

单词 hem
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WRONG〕I turned the jeans inside out to repair the hem. 我把牛仔裤翻过来,缝补褶边。朗文写作活用〔adrift〕The hem of my skirt's come adrift again.我的裙子褶边又散开了。剑桥高阶〔band〕The dress has an embroidered band at the hem.这件连衣裙的下摆有一道刺绣花边。韦氏高阶〔band〕There is a band of white near the hem of the dress.连衣裙下摆处有一道白色织带。韦氏高阶〔baste〕She basted the hem of the dress.她用长针脚疏缝了连衣裙的褶边。韦氏高阶〔besiege〕To crowd around; hem in.拥挤在周围;包围住美国传统〔bind〕The seamstress bound the hem of the dress with a ruffle.女裁缝用褶裥饰边给女上衣镶边。21世纪英汉〔bodkin〕A blunt needle for pulling tape or ribbon through a series of loops or a hem.粗针:用于将带或带状物拉过环或圈的钝针美国传统〔catch up〕The hem of her dress was caught up with ribbons.她的裙摆用丝带向上挽着。外研社新世纪〔chromoprotein〕A conjugated protein, such as hemoglobin, that contains a colored, metal-containing prosthetic group, such as heme.色蛋白:结合的蛋白质,如血红蛋白,包括一个有色并含金属的辅成基,如血红素美国传统〔drawstring〕A cord or ribbon run through a hem or casing and pulled to tighten or close an opening.束带:穿入衣边或嵌条套的线绳或带子,用以拉紧或闭合开口美国传统〔fold〕She folded over the edge of the fabric to make a hem.她把那块布的一边折起做成褶边。韦氏高阶〔frill〕The dress had frills around the hem and sleeves.这条连衣裙在裙边和袖子上都有一圈荷叶边。韦氏高阶〔godet〕A triangular piece of fabric usually set into the hem of a garment to add fullness.三角固边:一块三角形的布料,通常缝制于服装的折边以增加服装的充实度美国传统〔hang〕To alter the hem of (a garment) so as to fall evenly at a specified height.修改衣服边缘:修改(女裙)的下摆以使它最终有一个特定的长度美国传统〔hedge〕To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge.围住,包围:用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍美国传统〔hem and haw〕He began to hem and haw when I asked about his wife.我一问到他的妻子,他支支吾吾回答不出来了。21世纪英汉〔hem out〕It is not wise to hem out the dissidents.排斥异己者并不是明智的做法。21世纪英汉〔hem〕I need to hem those curtains.我得给那些窗帘缝上褶边。剑桥高阶〔hem〕I took the hem up/let the hem down.我把褶边改短/放长。剑桥高阶〔hem〕They hem in the child with endless rules and restrictions.他们利用没完没了的规定来限制那个孩子。朗文当代〔hem〕To utter a hem.清嗓子美国传统〔hem〕Turn under and hem the outer edges.翻下来缝外侧的边。柯林斯高阶〔hem〕Turn under and hem the outer edges.翻过来并在外侧缝上褶边。外研社新世纪〔let down〕The hem needs to be let down an inch.褶边需要放出1英寸。外研社新世纪〔lift〕Lift your foot up: you're standing on the hem of my trousers.请把你的脚抬一抬:你踩住我的裤边了。英汉大词典〔machine〕I've almost finished making the curtains - I just have to machine the hem.窗帘我已经做得差不多了——只需用缝纫机缝一下边。剑桥高阶〔nip〕The hem of her skirt was nipped in the door of the lift.她的裙子边被电梯门夹住了。21世纪英汉〔pocket〕Sports To hem in (a competitor) in a race.【体育运动】 比赛时包围(与赛者)美国传统〔prosthetic group〕The nonprotein component of a conjugated protein, as the heme group in hemoglobin.弥补基:接合蛋白质的非蛋白部分,比如血红蛋白的血组织美国传统〔ravel out〕When the hem is worn the whole garment will ravel out.褶边磨损后, 整件衣服都会散掉。外研社新世纪〔ring〕To hem in (animals) by riding in a circle around them.套住:通过在动物周围转圈骑马而包围他们美国传统〔ruck〕The lower hem of his new overcoat rucked up.他的新大衣的下摆起皱了。21世纪英汉〔sag〕The hem of her skirt is sagging on the left side.她裙的左面褶边松垂下来。英汉大词典〔scalloped〕Her skirt had a scalloped hem.她的裙子上饰有扇形花边。韦氏高阶〔scrape〕The coat was too long; the hem scraped the pavement.大衣太长,下摆都拖到人行道上了。朗文当代〔seam〕The seam of her tunic was split from armpit to hem.她的无袖衫线缝从腋窝到褶边开线了。外研社新世纪〔skirt〕I lifted the hem of my skirt.我提起裙摆。牛津搭配〔splatter〕The hem of her skirt was splattered with mud.她的裙子下摆溅到了污泥。外研社新世纪〔tack〕Tack the hem and I'll sew it later.用粗缝针脚缝个贴边, 我以后会缝好。外研社新世纪〔thread〕A thread was hanging from the hem of her coat.她的衣角挂着一段线头。韦氏高阶〔trim〕I trimmed two centimetres off the hem of the skirt.我把裙子的下摆剪短了两厘米。牛津高阶〔unpick〕You can always unpick the hems on the dungarees if you don't like them.你要是不喜欢工作服上的褶边, 随时都可以拆掉。外研社新世纪〔unpick〕You can always unpick the hems on the dungarees if you don't like them.如果你不喜欢,你可以把工作服的褶边拆掉。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕It can be sewn into curtain hems to weight the curtain and so allow it to hang better.可以把它缝到窗帘的褶边里增加重量,使窗帘更有垂感。柯林斯高阶I've almost finished making the curtains--I just have to machine the hem (= stitch it with a (sewing) machine).窗帘我已做得差不多了----只需用缝纫机缝一下边缘。剑桥国际I've just tacked the hem of this dress to check the length.我刚把裙子的下摆粗缝好,看看它的长短是否合适。剑桥国际If the curtains are too long, you can always take the hem up/let the hem down (=make them shorter/longer).如果窗帘太长,你可以把边改短一些/放长一点。剑桥国际Oh, you can't guess the number of regulations that hem us in.哦,你无法猜想限制我们的规则有多少。剑桥国际The hem of my skirt's come adrift again.我裙子的褶边又松开了。剑桥国际The sari had gold strands threaded through the material at the hem.莎丽绸的贴边上穿着金线。剑桥国际The skirt had two rows of red braid round the hem.裙子下摆附近有两条红色镶边。剑桥国际The stitching along my coat hem is coming undone.我外套褶边上的针脚松开了。剑桥国际The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress. 裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。译典通This hem hasn't been sewn properly -- it's all puckered (up).这条褶边缝得不好----都皱了起来。剑桥国际This skirt is too short/long, I'll have to take down/up the hem.这条裙子太短/长了,我得把下摆放长/收短一点。剑桥国际




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