

单词 gown
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕Mother came out of her room, looking stunning in her silk dressing gown. 母亲穿着她那件丝质睡袍从房间里出来,看上去真是漂亮。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕Rafaella wore a stunning white satin wedding gown. 拉斐拉身穿一袭极漂亮的白色缎子婚纱。朗文写作活用〔CLOTHES〕She ran upstairs, stripped off her jeans and sweater and pulled on a dressing gown. 她跑上楼,脱去牛仔裤和毛线衣,换上睡袍。朗文写作活用〔Geneva gown〕A loose black academic or clerical gown with wide sleeves.黑色大袖法衣:学者或牧师穿的带宽袖的黑色宽松法衣美国传统〔SING〕The female vocalist came on in a long white gown. 女歌手身穿白色长礼服走上台来。朗文写作活用〔arrayed〕She was arrayed in a black velvet gown.她穿着一件黑色天鹅绒长礼服。牛津高阶〔become〕The gown became her very well.那件长袍很适合她。文馨英汉〔befit〕A formal gown befits the diplomatic reception.一套礼服适合外事招待会。21世纪英汉〔bridal〕She wore a floor length bridal gown.她穿着一件拖地长婚纱。柯林斯高阶〔bride〕The bride looked radiant in an ivory gown.新娘身穿乳白色的婚纱,看起来光彩夺目。牛津搭配〔cap〕The graduates would not wear the traditional cap and gown.这些大学毕业生不会穿戴传统的方帽长袍。外研社新世纪〔chic〕Her gown was very French and very chic.她的礼服颇具法国风情,非常别致。柯林斯高阶〔clothe〕The King was clothed in a purple gown.国王身穿紫袍。朗文当代〔confection〕The gown was a confection of satin and appliqué.这件上衣是用缎子和花边精心缝制的美国传统〔contrast〕Her dark hair contrasted sharply with her pale silk gown.她的黑头发和她的浅色丝绸礼服形成了强烈的对比。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕The gown has to be drawn in to fit her.那件睡袍得改小些才合她的身。英汉大词典〔dress oneself〕She was dressing herself in her mother's old wedding gown.她正穿着她母亲的结婚礼服。21世纪英汉〔expose〕Mary's gown exposes too much cleavage.玛丽的睡衣袒胸过多。英汉大词典〔fall out of〕People there have fallen out of wearing long gowns.那里的人们不再穿长袍。21世纪英汉〔fidget〕He fidgeted his dressing gown.他摆弄着晨衣。外研社新世纪〔fold〕The priest fumbled in the folds of his gown.牧师胡乱整了整长袍上的褶皱。柯林斯高阶〔formalwear〕Attire, such as evening gowns and tuxedos, for wear on formal occasions.礼服:出席正式场合穿着的装束,如晚礼服和小夜礼服美国传统〔formal〕Something, such as a gown or social affair, that is formal in nature.礼服:性质上属于正式的东西,如长礼服和社交活动美国传统〔full-length〕Victoria wore a full-length evening gown to the ball.维多利亚穿了一件及地长裙去参加舞会。剑桥高阶〔fumble〕She crept from the bed and fumbled for her dressing gown.她从床上蹑手蹑脚地爬起来,摸索着自己的晨衣。柯林斯高阶〔gaping〕The dressing gown had a gaping hole in it.那件晨衣上有个很大的洞。外研社新世纪〔garb〕He appeared, garbed in a russet gown and black sheepskin.他出现了, 身穿一件赤褐色长袍和黑色羊皮外衣。外研社新世纪〔garter〕She shed her wedding gown and chemise, untied her garters, and unrolled her stockings.她脱去结婚礼服和内衣, 解开袜带, 然后褪下长筒袜。外研社新世纪〔glamorous〕She looked glamorous in her formal black gown.她身着黑色礼服,看上去光彩照人。韦氏高阶〔glamorous〕She wore a glamorous black gown.她穿着一件漂亮的黑色礼服。韦氏高阶〔glide〕She came gliding gracefully into the ballroom in a long, flowing gown.她身着一袭飘逸的礼服,优雅轻盈地快步走进舞厅。剑桥高阶〔gownsman〕One who wears a distinctive gown as a mark of profession or office.职业上穿长袍者:穿与众不同的长袍的人以表示不同职业或职位美国传统〔gown〕A bevy of ladies resplendent in elegant walking gowns hailed them.一群身着优雅便袍、光彩照人的女士向他们打招呼。外研社新世纪〔gown〕He had to wear a green gown and white mask like the doctors.他不得不像医生一样穿上绿色手术服, 戴上白口罩。外研社新世纪〔gown〕Jamelia looked stunning in her pink evening gown.杰米莉亚穿着粉色的晚礼服, 看起来美艳动人。外研社新世纪〔gown〕Mrs Parker Bowles was wearing a figure-hugging black gown.帕克•鲍尔斯夫人穿着一件紧身的黑色礼服。外研社新世纪〔gown〕She gowned herself in the latest Paris fashions.她穿巴黎最时新的长袍。英汉大词典〔gown〕She is gowned by the most exclusive Paris designers.她由最顶尖的巴黎设计师为她设计礼服。外研社新世纪〔gown〕She was gowned in scarlet.她穿着鲜红色的礼服。外研社新世纪〔gown〕She was dressed in a long flowing gown.她穿了一件飘逸的长裙。牛津搭配〔gown〕She wore a jewelled gown and a tiara.她身穿镶有珠宝的礼服, 头戴冠状头饰。外研社新世纪〔gown〕She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace.她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙。牛津搭配〔gown〕The bride wore a lovely lace wedding gown.新娘穿了一件美丽的蕾丝礼服。韦氏高阶〔gown〕The entertainers were exotic, beautifully gowned – and male.表演者来自异国, 穿着华美的长袍——而且还是男的。外研社新世纪〔gown〕The new ball gown was a great success.新款的舞会礼服大获成功。外研社新世纪〔gown〕The new ball gown was a great success.这种新款舞会礼服很畅销。柯林斯高阶〔gown〕To dress oneself in or invest (another) with a gown.穿长袍:给自己或别人穿外衣或礼服美国传统〔gown〕When she graduated, I was so proud to see her in her cap and gown.她毕业时, 看到她戴着学位帽, 穿着学位服, 我是那么骄傲。外研社新世纪〔gown〕Which famous university city saw major riots pitting town against gown in 1298?在1298年哪所著名的大学城发生了市民与师生争斗的大规模骚乱?外研社新世纪〔graduation〕She was wearing a mortar board and graduation gown.她戴着学士帽,穿着学士服。牛津搭配〔hamper〕He was hampered by his long gown.他被长袍困累著,行动不能自如。文馨英汉〔his and hers〕My mum gave us his and hers matching dressing gowns for Christmas.我妈妈送给我们一套情侣睡袍作为圣诞礼物。剑桥高阶〔it〕In that evening gown she was it.她穿那件晚礼服真是漂亮极了。文馨英汉〔jewel〕She was dressed in an evening gown and jewels.她身穿晚礼服,佩戴珠宝首饰。韦氏高阶〔johnny〕A loose short-sleeved gown opening in the back, worn by patients undergoing medical treatment or examination.无领短袖后开罩衫:接受治疗或检查的病人所穿的一种后开身的短袖宽松罩衫美国传统〔lace〕She finally found the perfect gown, a beautiful creation trimmed with lace.她终于找到了理想的礼服——一袭饰有蕾丝的美丽时装。外研社新世纪〔lace〕She finally found the perfect gown, a beautiful creation trimmed with lace.她终于找到了理想的礼服——一袭饰有蕾丝的美丽长裙。柯林斯高阶〔lace〕She wore lace on her wedding gown.她穿着镶有花边的婚纱。韦氏高阶〔model〕The wedding gown is being modelled for us by the designer's daughter.结婚礼服正由设计者的女儿穿在身上给我们看。牛津高阶〔neckline〕Her evening gown had a plunging neckline.她的晚礼服领口开得很低。朗文当代〔negligee〕A woman's loose dressing gown, often of soft, delicate fabric.妇女长睡衣:妇女穿的宽松的长袍,通常由柔软的精细的丝织品制成美国传统〔off〕She wore the gown off the shoulder.她穿着露肩的礼服。韦氏高阶〔peignoir〕A woman's loose-fitting dressing gown.一种宽大的女便服美国传统〔pièce de résistance〕The pièce de résistance, however, was a gold evening gown.然而, 代表作是一件金色的晚礼服。外研社新世纪〔pop on〕She popped on a comfy old dressing gown when she got up.她起床时穿上了一件舒服的旧晨衣。外研社新世纪〔prettify〕Her ball gown was an old grey dress which she had prettified with some lengths of Brussels lace.她身着一件灰色的旧晚礼服, 上面加了几段布鲁塞尔花边作为装饰。外研社新世纪〔prim〕She always prims her up in an old-fashioned gown.她总是整洁地穿着一件老式长裙。21世纪英汉〔prunella〕A strong, heavy fabric of worsted twill, used chiefly for shoe uppers, clerical robes, and academic gowns.普鲁内拉毛料:一种牢固、硬实的精纺斜纹布织物,主要用于作鞋的面料、教士袍或学院服装美国传统〔relieve〕A black sash relieves a white gown.白色的长袍配上黑色的腰带益显洁白。英汉大词典〔rental〕Graduation gowns are available for rental to you.毕业典礼上穿的礼袍可供你租用。英汉大词典〔resplendent〕She looked resplendent in her green evening gown.她身穿绿色晚礼服,看起来光彩照人。韦氏高阶〔robe〕A dressing gown or bathrobe.睡袍或浴衣美国传统〔robe〕An academic gown.大学服装美国传统〔robe〕He robed himself in a ceremonial gown today.他今天穿着一件礼袍。21世纪英汉〔rock up〕They rocked up two hours late, dressed in ball gowns.他们迟到了两小时,穿着舞会晚装裙。剑桥高阶〔ruck up〕My gown had rucked up.我的礼服皱了。外研社新世纪〔ruin〕Her beautiful blue and gold gown was a ruin.她漂亮的蓝黄色礼服被毁了。外研社新世纪〔semiformal〕She wore a semiformal gown to the wedding.她穿了一件半正式礼服去参加婚礼。韦氏高阶〔sentimental〕She saved her wedding gown for sentimental reasons.她把婚纱留作纪念。韦氏高阶〔sexy〕She looked incredibly sexy in a black evening gown.她穿着黑色的晚礼服,显得性感极了。牛津高阶〔shoehorn〕I was shoehorning myself into my skin-tight ball gown.我正拼命把自己塞进我的紧身晚礼服里。柯林斯高阶〔slop about〕She slops about in a dressing gown all day.她整天穿着便袍漫不经心地闲逛。外研社新世纪〔spin〕Give the dressing gown another spin.用旋转式脱水机给这件晨衣再脱一次水。英汉大词典〔splendidly〕The young women are splendidly dressed, some in floor-length ball gowns.年轻女子们都穿得非常漂亮,有些还穿着拖地的舞裙。柯林斯高阶〔stud〕Beads stud the surface of the gown.小珠子点缀在礼服上。韦氏高阶〔sumptuous〕She produces elegant wedding gowns in a variety of sumptuous fabrics.她用各种华贵布料制作精美的婚纱。外研社新世纪〔sumptuous〕She produces elegant wedding gowns in a variety of sumptuous fabrics.她用各种华贵的布料制作高雅的婚纱。柯林斯高阶〔sumptuous〕The celebrity guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns.名流们身着奢华的晚礼服盛装出席。剑桥高阶〔surcoat〕A loose outer coat or gown.宽松的外套或罩袍美国传统〔surplice〕A loose-fitting, white ecclesiastical gown with wide sleeves, worn over a cassock.白法衣:教士穿的白色、宽松、无袖长袍,套在外衣外面美国传统〔that〕The dressing gown is frayed at the collar, but it is silk for all that.这件晨袍领边磨损了,尽管这样,它毕竟是绸的呀。英汉大词典〔thinly〕Her gown was thin, and she shivered, partly from cold.她的礼服很薄,浑身在发抖,一半是冻的。柯林斯高阶〔toga〕A robe of office; a professional or ceremonial gown.官服;职业或典礼用装美国传统〔toilette〕A gown or costume.女礼服或全套衣服美国传统〔town and gown〕In Oxford, the two sides of town and gown have long been posed in opposition to one another. 在牛津,大学生和居民长期以来一直处于对立面。剑桥高阶〔town〕The project forges new links between town and gown.这个项目在城镇居民和大学师生之间建立了新的联系。麦克米伦高阶〔trainbearer〕An attendant who holds up the train of a robe or gown, as in a procession.挽裙裾者:捧起罩袍或长袍的裙裾的侍从,如在游行队伍中的美国传统〔train〕A part of a gown that trails behind the wearer.裙裾:拖在穿戴者后面的睡衣的一部分美国传统〔trip〕She looked stunning as she tripped down the stairs in her ball gown.她身着晚礼服轻盈地走下楼梯,显得光彩照人。剑桥高阶〔tulle〕A fine, often starched net of silk, rayon, or nylon, used especially for veils, tutus, or gowns.面纱:一种浆过的细纱网、人造丝网或尼龙网,专门用作面纱、芭蕾舞短语和衣服美国传统〔turn out〕She was turned out in a beautiful blue gown.她穿着一身漂亮的蓝色礼服亮相。韦氏高阶〔underskirt〕One skirt of a layered gown over which outer skirts are formed and draped.衬裙:分层罩袍的一层裙子,外裙在其上形成和覆盖美国传统〔vestment〕A garment, especially a robe or gown worn as an indication of office or state. 衣服,服装:显示职位或身份的一种衣服,特别是长袍美国传统〔wrapper〕A loose dressing gown or negligee.宽松的长袍或长睡衣美国传统A black sash relieves a white gown. 白色的长袍上配上黑色的腰带更显洁白。译典通A hospital gown is worn by people receiving medical treatment in hospital.医院罩衣是人们在医院接受治疗时穿的。剑桥国际At many universities, students wear black gowns for their degree ceremonies.在许多大学里,学生们穿着黑色长袍参加学位授予典礼。剑桥国际Charlotte wore a ball gown with a tight bodice and a full skirt.夏洛特穿了一套参加舞会的礼服,上身是件紧身衣,下身是条宽下摆的裙子。剑桥国际He came to the door in an old dressing gown and slippers.他穿着旧的睡袍和拖鞋来开门。剑桥国际He thrust his hands deep into his dressing gown pockets and said nothing.他把手深深地塞进浴衣口袋里,一句话也没说。剑桥国际He was poncing about in a yellow silk dressing gown.他穿着一件黄色绸袍四处招摇。剑桥国际She answered the door in her dressing gown and rollers.她穿着晨衣,戴着发卷开了门。剑桥国际She asked me if I had a ball gown that she could borrow, but I'm afraid I don't possess such a thing.她问我有没有舞会礼服可以借给她,但我恐怕没有。剑桥国际She glided (gracefully) into the ballroom wearing a long flowing gown.她穿着一件长长飘垂的礼服,(步态优雅地)轻步走进舞厅。剑桥国际She looked stunning as she tripped down the stairs in her ball gown.她穿着舞裙轻盈地走下楼梯的时候看上去美极了。剑桥国际She was wearing a strapless taffeta evening gown.她穿了件无肩带的塔夫绸晚礼服。剑桥国际She wore a diaphanous gown at the award ceremony to make herself look more sexy. 为了让自己看来更性感,她在典礼上穿了一件透光的晚礼服。译典通She wore a heavy brocade gown.她穿着厚重的织锦长袍。剑桥国际She wore a low-cut satin ball/evening gown.她穿着一件低胸的缎子舞会/夜礼服。剑桥国际She wore a white satin evening gown and an ermine stole.她穿着白色缎子的夜礼服,围着条银鼠皮长围巾。剑桥国际The bride made her wedding gown herself. 新娘自己做了结婚礼服。译典通The bride, in a light gray chiffon gown, was more charming. 新娘穿著一条浅灰色薄绸睡衣,显得更加迷人。译典通The doctors and nurses are gowned (up) (= wearing special gowns) ready for the operation.医生和护士穿好了罩衣准备动手术。剑桥国际The guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns.客人们身着华丽的夜礼服出现了。剑桥国际The leading lady's gowns were made by Lucile and were masterpieces of intricate workmanship.女主角饰演者的礼服是由露西尔制作的,是精美工艺的杰作。剑桥国际They were in full academic dress, including gowns and hoods.他们穿好了全套学位服,包括长袍和披肩。剑桥国际Victoria wore a full-length evening gown (=one reaching to her feet) to the ball.维多利亚穿着长及地的晚礼服去参加舞会。剑桥国际




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