国传统〔indoctrinate〕To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles.传授:以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导美国传统〔low water〕The lowest level of water in a body of water, such as a river, lake, or reservoir.低水位线:载体(比如河流,湖泊或水库)的最低水位美国传统〔musculature〕The system or arrangement of muscles in a body or a body part.肌肉系统:在身体或者身体的一部分中肌肉的系统或者排列美国传统〔octoploid〕Having eight haploid sets of chromosomes in a body cell.八倍体的:染色体数为染色体基数的八倍的美国传统〔ostium〕A small opening or orifice, as in a body organ or passage.小孔:小口或小洞,如在人体器官或人体内的通道上的美国传统〔republic〕A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.共和政体:一种最高权力掌握在有权投票选举对其负责的官员和代表的室民团体的政治体制美国传统〔shoal〕A shallow place in a body of water.浅水处:一片水域中比较浅的地方美国传统〔succussion〕The act or process of shaking violently, especially as a method of diagnosis to detect the presence of fluid and air in a body cavity.震动,猛摇:猛烈地摇晃的行为或过程,尤指作为一种诊断方式以确定体腔内是否有液体和气体美国传统〔varve〕A layer or series of layers of sediment deposited in a body of still water in one year.纹泥,季候泥:一年中沉积在寂静水中的一层或几层沉淀物美国传统The cleaning staff went in a body (= as a group) to the manager to complain.清洁工们联合起来向经理诉苦。剑桥国际The workers went in a body to see their employer. 工人们一起来见雇主。译典通




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