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释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DIE〕to die for your country or for something you believe in 为国家或为某种信念而死朗文写作活用〔acceptability〕an increase in the social acceptability of divorce.社会对离婚越来越包容的态度柯林斯高阶〔adventure〕adventure one's capital in foreign trade 拿资本去做外贸生意英汉大词典〔arrack〕as in 'araq at-tamr [fermented juice of the date] 如在 'araq at-tamr [发酵的枣汁] 美国传统〔ban〕a ban on smoking in public places 公共场所禁烟令牛津搭配〔batter〕a wrist maimed in an accident; 在事故中受伤的手腕;美国传统〔billow〕flags billowing in the breeze 在风中飘扬的旗帜英汉大词典〔bracket〕a diesel car that is in the lowest bracket for CO₂ emissions二氧化碳排放量属于最低级别的柴油汽车外研社新世纪〔break〕a break in the wall (the water main) 墙壁(水管)的裂缝 英汉大词典〔bulk〕sell (sth.) in bulk 整批(或大量)出售(某物)英汉大词典〔capitalize〕capitalize the first word (letter) in the sentence 将句中的第一个词(字母)大写英汉大词典〔complicity〕her alleged complicity in the bombing 爆炸事件中她被控的共谋牛津搭配〔contact〕two surfaces in contact 两个接触面英汉大词典〔cross〕to cross your t's(= the letters in writing) 写 t 上面的一横牛津高阶〔cutdown〕a cutdown in production 生产的削减英汉大词典〔death〕lie still in death 死后一动不动地躺着英汉大词典〔discomfort〕the discomforts endured by explorers in the Antarctic 探险者在南极所忍受的艰难困苦英汉大词典〔disordered〕events that crystallized into a conspiracy in one disordered mind.在精神不正常的人看来是一个阴谋的事件柯林斯高阶〔early〕early in the week/year/season/morning 一周开始时;年初;季度初;一大早牛津高阶〔engaged〕engaged in your work.忙着工作。牛津同义词〔escalate〕the escalation of fighting in June 六月份战事的升级朗文当代〔fasten〕fasten a monkey in a cage 把猴子关在笼里英汉大词典〔fill in〕fill in an order form 填写订单韦氏高阶〔formal〕the formal innovations in Mozart's music 莫扎特在音乐形式上的创新麦克米伦高阶〔galore〕bargains galore in the sales 大减价时的许多廉价商品朗文当代〔hall〕eat in hall 在食堂里用膳 英汉大词典〔heyday〕in the heyday of youth 在年轻力壮的时期文馨英汉〔infamy〕a date that will live in infamy 一个将作为耻辱传诸后世的日子英汉大词典〔instructive〕talk in an instructive tone 用教训开导的口气说话英汉大词典〔invulnerable〕to be in an invulnerable position 立于不败之地牛津高阶〔lifetime〕wisdom gained in the course of a long lifetime 在漫长的一生中获得的智慧牛津搭配〔mazy〕a wig flowing in mazy ringlets 呈小卷缠结的披肩假发英汉大词典〔mission〕touring a Spanish mission in California 参观加利福尼亚的西班牙教区韦氏高阶〔nineholes〕be in the nineholes 处于困境英汉大词典〔order〕march in close order 以密集队形行军 英汉大词典〔overcrowded〕one of the most overcrowded prisons in the country.该国最拥挤的监狱之一柯林斯高阶〔party〕policies that would be out of place in the Republican party platform 不符合共和党党纲的政策牛津搭配〔place〕your place in society.在社会上的地位。牛津同义词〔radio〕tune in to Radio Beijing 收听北京广播 英汉大词典〔remembrance〕a service in remembrance of those killed in the war 纪念战争死难者的仪式朗文当代〔report〕a report in London's Independent newspaper.伦敦《独立报》的报道柯林斯高阶〔river〕to travel up/down river(= in the opposite direction to/in the same direction as the way in which the river is flowing) 逆流而上;顺流而下牛津高阶〔scratch〕a dog scratching at the door to be let in 抓门想进屋的一条狗朗文当代〔showdown〕the showdown against Holland in April 4 月与荷兰队的决战牛津搭配〔slosh〕slosh the liquor around in the glass 搅动杯中的酒英汉大词典〔smoulder〕a butt smouldering in the ashtray 烟缸里闷燃着的烟蒂英汉大词典〔splendid〕a splendid performance in the examinations.在考试中表现得相当棒美国传统〔stage〕at this stage in the negotiations当谈判进行到这个阶段时外研社新世纪〔steep〕an incident steeped in mystery 沉浸在神秘气氛中的事件英汉大词典〔style〕sing in the Italian style 用意大利唱法唱歌英汉大词典〔successive〕a trait found in successive generations 世世代代都存在的一个特征韦氏高阶〔trust〕a campaign to build consumer trust in the quality of dairy products 一项在乳制品质量方面建立消费者信任的运动牛津搭配〔unequalled〕a feat unequaled in the history of polar exploration.极地探险史上无人能及的成就柯林斯高阶〔uplift〕an uplift in the stock market股市上涨外研社新世纪〔vernacular〕phrases that occur in the common vernacular 出现在一般日常用语中的短语韦氏高阶〔victor〕the victor in the contest 比赛中的获胜者牛津搭配〔wring〕wring out tears in an effort to get sympathy 为获取同情挤出几滴眼泪英汉大词典〔write〕the ability to write clearly in plain English 用简单的英语写得清楚明白的能力牛津搭配a half-point cut in interest rates 在利率方面削减了半个百分点牛津商务a small increase in take-home pay 实得工资的小幅上涨牛津商务




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