

单词 grounded on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ground on〕The government claimed that its policies were grounded on realities of situation and not on wishful thinking.该政府宣称,其政策是基于实际情况,而非主观愿望。21世纪英汉〔grounded〕His views are grounded on the assumption that all people are equal.他的观点建立在人人平等的假设之上。牛津高阶〔ground〕Both boats grounded on a mud bank.两只船都在滩涂上搁浅了。朗文当代〔ground〕Her argument is grounded on fact.她的论点是基于事实的。21世纪英汉〔ground〕His argument is grounded on fact.他的论据有事实作为根据。英汉大词典〔ground〕The boat grounded on the beach.那艘船搁浅在沙滩上。文馨英汉〔ground〕The boat finally grounded on a reef.船最终在一块暗礁上搁浅。外研社新世纪〔ground〕The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank.那条船最终在松软的水下浅滩搁浅了。柯林斯高阶〔ground〕The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall.渔船在康沃尔海岸外礁石上搁浅了。牛津高阶〔ground〕The oil tanker was grounded on a sandbank.油轮搁浅在一片沙滩上。剑桥高阶〔ground〕The ship was grounded on a sandbank.船在沙滩上搁浅。英汉大词典〔portion〕The enemy has surprised a large portion of the air force grounded on the airfields.敌人突然袭击了停在机场上的大批空军飞机。英汉大词典His views are grounded on a belief in the free market.他的观点以自由市场的信念为基础牛津商务My argument was grounded on my own experience. 我的论点有我自己的经验作为根据。译典通Our plans are grounded on the results of feasibility study. 我们的计划是建立在可行性研究结果上的。译典通The oil tanker was grounded on (= hit some ground under the water and could not move off) a sandbank.这艘油轮搁浅于沙滩上。剑桥国际




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