

单词 governor
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔GOP〕a GOP governor 美国共和党州长韦氏高阶〔arbitrary〕an arbitrary governor 独断独行的长官英汉大词典〔candidate〕a candidate for governor 州长候选人韦氏高阶〔colonial〕a colonial governor 殖民地总督英汉大词典〔depose〕depose sb. as governor 免去某人州长的职务英汉大词典〔designate〕the governor designate [=the governor elect] 候任州长韦氏高阶〔discredit〕an attempt to discredit the governor 诽谤州长的企图韦氏高阶〔district〕the home of the governor of the district.该区行政长官的家柯林斯高阶〔fence〕build one's fences for election as governor 为竞选州长建立自己的政治地盘英汉大词典〔gallery〕a governor who refuses to play to the gallery 拒绝哗众取宠的州长韦氏高阶〔governor〕a governor noun支配格名词外研社新世纪〔governor〕a prison governor 监狱长牛津高阶〔governor〕a prison/school governor 典狱长/学校董事剑桥高阶〔governor〕a provincial governor 省长牛津高阶〔governor〕a school governor 学校董事牛津高阶〔governor〕the Governor of Bangkok曼谷市市长外研社新世纪〔governor〕the Governor of Barbados巴巴多斯总督外研社新世纪〔governor〕the Governor of Massachusetts马萨诸塞州州长外研社新世纪〔governor〕the Governor of the Italian central bank意大利中央银行行长外研社新世纪〔governor〕the governor of Arizona 亚利桑那州州长牛津高阶〔governor〕the governor of California 加利福尼亚州州长麦克米伦高阶〔governor〕the governor of Texas 得克萨斯州州长剑桥高阶〔governor〕the governor of the Bank of China 中国银行行长英汉大词典〔governor〕the governor of the Bank of England 英格兰银行总裁牛津高阶〔governor〕the governor of the Bank of England 英格兰银行行长韦氏高阶〔governor〕the governor of the state of Florida 佛罗里达州州长韦氏高阶〔governor〕the Arizona governor 亚利桑那州州长牛津高阶〔governor〕the former governor of the colony 该殖民地的前总督牛津高阶〔governor〕the school governor 校长韦氏高阶〔hands-off〕a hands-off governor 百事不管的长官英汉大词典〔hand〕a hand recount of the vote for governor 人工重新统计选举州长的选票牛津搭配〔hereinbefore〕the oaths hereinbefore directed to be taken by the governor 前文指示应由州长所作的誓词英汉大词典〔impound〕a governor who impounded monies designated for the use of cities and towns.把指明用于城镇建设的钱冻结起来的地方官美国传统〔incumbency〕during sb.'s incumbency as governor 在某人担任州长期间英汉大词典〔interview〕an interview with the new Governor 对新任州长的访问牛津高阶〔involve〕evidence that involved the governor in the scandal.州长牵连进丑闻的证据美国传统〔outsider〕a political outsider who is running for governor 参加州长竞选的一个外来政客朗文当代〔out〕voted the incompetent governor out.投票罢免无能的州长美国传统〔progressive〕a progressive-minded governor 思想进步的州长英汉大词典〔race〕the race for governor 竞选州长韦氏高阶〔snap〕snapped the governor as she was getting into her car.当州长进入汽车时,为她拍了一张相片美国传统〔unendorsed〕a proposal as yet unendorsed by the governor 未经州长批准的建议英汉大词典〔win〕win for Governor 竞选州长获胜英汉大词典a BBC governor 英国广播公司董事牛津商务the governor of the Bank of England 英格兰银行行长牛津商务the new Bank of Japan governor 新的日本银行行长牛津商务




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