

单词 helped
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔assassination〕a man who helped foil an assassination attempt against the French President一名协助挫败暗杀法国总统企图的男子外研社新世纪〔bury〕soldiers who helped to bury the dead in large communal graves.帮忙把死者安葬在大型公共墓地的士兵们柯林斯高阶〔by-your-leave〕rudely helped herself to the dessert without a by-your-leave.未经许可她就自顾自地吃起甜品美国传统〔crime〕evidence that helped them solve the crime 帮助他们破案的证据韦氏高阶〔downsize〕a consultant who's helped dozens of companies downsize.已协助数十家公司缩小规模的顾问柯林斯高阶〔downsize〕a consultant who's helped dozens of companies downsize曾协助很多公司裁减人员的顾问外研社新世纪〔efface〕an event that has helped efface the country's traditional image.帮助该国改变了以往形象改观的事件柯林斯高阶〔eviscerate〕something that has helped crush stock prices and eviscerate pension plans为打压股票价格和削弱退休金计划推波助澜的事情外研社新世纪〔hang on〕a flight stewardess who helped save the life of a pilot by hanging onto his legs.紧紧抓住飞行员的双腿而救了他一命的空中女乘务员柯林斯高阶〔help〕a fine sense of rhythm that helped (or aided ) the student in learning music. Help, however, sometimes conveys a stronger suggestion of effectual action: 有助于(或用 aided )学生学习音乐的良好的节奏感。 但是help 有时所表达的有效行动的意味更为强烈一些: 美国传统〔heroically〕the man whose aerial heroics helped save the helicopter pilot.以空中的英雄壮举拯救了直升机飞行员的人柯林斯高阶〔mechanize〕an invention that helped to mechanize agriculture 有助于农业机械化的发明韦氏高阶〔mundane〕prayer and meditation helped her put her mundane worries aside 祈祷和冥想帮助她摆脱世俗的烦恼。韦氏高阶〔small〕made a small living; helped the cause in my own small way.过简朴日子;用我自己微不足道的方式来帮助完成事业美国传统〔spurn〕spurn away those who had helped him to power 把那些帮助他上台掌权的人一脚踢开英汉大词典〔win〕the man who helped win the Cup for Arsenal 为阿森纳奴队赢得足总杯赛的男人朗文当代




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