

单词 gun
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUT〕In the US it is normal for the police to carry guns, but not in Britain. 在美国,警察带枪是很正常的,但在英国就不行。朗文写作活用〔CRAZY〕Put that gun down! Are you totally crazy? 把枪放下!你是真疯了?朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕Two men with guns burst in and told us to lie on the floor. 两名持枪男子闯进来叫我们躺在地上。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕He had the gun pointed at my head. I was absolutely petrified. 他把枪对着我的脑袋。我都吓呆了。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕There are so many people with guns these days, it's really frightening. 如今这么多人拥有枪支,真可怕。朗文写作活用〔ILLEGAL〕In Britain, it's against the law to own a gun without having a licence. 在英国,无证持有枪支是违法的。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕Japan has very strict laws against guns and drugs. 日本对于枪支和毒品管理有非常严格的法规。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕The current gun laws vary from state to state. 各个州的现行枪支法都不同。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The noise was tremendous; bombs, guns, and engines mingled in discordant sound. 噪声震耳欲聋——炸弹声、枪声和引擎声交织成刺耳的声音。朗文写作活用〔Maxim gun〕An early, single-barreled, water-cooled machine gun.马克沁式重机枪:早期的一种单一枪管的、水冷式的机枪美国传统〔NEAR〕A lot of people in the States have a gun handy at night and when they travel. 许多美国人在夜间或出行的时候都放一把枪在身边。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕The agency in charge of enforcing Mexico's gun laws declined requests for an interview. 负责执行墨西哥州枪支管理法的部门拒绝接受采访。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕The parcel contained a gun that had been taken to pieces. 包裹里面是一把拆开了的枪。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕Make sure you hold the gun steady and shoot straight. 一定要把枪端稳,瞄准打过去。朗文写作活用〔SHOUT〕The man pulled a gun, and two of the women near me started screaming. 那人拔出一把枪,我身边的两个女人就尖叫了起来。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕She pointed her gun at him, ordering him out of the room. 她用枪指着他,命令他走出房间。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕Police have discovered an arsenal of guns and ammunition in a London house. 警方在伦敦一幢房子里发现了一批枪支和弹药。朗文写作活用〔WORKING〕The guns were all clean and in good working order. 这些枪都干干净净,性能良好。朗文写作活用〔act〕He saw Jones in the act of snatching a gun.他看见琼斯一把抓起枪。外研社新世纪〔aggression〕Do toy guns encourage aggression? 玩具枪会助长好斗情绪吗?牛津搭配〔armoury〕They went on to storm the fort's armoury to grab guns and rocket-launchers.他们继续猛烈攻击这座堡垒的军械库以抢夺枪支和火箭弹发射器。外研社新世纪〔as a last resort〕British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort.英国警方只有在万不得已的时候才能开枪。剑桥高阶〔back away〕The robber pointed a gun at the policeman and told him to back away slowly.劫匪用枪对着警察,叫他慢慢向后退。韦氏高阶〔backfire〕The backward escape of gases or cartridge fragments when a gun is fired.后爆:枪发射时,气体或弹片的向后泄出美国传统〔bad〕Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us.即便我们的炮弹没有落在自己人身上,情况也已经够糟糕的了。牛津搭配〔bad〕Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us.本来情况就够糟的了,偏偏我们自己的大炮又向我们开起火来。牛津高阶〔battery〕They stopped beside a battery of abandoned guns.他们在一处废弃的排炮旁停了下来。外研社新世纪〔battle〕A police officer was injured in a gun battle that took place last night.一名警员在昨夜发生的枪战中受了伤。韦氏高阶〔beanbag〕A small folded bag filled with lead pellets, used as ammunition in a stun gun.子弹小袋,豆弹小袋:装满铅弹的小折叠袋,用作鸟枪的子弹美国传统〔bear upon〕The guns bore upon the enemy's forts.炮火猛烈袭击敌人的堡垒。21世纪英汉〔blaze〕Suddenly guns blazed out on the dark plain.黑暗的平原上忽然炮声大作。英汉大词典〔blaze〕The armoured infantry-carriers followed, guns blazing.装甲步兵车跟在后面, 不停地开枪扫射。外研社新世纪〔blow away〕He'd like to get hold of a gun and blow them all away.他想有一支枪, 把他们统统枪毙。外研社新世纪〔bolster up〕To bolster up their case, they quoted a speech by Ray Gun.为了支持自己的观点, 他们引用了雷伊·冈的话。外研社新世纪〔bulge〕The gun made a bulge under his jacket.手枪从他的夹克里面鼓了出来。朗文当代〔burp gun〕A lightweight portable submachine gun.冲锋枪:一种轻型手提机枪美国传统〔carry〕Police officers in Britain do not usually carry guns.英国警察通常不带枪。剑桥高阶〔chase〕The part of a gun in front of the trunnions.炮膛:炮上的炮耳之前的部分美国传统〔check〕They run a police check on all applicants for a gun licence.他们让警察检查所有申请持枪许可证的人。麦克米伦高阶〔commission〕If a person uses a gun in the commission of a crime, then he should be given an additional penalty.如果有人持枪犯罪的话, 那么就应该从重处罚他。外研社新世纪〔congress〕Both houses of Congress have rejected the recent presidential proposal on gun control.国会两院否决了总统最近关于枪支的提案。剑桥高阶〔corvette〕An obsolete sailing warship, smaller than a frigate, usually armed with one tier of guns.平甲板帆舰:一种旧式帆舰,比护卫舰小,通常装有一层炮美国传统〔crime〕Gun crime is just part of an increasingly lawless society.涉枪犯罪只是法纪日益缺失的社会的一个方面。牛津搭配〔deafen〕He was deafened by the noise from the gun.他被枪声震聋了。柯林斯高阶〔destroyer〕A small, fast, highly maneuverable warship armed with guns, torpedoes, depth charges, and guided missiles.驱逐舰:一种小型、快速、高度武装的战舰,装备着火炮、鱼雷、深水炸弹和制导导弹等美国传统〔detach〕Two soldiers were struggling to detach the machine gun from its mount.两名士兵正奋力把机枪从底座上拆下来。麦克米伦高阶〔dirty〕When I turned round he was pointing a dirty great gun at me.我转过身来,他以一支老大的枪对准我。牛津高阶〔discharge into〕The policeman discharged his gun into the air.警察朝天开枪。21世纪英汉〔draw〕Maria drew her gun nervously and peered out into the gloom.玛丽亚不安地抽出手枪,朝外面的黑暗处仔细瞧着。朗文当代〔drip〕The hand that held the gun was dripping with sweat.拿枪的手汗水直往下滴。朗文当代〔elevate〕Jack elevated the gun at the sky.杰克朝天举枪。柯林斯高阶〔embrasure〕A flared opening for a gun in a wall or parapet.枪眼,炮眼:在墙或护墙上开的用于射击的洞口美国传统〔evidence〕No guns were produced in evidence.没有拿出任何枪来作为证据。外研社新世纪〔expel〕A bullet was expelled from the gun.一颗子弹从枪中射出。英汉大词典〔fire〕He fired his gun into the air.他朝天鸣枪。剑桥高阶〔fire〕He fired the gun into the air.他朝天鸣枪。牛津搭配〔fire〕The gun wouldn't fire.枪打不响。英汉大词典〔fly apart〕The gun flew apart when I fired it, and wounded my hand.我射击时,枪爆炸成碎片,伤了我的手。21世纪英汉〔force〕I forced the gun from his hand.我从他手中夺下了枪。英汉大词典〔get away〕I tried to get the gun away from him.我试图把枪从他身上拿走。外研社新世纪〔go off〕The gun went off accidentally.枪走火了。外研社新世纪〔grab〕I managed to grab the gun from Bowen.我从鲍恩手里把枪夺了过来。朗文当代〔grab〕Kate grabbed for the robber's gun.凯特拚命去夺抢劫者的枪。牛津高阶〔group〕The gun grouped beautifully.弹着点很集中,打得漂亮。英汉大词典〔gun control〕He is a social conservative and an opponent of gun control.他是一个社会保守主义者,反对枪支管制。剑桥高阶〔gunman〕A man skilled in the use of a gun.射手:能熟练地使用枪枝的人美国传统〔gunner〕A member of the armed forces who operates a gun.炮手:武装部队中操纵大炮的人美国传统〔gunshot〕Shot fired from a gun.枪射出的子弹美国传统〔gun〕His speech was the opening gun of the campaign.他的讲话是竞选活动开始的信号。英汉大词典〔gun〕I admire her for the way she sticks to her guns.我钦佩她坚持自己观点的态度。英汉大词典〔gun〕I could see he was carrying a gun.我看到他带着一把枪。朗文当代〔gun〕My big brother taught me about gun safety.我的哥哥教我枪支使用安全知识。牛津搭配〔gun〕Newspapers both at home and abroad began to jump the gun and talk about impeachment.国内外报纸开始过早地谈论弹劾。英汉大词典〔gun〕Pilots will not be allowed to have guns in the cockpits of commercial aircraft.在商用飞机驾驶舱里, 飞行员不允许带枪。外研社新世纪〔gun〕Suddenly the officer pulled a gun on them.掏出枪瞄准某人麦克米伦高阶〔gun〕The gun went off by accident.枪走火了。牛津高阶〔gun〕The starting gun blasted and they were off.发令枪响了,他们冲了出去。柯林斯高阶〔handle〕Have you ever handled a gun before? 你以前打过枪吗?剑桥高阶〔handle〕I wanted someone who could handle a gun, just in case.我想找一个会使枪的人, 以防万一。外研社新世纪〔held〕She held a gun on him and told him to get out.她用枪指着他,让他滚蛋。21世纪英汉〔hip〕He carried a gun on his hip.他腰挂手枪。文馨英汉〔house〕The gun is housed under a tarpaulin cover.枪用防水油纸包好收了起来。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕The gun was found to be an imitation.那支枪被发现是仿制品。外研社新世纪〔in plain sight〕He carried his gun in plain sight.他把枪佩带在显眼的地方。韦氏高阶〔ipso facto〕You admit you fired the gun and we now know that the shot killed the victim so you are, ipso facto, responsible for his death.你承认开过枪,而现在我们知道这一枪杀死了受害人,因此根据事实你应对他的死负责。剑桥高阶〔jam〕He fired one shot before his gun jammed.他只开了一枪,枪就卡住了。麦克米伦高阶〔jam〕His gun has jammed.他的枪卡住了。文馨英汉〔know〕The soldiers – all of whom we knew as neighbours – stood around pointing guns at us.那些士兵——那些我们视之为邻居的人——站在周围用枪指着我们。外研社新世纪〔know〕The soldiers — all of whom we knew as neighbours — stood around pointing guns at us.那些士兵——我们都视之为邻居的人——站在四周用枪指着我们。柯林斯高阶〔level〕Black, rising to his feet again, was coolly levelling the gun at him.布莱克再次站起身来, 沉着地将枪口瞄准他。外研社新世纪〔light〕They used light machine guns and AK forty-sevens.他们用了轻机枪和AK–47突击步枪。外研社新世纪〔litmus test〕The party is using attitudes about gun control as a litmus test for political candidates.这个政党把对控制枪支的态度视为检验党内候选人的试金石。韦氏高阶〔loose〕All the machine guns cut loose with their bullets.所有的机枪都猛烈地喷射出子弹。英汉大词典〔lure〕He lured her to his home and shot her with his father's gun.他把她哄到家里, 用他父亲的枪打死了她。外研社新世纪〔marooned〕Ben Gunn, the mad marooned sailor本•冈恩, 那个被遗弃在岛上的疯疯癫癫的水手外研社新世纪〔metal detector〕A gatelike structure through which a person passes, used in detecting concealed weapons such as guns and knives.金属探测门:让人通过的门状装置,用以侦测例如刀枪等藏匿的武器美国传统〔midst〕Angelo laid the gun carefully on the table, in the midst of brochures and other papers.安杰洛小心翼翼地把枪放在桌上的一堆小册子和文件中间。外研社新世纪〔mow〕Machine guns mowed down the attackers.机关枪扫灭了进攻者。英汉大词典〔offence〕New legislation makes it an offence to carry guns.新法律规定持枪为犯罪行为。牛津高阶〔offer〕They held a gun to his head and made him an offer he couldn't refuse.他们举枪对着他的脑袋, 提出了一个他不得不照办的要求。外研社新世纪〔outgrow〕He eventually outgrew his adolescent interest in war and guns.他少年时期对战争和枪炮的兴趣终于不复存在了。剑桥高阶〔outlaw〕The bill would have outlawed several types of guns.这项法案将把几种枪列为非法枪支。朗文当代〔pass for〕Children's toy guns now look so realistic that they can often pass for the real thing.如今孩子们的玩具枪非常逼真, 常常会被误认为是真枪。外研社新世纪〔passage〕The passage of heavy guns had left deep ruts in the field.重型大炮碾过,在地上留下了深深的车辙。麦克米伦高阶〔permit〕A permit is required to own a gun.拥有枪支需要持有许可证。韦氏高阶〔person〕Customs officers found a gun concealed about his person.海关人员发现他身上藏着一把枪。朗文当代〔pinch〕The police found the gun when they made the pinch.警察搜捕时发现了枪。英汉大词典〔pintle〕A hook or a bolt on the rear of a towing vehicle for attaching a gun or trailer.牵引挂钩:一种挂钩或轴,可在拖车后装炮或拖斗美国传统〔pod〕A streamlined external housing that encloses engines, machine guns, or fuel.流线形的外壳:包住发动机、机枪或燃料的流线形的外壳美国传统〔point〕A gun was pointed at his head.一把枪对着他的头。韦氏高阶〔point〕Don't point that gun (your finger) at me.不要把枪对着(用手指指着)我。英汉大词典〔point〕He pointed the gun at her head.他举枪对准了她的头。牛津高阶〔pop〕The children were popping off their toy guns.孩子们在开玩具枪。英汉大词典〔pot〕He potted at rabbits with his new gun.他用新枪随手射击兔子。英汉大词典〔prime〕To prepare (a gun or mine) for firing by inserting a charge of gunpowder or a primer.装填火药:为(枪或地雷)装火药或导火索使其准备射击美国传统〔proponent〕He is a leading proponent of gun control.他是枪支管制的主要支持者。韦氏高阶〔pull〕She raised the gun, and pulled the trigger.她举起枪,扣动了扳机。朗文当代〔pull〕To fire the gun, just pull the trigger.开枪只需扣一下扳机就可以了。21世纪英汉〔quantity〕Police found quantities of drugs and guns in the house.警方在这栋房子里发现了大量毒品和枪支。韦氏高阶〔quick〕Quick as a flash, he pulled the gun out of its holster.飞快地麦克米伦高阶〔quoin〕A wedge used to raise the level of a gun.用来提高枪炮高度的楔形物美国传统〔rake〕Planes dropped bombs and raked the beach with machine gun fire.飞机投下炸弹,并用机关枪扫射海滩。柯林斯高阶〔range〕The ship was in/out of range of our guns.那艘船在我们的射程之内/外。剑桥高阶〔range〕To align (a gun, for example) with a target.瞄准:把(枪枝)的准星与目标对齐美国传统〔re-tread〕Its lyrics retread the themes of guns, murder, robbery and drugs.这首歌的歌词重复了枪支、谋杀、抢劫、毒品这几个主题。外研社新世纪〔ready to hand〕The sheriff slept with his gun ready to hand under his pillow.治安官睡觉时把枪放在枕头底下,伸手就能拿出来。剑桥高阶〔ready〕The troops advanced with their guns at the ready.荷枪实弹的士兵们向前进发。外研社新世纪〔rest〕He rested his gun against the wall.他把枪靠在墙上。文馨英汉〔reverberate〕A second later the interior of the car reverberated with the report of a gun.一秒钟之后,车厢内部枪声震响。英汉大词典〔right-on〕Not avant-garde, with-it, right-on, or gung ho, I improvise several reasons for not having seen any of the new films.本人因为决非先锋派,决非赶潮流或赶时髦人物,也不是狂热分子,所以会即兴凑出几条理由为自己不看新电影作解释。英汉大词典〔rivet〕He pulled out a gun and I was riveted to the spot (= so frightened that I could not move).他拔出了枪,我简直被吓呆了。剑桥高阶〔roam〕Young men roamed the streets brandishing guns.年轻人挥舞着枪在街头游荡。麦克米伦高阶〔round〕There was only one round left in the gun.枪里仅剩一发子弹。韦氏高阶〔rumble〕The guns rumbled in the distance.远处炮声隆隆。英汉大词典〔run〕We know of several groups who are running guns into the country.我们听说有几个正在把枪支偷运到那个国家的团伙。麦克米伦高阶〔rush〕They made a rush at him to get his gun.他们猛地扑向他去抢他的枪。剑桥高阶〔salute〕Full military honours and a 21-gun salute (= 21 guns fired at the same time) marked his funeral.他的葬礼是最高规格的军葬礼,鸣21响礼炮。剑桥高阶〔scatter〕The birds scattered at the sound of the gun.枪声一响鸟群受惊飞散。英汉大词典〔secrete〕She secreted the gun in the kitchen cabinet.她把枪藏在橱柜里。柯林斯高阶〔shake〕The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him.上校挥舞着枪冲向厄尔。外研社新世纪〔shot〕Two shots rang out (=could be heard), and security guards rushed over, guns drawn.听到两声枪响,保安人员就拔枪冲了过去。朗文当代〔simultaneously〕The two guns fired almost simultaneously.两支枪几乎同时开火。柯林斯高阶〔slide〕He slid the gun into his pocket.他悄悄地把枪滑进口袋。朗文当代〔sloop of war〕A small, armed vessel larger than a gunboat, carrying guns on one deck only.小军舰:一种小型的武装船只,比炮艇大,在一层甲板上装有火炮美国传统〔smoking gun〕The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the smoking gun they needed to prove he'd been involved in the conspiracy.录音带为检察官们提供了他们所需要的确凿证据,证明他参与了这一阴谋。剑桥高阶〔son of a gun〕I had to bring the car to the shop. The son of a gun broke down again.我得把车送到修理厂。这辆破车又坏了。韦氏高阶〔son of a gun〕Son of a gun, I lost a button.糟了,我掉了一粒纽扣。韦氏高阶〔spatter〕Bullets of machine guns spattered the river.机枪子弹扫射河面。英汉大词典〔split〕The party finally split over the issue of gun control.这个党派最终在枪支管控问题上产生了严重分化。牛津搭配〔sponson〕Nautical Any of several structures that project from the side of a boat or ship, especially a gun platform.【航海】 舷台:从船或舰侧凸出的结构,尤其作为枪炮台美国传统〔spot〕No one spotted that the gun was a fake.没有人留意到那是一支假枪。牛津高阶〔squarely〕I kept the gun aimed squarely at his eyes.我一直将枪径直瞄准他的双眼。柯林斯高阶〔squirrel away〕He squirreled his gun away under a rock.他把他的枪藏在了一块岩石下。21世纪英汉〔starting gun〕As soon as she heard the starting gun, she took off running.她一听到发令枪响就起跑了。韦氏高阶〔starting gun〕The official fired the starting gun and the runners were off.发令员打响发令枪,赛跑者们冲了出去。韦氏高阶〔stitch〕They were stitched by machine gun bullets.他们被机枪子弹连连射中。英汉大词典〔strap〕He strapped his gun belt on.他系上了枪带。牛津搭配〔struggle〕They struggled for possession of the gun.他们拼命争抢那把枪。朗文当代〔stutter〕Once more the machine gun stuttered.机枪又一次突突地打响。英汉大词典〔surrender〕They surrendered their guns to the pol ice.他们向警察交出了枪。牛津高阶〔swivel〕The gun was mounted on a swivel.火炮置于转环上。韦氏高阶〔swoop〕She swooped a small gun and pointed at me.她突然掏出一把小手枪并指向我。21世纪英汉〔tank destroyer〕A high-speed armored vehicle equipped with antitank guns.反坦克装甲车:一种装备有反坦克炮的高速美国传统〔tank〕An enclosed, heavily armored combat vehicle that is mounted with cannon and guns and moves on caterpillar treads.坦克:一种封闭式并有厚层装甲防护的战斗车辆,上面装有大炮和机枪,在履带上行进美国传统〔terreplein〕A platform or level ground surface on which heavy guns are mounted.垒道:架炮用的平台或平的地面美国传统〔terrified〕He was terrified of being killed in a gun fight.他很害怕死于枪战。21世纪英汉〔threaten〕She threatened him with a gun.她用枪威胁他。牛津搭配〔thunder〕She heard the sound of the guns thundering in the fog.她听到雾中传来隆隆的枪炮声。柯林斯高阶〔tote〕The building was surrounded with bodyguards toting sub-machine guns.大楼周围有很多手持冲锋枪的保镖。剑桥高阶〔train on〕He trained his gun on the enemy.他把枪对准敌人21世纪英汉〔train〕With five guns suddenly trained on him, he was understandably nervous.5把枪突然对准他时,他感到紧张也就不足为奇了。剑桥高阶〔turn on〕He turned his gun on the robber.他把枪对准强盗。21世纪英汉〔turn tail〕As soon as they saw we had guns, they turned tail and ran away.他们一看见我们有枪就转身逃走了。剑桥高阶〔turn〕The army turned their guns on (= pointed them at and started to shoot at) the protesters.军队朝抗议者开枪。剑桥高阶〔waistband〕He had a gun tucked into the waistband of his trousers.他裤腰上别了一把枪。剑桥高阶〔weapon〕He insisted the gun hadn't been out of the house and therefore could not be the death weapon.他坚持说那支枪根本没出屋子,因此不可能是杀人凶器。英汉大词典〔zap〕A guard zapped him with the stun gun.一名警卫用眩晕枪击中了他。柯林斯高阶As soon as they saw we had guns, they turned tail (= turned round) and ran away.一看到我们有枪, 他们转身就跑了。剑桥国际He aimed the gun at the door. 他把枪对准那扇门。译典通He suddenly pulled a gun on me and said he'd shoot me if I didn't give him my bag.他突然拔出枪对准我说,我要是不把我的包给他,他就打死我。剑桥国际He taught Mary how to shoot a gun. 他教玛丽如何射击。译典通He was going great guns. 他正在迈向成功。译典通In situations like this, she wished she had a gun or some lethal weapon. 在这种情况下,她真希望自己有一把枪或什么致命武器。译典通It blew great guns yesterday. 昨天刮大风。译典通Power grows from the barrel of a gun, opined Mao Tse-tung.毛泽东说,枪杆子里面出政权。剑桥国际She dived (= moved her hand quickly) into her jacket pocket and pulled out a gun.她的手迅速伸进茄克衫的口袋里,掏出了一把枪。剑桥国际The gun was primed and ready. 这砲已装上火药,准备就绪。译典通The anti-aircraft guns riddled the the plane's wings with bullets.高射机枪用子弹将飞机的机翼打得满是窟窿。剑桥国际The cowboy reached for his gun and said “Reach for the skies (= put your hands up).” 牛仔伸手拔枪并说道“举起手”。剑桥国际The detective believes the missing gun is the key to the mystery. 那侦探认为那把丢失的枪是侦破这宗疑案的线索。译典通The identity of the fingerprints on the gun proved that he was the killer. 留在枪上的指纹证实他就是杀人者。译典通The police discovered a rich assortment of guns and explosives at the terrorist's house.警方在恐怖分子住处发现大量各种各样的枪支和炸药。剑桥国际The signal for a race to start is often the firing of a gun.赛跑开始的信号通常是鸣枪。剑桥国际The suggestion that the gun was fired accidentally seems to contain at least a grain of (= a small amount of) truth.枪支走火的说法至少似乎有点真实性。剑桥国际These guns will destroy or disable (= stop from working) any incoming missile.这些大炮将把任何射过来的导弹摧毁或令其失去作用。剑桥国际They have been lobbying Congress to change the legislation concerning guns.他们一直在游说国会修改有关枪支的立法。剑桥国际They heard the guns blasting away all night (= firing loudly and continuously).他们听到枪炮声响了一整夜。剑桥国际They tried in vain to take the gun away from him.他们想将他的手枪下掉,但是没有成功。剑桥国际We could see a man prostrate on the ground with two policemen standing over him holding guns.我们可以看见一个男人俯卧在地上,而两个警察站在他身边,手里拿着枪。剑桥国际We entered a dark cavern redolent with manly scents -- gun oil and cigar smoke and boot polish.我们进入一个昏暗的洞穴,里面充满了男人的气味----枪油、雪茄烟味和擦靴子油味。剑桥国际




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