

单词 as opposed to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Apollonian〕In the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, of or embodying the power of critical reason as opposed to the creative-intuitive.批判推理的:弗雷德里希·尼采哲学中作为直觉创造反面的批判推理能力的,或包括该能力的美国传统〔Creole〕A Black slave born in the Americas as opposed to one brought from Africa.土生黑人:在美洲出生的黑人奴隶,与从非洲带来的黑人奴隶相对称美国传统〔Dionysian〕Often dionysian In the philosophy of Nietzsche, of or displaying creative-intuitive power as opposed to critical-rational power. 常作 dionysian 疯狂的:尼采哲学中显示同批判理性相对的创造性热情美国传统〔States-General〕A legislative assembly of representatives from the estates of the nation, as opposed to a provincial assembly.立法会议:一种有国家地位的代表组成的立法会议,区别于省议会美国传统〔aerology〕Meteorology of the total vertical extent of the atmosphere as opposed to the study of the atmosphere near Earth's surface.高空气象学:关于大气绝对垂直程度的气象学,与近地大气的研究相对美国传统〔animal〕A human being considered with respect to his or her physical, as opposed to spiritual, nature.兽性,动物性:一个人身体方面的特性,与精神和性情相对的方面美国传统〔anima〕The unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the persona, or outer aspect of the personality.灵气:人的无意识自我或真实的内在自我,与人的外在表现和外在性格相反美国传统〔antinomianism〕The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as opposed to fixed or universal.反律法主义:认为道德准则在意义上和实践上都是相对的,并不是固定的和普遍适用的美国传统〔birth family〕A family consisting of one's biological as opposed to adoptive parents and their offspring.亲生父母家庭:由新生父母而非养父母和其后代组成的家庭美国传统〔ciphertext〕A text in encrypted form, as opposed to the plain text.密文:用密码形式的文本,与明语电文相对美国传统〔civil law〕A system of law having its origin in Roman law, as opposed to common law or canon law.罗马法系,大陆法系:起源于罗马法的法律体系,相对于习惯法或教规而言美国传统〔classical〕Of or relating to music in the educated European tradition, such as symphony and opera, as opposed to popular or folk music.高雅音乐的,古典音乐的:欧洲有教养的上层社会传统的音乐的,如交响乐和歌剧,其对立于流行音乐或民间音乐美国传统〔clay〕The human body as opposed to the spirit.肉体:区别于精神的人的身体美国传统〔concrete〕Of or relating to a material thing or group of things as opposed to an abstraction.有形的:与一实质事物或一组物体有关的,与抽象的对称美国传统〔cross-grained〕Having an irregular, transverse, or diagonal grain, as opposed to a parallel grain.斜纹的:有不规则的、横向或斜向木纹的,与平行木纹相对称美国传统〔current income〕Investment income earned from interest, dividends, rent, and similar sources, as opposed to that derived from increases in asset value.流动收入,非固定收入:从利息、股息、房租及同样来源所赚来的投资收入,与从财产价值增加所得来的收入相对美国传统〔extroversion〕Interest in one's environment or in others as opposed to or to the exclusion of oneself.外倾:对环境或其它的如与自身相反的或自身以外的事物的兴趣美国传统〔extrovert〕An individual interested in others or in the environment as opposed to or to the exclusion of self.外倾性格的人:对其他人或环境如与自身相反的或之外的事物感兴趣的人美国传统〔fieldwork〕Work done or firsthand observations made in the field as opposed to that done or observed in a controlled environment.现场工作:在实地所做的工作或获得的第一手观察资料,与在可控环境下做的或观察到的东西相对美国传统〔flesh〕The body as opposed to the mind or soul.肉体:与精神或灵魂相对的身体美国传统〔handedness〕A preference for using one hand as opposed to the other.手性:用一只手而不用另一只手的习惯美国传统〔hard〕Metallic, as opposed to paper. Used of currency.金属的而非纸的。用于货币流通美国传统〔introverted〕Marked by interest in or preoccupation with oneself or one's own thoughts as opposed to others or the environment; shy or reserved.个性内向的:人的特征为兴趣或是盘据脑海的只有自己或是自己的想法;害羞或是排斥美国传统〔mankind〕Men as opposed to women.男人,与女人对称美国传统〔matter〕The substance of thought or expression as opposed to the manner in which it is stated or conveyed.思想的本质:与思维和表达的方式相悖的思想或表达的本质美国传统〔meat〕The edible flesh of animals, especially that of mammals as opposed to that of fish or poultry.(可食用的)肉:可食用肉,尤指(与鱼或家禽不同的)哺乳动物的肉美国传统〔natural language〕A human written or spoken language as opposed to a computer language.自然语言:人类写或说的语言,和计算机语言相对美国传统〔nous〕Reason and knowledge as opposed to sense perception.理性,知性:与感性相对的理性和知识美国传统〔opposed〕He was wearing a grey suit as opposed to his usual check sports jacket.他穿着一套灰色西服, 而不是平时穿的格子运动夹克。外研社新世纪〔opposed〕I'd prefer to go in May, as opposed to September.我更愿意5月份去,而不是9月份。剑桥高阶〔opposed〕Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from books.学生一起讨论想法,而不是单纯照搬课本。朗文当代〔opposed〕The cost of these planes is £3 million, as opposed to the £2 million charged by their competitors.这些飞机的价格是300万英镑,而不是他们的竞争者开出的200万英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔opposed〕The juvenile offender's misbehaviour should be well treated, as opposed to punished.对少年犯的不轨行为应妥善处置,而不是进行惩处。英汉大词典〔opposed〕We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.我们是在餐厅吃的饭,而不是在小饭馆。柯林斯高阶〔opposed〕We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.我们是在饭店里吃的饭, 不是在小酒馆里。外研社新世纪〔other-directed〕Directed or guided chiefly by external standards as opposed to one's own standards or values.没有自己主张的:受与自己本身标准或价值观相左的外界标准指导或支配的美国传统〔particularize〕To make particular as opposed to general or universal.使特殊化:使变得相对于一般或普遍较为特殊美国传统〔phenomenon〕In Kantian philosophy, the appearance of an object to the mind as opposed to its existence in and of itself, independent of the mind.现象:在康德哲学中,与其存在或其本身相对的在意识中物体的出现,不以意志为转移美国传统〔plain text〕The original form of a message as opposed to the encrypted form.明语电文:电文的与密码形式相对的原本形式美国传统〔positive〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being the simple uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb, as opposed to either the comparative or superlative.【语法】 原级的:形容词或副词与比较级及最高级的相对简单的原形的,或与这一原形有关的美国传统〔proposition〕Something that is expressed in a statement, as opposed to the way it is expressed.(命题中)相反的论述:在陈述中被表达出来的某事,如与被表达的方式相对的某事美国传统〔spoken〕The library holds recordings of the spoken word as opposed to music.图书馆收藏有口头语言而不是音乐的录音。剑桥高阶〔still〕Of or relating to a single or static photograph as opposed to a movie.静物摄影的:一张与电影相对的单张照片或静物照片的或与之有关的美国传统〔surface〕Apparent as opposed to real.明显不真实的美国传统〔systemic circulation〕The general circulation of the blood through the body, as opposed to the circulation of the blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart.系统循环:通过全身的血液大循环,与从心脏到脏到肺再回到心脏的血液循环相对而言美国传统〔text〕The original words of something written or printed, as opposed to a paraphrase, translation, revision, or condensation.原文:与意译,翻译,修订或缩写相对的手写或印刷的原文美国传统〔unguiculate〕Zoology Having nails or claws, as opposed to hooves. Used of mammals.【动物学】 有爪的:有指甲或爪的,与蹄相反。用于动物美国传统〔verso〕Abbr. v.,vo.Printing A left-hand page of a book or the reverse side of a leaf, as opposed to the recto.缩写 v.,vo.【印刷术】 (书的)左页:书中左连的书页或者与正面相反的一页的背面美国传统He hasn't mellowed (= made less strong) his views on soft drugs--he's as opposed to legalization as he ever was.他对低毒性毒品的态度没有软化,和以前一样,他一直反对这类毒品的合法化。剑桥国际I'd prefer to go on holiday in May, as opposed to (= rather than) September.我宁愿五月份去度假而不是九月份。剑桥国际




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